To educate without gender is to educate in freedom

education diversity To educate without gender is to educate in freedom

EDITORIAL.- A video of the magazine "Playground" that we have been able to watch these days has made us reflect on the issues of education and gender. While in some academic settings the advantages of segregating students in centers for boys and centers for girls are defended, studies have multiplied that affirm that This separation not only does not improve academic performance but also encourages sexism and reinforces gender stereotypes.

In order not to focus on Catholic and Hispanic schools, we will emphasize that in recent years in the United States, for example, the creation of single sex centers has proliferated, more than 500 public schools already offer this option.
educate without gender

The underlying idea is that of institutional sexism that is legitimized when centers of this type are created with public money, but this separation also makes gender very important, reinforcing the idea of ​​stereotypes. It has been found that children who live in environments where people are labeled and segregated by their physical characteristics, whether the color of their skin, gender or the uniforms they wear, behave differently. Nobody would understand nor would it seem admissible for students to be separated according to their income or race (although de facto it is done) and it is justified to separate by gender. No result guarantees better results as a result of the separation, but it is clear that Segregate mine equality instead of promoting it.

educate without gender

At the opposite extreme we find the experience that the video we referred to at the beginning of the text. It argues that gender biases unconsciously adopted them from childhood and exposes the project of 5 nurseries in Sweden in which they try to break with the binary gender model and with stereotypes.

To begin with They do not call their students "children" or "girls" but "go"What does" amig @ "mean?. The toys that have at their disposal are mixed and are within the reach of tod @ s, whether balls, dolls, houses or construction games. Toys and games have no gender. And all this in a free environment in which each creature can begin its process of discovering others and themselves. There are those who claim that this system eliminates gender identity by ignoring it, but in reality the only thing that is canceled is the stereotypes associated with each gender.

The video ends with a reflection that we love: "If from childhood we play without setting barriers, we will learn to live without them". We leave you with this wonderful video and with the hope that someday it will be a reality for everyone.

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