The comedian Bob Pop victim of rape

Bob Pop Buenafuente Rape The comedian Bob Pop victim of rape

Bob Pop explains on television that he was the victim of a rape 25 years ago

GAYLES.TV.- «I had a really bad time. And it was shit and I threw up and it made me very sick and I cried… But the next day and the following days, I laughed, went out with friends, did things, because there was a high. In addition to the pain, there was a high because when you think they are going to kill you and you are still alive, it is fucking«. With these words the humorist Roberto enríquez, better known as Bob Pop, surprised everyone by explaining that he was a victim of rape.

He explained it on November 21 in the program «Late Motiv » de Andreu Buenafuente. He was telling a funny anecdote when the tone changed and he said: 'It happened to me about 25 years ago. One night someone raped me and robbed me in the Retiro park. And he left me lying there and I had to seek help«.

Bob Pop Buenafuente Rape Gayles.tvMany victims of sexual aggression opt for silence, which is why it is very important that a public figure visibilise their experience. Because the harassment and the sexual aggressions do not stop and they go to more. And they are women and also some men who suffer them.

Bob Pop He wanted to be in solidarity with the 18 girl who suffered a rape in the Sanfermines of 2016. These days, five men are being judged, called The pack, accused of raping her. Among them there is a Servicio Marítimo Guardia Civil. The defense hired a private detective and wanted to provide as proof that the victim the following days had a normal life. As if, apart from being a victim, it had to look like it. The networks were in solidarity with the girl's pain and finally it was ruled out to use her reaction on the part of the defense.

In relation to these facts Bob Pop He added: 'That's why I think it's a good time too and I'm going to take advantage of hey now that I have a little while for people who allow themselves to judge how a victim of a herd of sons of bitches or a single son of a bitch can feel. Let these people know that the following days of course you are made a mess because it is a bitch. But you also have to laugh, you have to go out and do things because the most important and most fabulous thing of all is that you have survived.

Source: Late Motiv


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