Love in the censored old age

Love in the censored old age

EDITORIAL.- Apparently the movies that deal with love from a certain age are inadequate for minors, especially if the love relationship is given between two men. To that conclusion have arrived the very illustrious and very homófobos members of the Motion Pictures Association of America (MPAA), that is to say, the association that groups to 6 majors cinematographic films of Hollywood, that among other functions, is in charge of establishing the famous rating by age of films.

If a film contains extreme violence, explicit sex or indications on how to get high or traffic with narcotics, it is classified with an "R" that indicates that it is not recommended for children under 17 years.

The movie we are referring to is "Love is strange" and it deals with the consequences that they face two men who after 39 years of relationship choose to marry. The film contains two innocent scenes where the two protagonists are dressed in bed. Point. Neither violence, nor sex, nor drugs, nor rock and roll. And it has been cataloged with an "R". Material reserved for adults, an arbitrary way to run dense veils of censorship on a subject that is, at best, ungrateful.

Question of criteria, to some they seem obsceneor have guns at home and two other gentle old men chatting amicably in bed. Yes, two gentle elderly Gais.

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An opinion on "Love in the censored old age"

  1. The love between two older men is frowned upon and the "SUBNORNAL Word" is terribly offensive and they use it without any qualms. Love between two men, two women or between a man and a woman is TOTALLY NORMAL. What century do we live in?

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