March 8, a bittersweet party

March 8, a bittersweet party

One more year we celebrate Winners will be announced in March noting the need for continue to work for women's rights and on this occasion with the endorsement that gives us know the data of the recent survey on physical and sexual violence exercised against women in Europe. The study, carried out by the Agency for Fundamental Rights of the European Union, has been drawn up from 42.000 personal interviews with women between 18 and 74 years old.

The results are frankly scary and more so if we take into account that the scope is the European Union. In we wanted to collect for our followers a small summary of the aforementioned survey.

- 1 in 3 women has suffered physical or sexual abuse (62 million in total).
- 5% of the citizens have been victims of a violation (more than 9 million).
- 12% of those surveyed have suffered an episode of this type before reaching the age of 15.
- 35% recognize abuse, physical or psychological violence as girls.
- 29% claim to have suffered harassment in a work context.
- Only 14% of the victims of attacks report to the police, which means that the majority of violence suffered by women remains hidden and the attackers go unpunished.

In view of these figures, we should ask ourselves, Are we talking about Europe? From advanced societies? Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

While discrimination of of and the collective LGTB have different characteristics, it is not less true that in both cases there is still a long way to go to travel until obtaining the full equal rights. Women and gays suffer the consequences of the conservative offensive that denies all the rights and advances achieved to date.

Unfortunately, there is not much to celebrate, but much to denounce, a lot to fight for.

Montse Trillo, content director of

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