Putophobia do you know what it is?

trans prostitution Gayles.tv Putophobia do you know what it is?

By putophobia is meant the rejection of prostitution and contempt of the people who decide to exercise it. But does one thing necessarily imply the other?

EDITORIAL GAYLES.TV  Last week was held in Barcelona the Pride demonstration commemorating the 40 years of the first demonstration for LGTBI rights in Spain. Gayles.tv he was recording a report, "Barcelona manifests itself 40 years later", which offers us the multifaceted image of a struggle that obviously has many faces. And following the statements of one of the participants in the video, the idea for this text arises.

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The woman we refer to is Sabrina Sánchez, from the Association of Sex Professionals and paraded along with other compañeras behind a banner that could be read "Whores are also LGTBIQ. Enough of racism and putofobia ". In her statement that you can listen in the 3: 20 minute of the video, Sabrina claims: "We are part of the LGTB community and we do not want to be left aside because we are sex workers. There is a tendency to make ourselves invisible because we give an image that a certain part of the collective does not like, because that image is not good for the rest of society. "And continues,"the intention has always been to change society, not to fit into it by force". Bravo by the lucidity of Sabrina, but many voices would say that with certain nuances.

First of all, we do not just understand the logic that "Whores are also LGTBIQ" all? We suppose there will be lesbian and transsexual prostitutes, and, unfortunately, for many years it has been one of the few ways to earn the lives of thousands of transsexual women around the world and not just by vocation. The statistics show chilling figures of mistreatment, death and forced prostitution. According to the State Transgender Association, of the 1731 transsexual persons killed in the transphobia between 2008 and 2014, the 65% with known occupation were sex workers and 617 did not reach the 30 years. It is not like to start applauding or suddenly falling into the demagoguery that everything that surrounds prostitution is cool.

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Sabrina is right to defend the right to be taken into account and to want to transform the root society and not to be "tolerated" and is understood in his speech that claims prostitution as a decision freely made by the person.

But this is not the case and it is not so because in the immense majority of cases prostitution is exercised by the poorest women and without rights of the planet and it is but a form of violence exerted by the man against the woman since if "The consent has to be bought is no longer consent". And we quote a magnificent text from Julie Bindel on the position of certain neoliberal feminists who seem to be more offended by the approach of abolishing the prostitution industry than by the exploitation that pimps exert on women. It is the men who pay for the body of the woman, who decide whether or not you are a whore, or whore. Neither out of respect for the survivors of prostitution who carry scars on the soul and sometimes in the body of violence, abuse and degrading treatment to which they were subjected, we can not, we should not claim a practice that treats women as a commodity and dehumanizes them.


There would be more, much more to argue in one sense and the other: on the need for prostitution to avoid greater evils, on the right of everyone to do what suits him best with his body and how not, on the different postures that from the left and LGTBI movements is adopted into prostitution, but everything does not fit here.

There is only one thing that is worth making clear: You can be against prostitution as an oppressive structure and that does not imply rejection of prostitutes, on the contrary. So congratulations again to Sabrina for his words and for his participation. Among all of us, we will certainly build a really new and better society.

Source: Atcues.wordpress.com, tribunafeminista.org

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