Like his parents, Jon Kent falls in love with another reporter, in this case a colleague named Jay Nakamura.
Jon kent, son of Clark Kent y Lois Lane across comics de DC, will adopt the identity of Superman in a new saga that is published on November 9. Like his parents, the young man is a reporter and also falls in love with a colleague by profession. In this case, from a journalist named Jay nakamura, with whom he establishes, first, a friendship relationship that, later, turns into a courtship.
This was announced this Monday DC, which has specified that the new Superman is defined as bisexual on the pages of «Superman: Son of Kal-El«, Signed by the screenwriter Tom Taylor and the cartoonist John timms. "After a scene where Superman is mentally and physically drained from trying to save everyone he can, Jay is there to take care of the Man of Steel.«, The publisher details in a press release.
The publisher has shared an image on the internet in which Kent y Nakamura they appear kissing. "It's not a trick”, He underlined Taylor. "When I was offered this job, I thought, 'Well, if we're going to have a new Superman, it would be a missed opportunity to imagine him as another straight white savior. I have always said that everyone needs heroes and everyone needs to see themselves in their heroes. The symbol of Superman it has always stood up in defense of hope, truth and justice. Today this symbol represents something else. Today more people can be reflected in the most powerful superhero in comics"He added.
The date that DC announced the path of the son (and successor) of his most emblematic character is no accident. The October 11 Is celebrated the International day to come out of the closet, an event that seeks to raise awareness about the need to live a life openly LGTBIQ+, either because of the liberation that this act supposes, as well as because of the activism that it implies.