Conversion therapies for homosexuals are being denounced in several Spanish dioceses
La Spanish Association against Conversion Therapies has filed a complaint with the Directorate General for Real and Effective Equality of LGBTI+ People of the Ministry of Equality against several Spanish dioceses. The dioceses denounced are Valencia, Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga, Getafe, Alcala and Sigüenza-Guadalajara, as well as the priests of some of the parishes that are known to have hosted these talks during 2023.
The initiative was presented in them TransformedWhich Media Health Communication defines as a "apostleship" addressed to "Those people with a tendency or attraction towards the same sex who can, through a path of conversion or change of life, return to their biological origins.", according to the complaint.
This project «It focuses on presenting false information and a roadmap aimed at Christian homosexual or bisexual people so that, through an encounter with Christ and continued religious practice, they can either form a heterosexual family and leave behind their sexual orientation towards people of the same gender; or live their homosexual sexuality from complete chastity and abstinence.", says the complaint, signed by the lawyer and president of the Spanish Association against Conversion Therapies, saul castro.
"This is an initiative that has also promoted documentaries for the practice of conversion with the idea that homosexuality is not a natural sexual orientation, but is the result of different traumas in the development of identity and maturity.", Assures Castro.
The complaint is for the “active commission"or by omission of administrative violations"very serious"On Law 4/2023 for the real and effective equality of trans people and for the guarantee of the rights of LGTBI people. The Article 17 of this law prohibits the conversion therapies and identifies as infractions “very serious"the promotion or practice of aversion, conversion or counterconditioning methods, programs or therapies, the purpose of which is to modify the sexual orientation, sexual identity, or gender expression of persons, regardless of the consent that may have been given by them or their legal representatives.
Castro points out that conversion therapy 'Transformed' consists of homosexual people living “in chastity"and carry out daily religious practices, including reading the Biblia, daily prayers, attendance at mass and confession, so that “the love you seek in people of your same gender be replaced by the love that God gives you”. The Association explains that the therapy ensures that if the practices are carried out continuously, it is possible to “repair” homosexuality and dan “examples"Of"alleged homosexuals" what "They stopped being so”. It is proposed “life in chastity” like the “only possible way"for homosexual people"may be happy", according to the complaint.
The ideas launched by Media Health Communicationn in events like this, it stands out Castro In the complaint, "They present a humiliating, discriminatory, stigmatizing, highly negative and monolithic vision of homosexuality."which is associated with the impossibility of living a healthy and happy life, the contracting of diseases, the development of personality problems, promiscuity, sex work, drug use, and sexual violence.
The association has identified 13 such events between the years 2023 y 2024. The promotion and practice of human conversion therapies LGTBIQ + It is classified as a very serious administrative offence in article 79.4.D of the trans law, which provides fines of between 10.001 and 150.000 euros for these violations.