Sexile, object of study

Sexile, object of study Sexile, object of study

Zamora will host a national conference to address sexile

El Ministry of Equality has commissioned a study to analyze the influence that the sexile or change of place of residence due to sexual orientation or identity has an impact on migrations that occur both internally within Spain as external by immigrants from countries of Latin America.

The conclusions of this study will be announced in the framework of a conference to analyze this phenomenon that will be held next year in Zamora, as reported this Tuesday in Zamora by the general director for real and effective equality of people LGTBI+ of the Ministry of Equality, Julio del Valle.

In this way, the Ministry It aims to put numbers to the table and analyse the causes of people who either suffer discrimination due to their sexual orientation or identity leaving their places of origin, cases of LGBTophobia or who do not find role models in their environment and emigrate to urban environments with more visibility and resources for these people.

safe spaces

Sexile, object of studyThe phenomenon of sexile It occurs both in the case of people who live in rural areas or in small cities who go to live in larger cities as well as by people who come to Spain from countries of Latin America where there are not so many social advances in terms of equality LGTBIQ +.

Del Valle Juice has acknowledged that sometimes equality policies LGTBIQ +They are seen as something very central in the big cities but "eThis equality must also exist within the territory«. He has advocated for «leap» and that smaller places and intermediate provinces allow «to be LGTBIQ + and live normally your condition, your identity or your gender possibility«.

In this regard, he indicated that although it seems that larger cities are safer for people LGTBIQ + happens "on the contrary» because smaller cities can also be «Large cities that create safe spaces» for these people.

Conferences in Zamora

For this reason, at the presentation days of the study on the phenomenon of sexile There will be both pro-human rights associations LGTBIQ +I as with groups involved in active policies against depopulation.

Del Valle Juice has highlighted the evolution experienced in Spain, where 45 years ago a person could be imprisoned for their sexuality and is currently the fourth country in the world where "people LGTBIQ + They have more rights and live better«.

Despite this, he has warned of the increase in people suffering LGBTophobia and remembered the phone 028 It is free, confidential, operates 24 hours a day, XNUMX days a week, and allows you to report these cases or, for example, inform parents of trans children or young people who have difficulties due to their sexual orientation or identity.

Sexile, object of study

Sources: Infobae

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