The Ku Klux Klan opens its doors to homosexuals, blacks and Jews

The Ku Klux Klan opens its doors to homosexuals, blacks and Jews

EDITORIAL.-  The founder of one of the innumerable small groups that constitute the current Ku Klux Klan, John Abarr, has announced the idea of ​​opening the doors of the Klan to blacks, Jews and homosexuals. In the words of Abarr "The KKK has to serve to build a strong America. The idea of ​​white supremacy is the old Klan. This is the new Klan ". It would therefore be a question of curbing the policies of the federal government and maintaining the Capitol since the establishment of a "new world order" through a unified force. Of course, new recruits should wear white robes and wear conical hoods and masks.

The decision was adopted after the KKK representative met with members of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and expressed "I thought it was a good organization. I do not feel we should be apart. "

Despite the fact that some black people seem to have expressed an interest in joining the organization, Abarr's proposal has rather aroused sensitivities in both locals and strangers. Rachel Carroll-Rivas of the Montana Human Rights Network has stated, "They know their beliefs are not popular, so they try to look moderate. I think all this is just a farce ". On the other hand, Bradley Jenkins, Imperial Assistant of KKK states, "This man goes against everything that the constitution statutes of the KKK say. He is trying to use the KKK to launch his political career ". In fact, in 2011 Abarr ran for the House of Representatives on the Republican Party lists for Montana. In his electoral program he defined himself as a former KKK organizer and promised to "legalize marijuana, increase mental health programs, keep abortion legal, abolish the death penalty and ... preserve the white race." A paragon of coherence, come on.


The Ku Klux Klan, which currently has a total of 3.000 and 8.000 members According to various sources, it was founded on December 24, 1.865, in the period of reconstruction of America after its civil war. In its origins, the KKK was a kind of humorous association that was dedicated to scare the citizens of Pulaski at night by pretending to be ghosts with their sheets and hoods. A social club where young people found entertainment in organizing rituals in which the victims were humiliated. At present, it is a group of extreme right groups whose principles are based on the idea of ​​the supremacy of the white race. Its members have consistently applied homophobic and racial violence, including lynchings and murders.

If they want to recycle themselves, it would be well if they recovered their origins and dedicated themselves to the humorous spectacle and let the citizens, whether white, black, gay, straight or Jewish, live in peace. Asking a black man or a gay to be part of the KKK is like having a Jew check the taps of a gas chamber in Auschwitz. John Abarr is a wolf in sheep's clothing and it does not take much imagination to know what would happen to the sheep that left the herd to join the wolf pack.

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