Pope Francis supports for the first time the civil union between homosexuals

Pope Francis supports for the first time the civil union between homosexuals Pope Francis supports for the first time the civil union between homosexuals

The pontiff makes these statements in the documentary "Francesco"

GAYLES.TV.- El Pope Francisco has broken with the position of the Catholic Church in statements in which he supports civil unions for same-sex couples. «Gay people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God and have the right to a family. No one should be expelled«, Says in the interview that it is part of the documentary«Francesco»Premiered today at the Rome Film Festival.

The director of the documentary, Yevgeny Afineevsky, claims the pontiff made the comments directly to him for the film. "What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered", He said Pope amid comments in which he reiterated his support for gay people as children of God. «I defended that«. The documentary also includes the personal story of a homosexual Italian couple who, according to his testimony, Francis encouraged to take their children to the parish.

Church teaching regards homosexual acts as "inherently messy»And the Church opposes homosexual marriage. In 2003, under the pontificate of Pope Juan Pablo II, la Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of the Churcha, then directed by the future Pope Benedict XVI, issued "Considerations on proposals to give legal recognition to unions between homosexual persons", In which he wrote:"The Church teaches that respect for homosexual persons cannot in any way lead to the approval of homosexual behavior or the legal recognition of homosexual unions.«.

From the beginning of his pontificate the Pope Francisco he has adopted a more tolerant tone towards homosexuality and his statements in the film have had a great impact.

Pope Francis supports for the first time the civil union between homosexuals

Source: The New York Times, Public chat

Photographer: Shangay


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