28A Elections: the LGBT + proposals of the parties

28A LGTB Elections + Vote with pride 28A Elections: the LGBT + proposals of the parties

Elections 28A: #VotaConOrgullo

GAYLES.TV.- A few days before the general elections of 28 in April we have dived into the programs of the parties to know their proposals in LGTB + matters. After a boring debate and another rough one in which there was hardly any mention of the collective, we wanted to know what are the ideas on sexual diversity of the four main parties.

Next we offer you a copy paste of your LGTB + initiatives so that the next 28A will vote with pride.


Discrimination caused by sexual orientation, gender identity or sexual characteristics of people, despite the progress made in recent years, through the approval of the law that allowed equal marriage or the Gender Identity Law , continues to be present in our society in areas such as employment, education, health, access to certain goods and services and the commission of hate crimes motivated by the sexual orientation or gender identity of its victims.

In order to face this type of discrimination, we will adopt a series of measures that guarantee the full enjoyment of the rights of LGBTI persons:

  • Approve a Law against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, which establishes specific measures to combat discrimination on these grounds in the field of health, education, employment and occupation, social services and access to the goods and services available to the public.
  • We will guarantee access to techniques of assisted human reproduction, without any discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and marital status.
  • We will ensure that the registration of the children of lesbian women couples, conceived through the techniques of assisted human reproduction admitted in our legal system, occurs without any discrimination in relation to heterosexual couples who use the same techniques.
  • In line with our commitment to extend protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and sexual characteristics, we will improve the study and attention of international protection applications based on persecution for these reasons and we will strengthen training in this field of the personnel that intervenes in the processing and resolution of the files, guaranteeing the safety of these people in the Temporary Immigrant Stay Centers
  • Promote the adoption by the educational authorities of protocols designed to prevent transphobic and homophobic harassment and favor the treatment of trans people in educational centers according to their gender identity.
  • Promote the approval of specific care protocols for the elderly and with LGBTI disability that take into account their specific needs.

Promote the study of the phenomenon of violence suffered by LGBTI persons in the family environment, as well as that produced within same-sex couples, with a view to adopting specific measures for the effective protection of their victims.

  • Improve the training of public employees, especially the security forces and personnel at the service of the administration of justice, in terms of respect for sexual-affective and family diversity.
  • Collaborate with social movements in the celebration of the commemorative dates of the struggle for equal treatment and non-discrimination of LGBTI persons, as well as in the recovery of the memory of the struggle for the rights of this group.
  • Promote the creation and functioning of the Council for the Participation of LGBTI Persons.

The situation of transgender people has proved to be of particular concern in different areas, for example, according to the latest available data, the unemployment rate of these people is around 85%, which justifies the adoption of measures of specific character for this population, ranging from facilitating their transition process, to those designed to facilitate their living conditions. For it:

  • In compliance with the recommendations of different international organizations (for example, Resolution 2048 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe of 22 of April of 2015), we will promote the reform of the Gender Identity Law, eliminating the requirements related to medical diagnoses and facilitating the change of the registered mention to the sex and the name of the minors of 16 years and the foreigners with legal residence in Spain in their identification documentation, as well as the elimination of the obligation of determination of sex in the case of minors intersex.
  • We will adopt specific measures for the socio-labor insertion of trans people.
  • We will guarantee public financing of gender reassignment operations.

To coordinate all these actions, as well as those implemented by other public administrations, we will approve a Strategic Plan for the Non-Discrimination of LGBTI Persons, to guarantee their real and effective equality.


There is no mention of the LGBT + collective in its program.


  • These protocols will be implemented to prevent both sexist violence and LGTBIphobia in Public Administrations and in the work centers of more than 50 workers.
  • It is necessary to build a horizon in which no person can be discriminated against either because of their sexual orientation or because of their gender identity or gender expression. To this end, we will approve two laws: one against discrimination on grounds of gender identity and sexual orientation of lesbian, gay, trans, bisexual and intersex persons, which will also take into account the specific difficulties of the people who are part of it. of such a broad collective; and another, a comprehensive law on the legal protection of trans people and the right to self-determination of gender identity and expression, which will include the guarantee of voluntary access to professional health care under non-pathological criteria, the inclusion of their attention in the National Health System or the implementation of employment plans, among other measures.
  • We will promote a new Asylum Law adapted to the current global reality, including those who have to flee their residence due to environmental issues. Until then, we will urgently develop the regulations of the current Asylum Law and review the criteria of the Asylum and Refugee Office to ensure that they are not based on stereotypes of any kind and that the thousands of files that are currently under evaluation are unblocked . We will pay special attention to the guarantee of the right of asylum of the LGTBI collective and of the victims of trafficking.
  • Real protection of the different family realities chosen with freedom, with support measures for the adoption of LGTBI families, recognition of the affiliation of lesbian women couples and legal protection of new forms of stable coexistence without being a couple.
  • We are committed to building a system of cooperation in which women are the motor and focus of development, while we question the power structures and the distribution of resources that perpetuate poverty and inequality, such as machismo and the violation of human rights. rights of women and girls. In order to advance real equality, we will adopt concrete initiatives on gender with an intersectional perspective, including issues such as the care economy or trafficking in persons. We will also promote the programs of human rights defenders, paying special attention to environmentalists, trade unionists and defenders of the rights of women and LGBTI people, as well as defenders who have an impact in the most threatened territories in the world. Latin America.


  • Shield marriage between LGTBI people and include the right to non-discrimination based on orientation or sexual condition.
  • We will fight intolerance in sport and guarantee coexistence and respect for constitutional symbols, such as the anthem or the Head of State, in sports competitions. We will toughen sanctions for behavior that violates constitutional symbols, enhances terrorism or promotes hate behavior (racism, sexism, LGTBIphobia, etc.).
  • We will approve a Law of Altruistic and Guaranteed Surrogate Gestation so that women who can not conceive and LGTBI families can fulfill their dream of starting a family. Our model, similar to that of Canada and the United Kingdom, will guarantee the rights of all the people involved in the process, especially those of pregnant women and those of children born through this technique of assisted reproduction.
  • We will promote a new Act of real equality for the LGTBI collective. We want to end any discrimination based on your identity, orientation or sexual condition. We will facilitate access to temporary housing for LGTBI people, especially young people, who are forced to leave their homes due to family refusal of their sexual orientation. We will meet the specific needs of LGTBI seniors.28A LGTB Elections + Vote with pride

Source: Program of matches PSOE, PP, United We can, Ciudadanos

Photographer: Gayles.tv


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