"The choir speaks", new documentary series

"The choir speaks", new documentary series

The Coro de Hombres Gais de Madrid (CHGM), joins the fight for the integration and acceptance of the LGTBI community in Spain and in the world, through a documentary series entitled "The Choir Speaks". After completing one year of training, the CHGM emphasizes one of the lines of work that have been developed since its birth as an association, the visibility of homosexuality from another point of view and away from the old clichés.

"The choir speaks" narrates in short pieces of approximately 3 minutes, some experiences lived by the members of the choir throughout their lives. Through their voices we delve into issues such as the recognition of one's homosexuality, integration, social acceptance or simply the daily life of their experiences as gay in the work or family environment.

The childhood, the loves, the friends, pieces of life that shed before the camera with bare face, with only a white background. A simple and elegant realization that puts in the forefront what really matters, what they are telling us.
The documentary series will be available through the CHGM's official Facebook page and its YouTube channel, where a new story will be published every month. The first chapter is entitled "Homosexuality" and in it, three members of the choir tell us how they saw homosexuality when they were teenagers. You can see this first video by following the link at the bottom of the article.

We wish all the fate of the world to the members of the choir and hopefully for them to fulfill the desire that closes this first delivery: It's not about fighting so that they give us the reason, it's about fighting to be happy.

News Gayles.tv
Online TV

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmuazJFecl4]

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