International Day of Visibility Trans *

trans visibility International Day of Visibility Trans *

Today March 31 celebrates the International Day of Trans Visibility *

GAYLES.TV.- Today March 31 is  International Trans Community Day *, a day dedicated to celebrating trans * people and raising awareness against discrimination against transgender people around the world. The holiday was founded by the transgender activist from Michigan. Rachel Crandall in 2009, as a reaction to the invisibility hidden behind the initials LGTBI.

Although in Spain it is also celebrated on March 15 because on this same day, in 2007, the Gender Identity Law in Spain and for that reason the Transsexuality Area of ​​the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals, FELGTB, decided to commemorate the anniversary turning it into the Visibility Day Trans. But the dates say little if year after year we limit ourselves to remember certain realities but the annual balance does not mark any type of advance. Fortunately this would not be the case this year because, for various reasons, the reality of transgender people has been present in the headlines of the media and therefore has advanced in its visibility, which is what it is.

As he says Mar Cambrollé, President of the Trans Platform, "what is not visible does not exist and what does not exist does not have rights. That is why the visibility of the word trans is of the utmost importance ". And is that this statement was made in the context of the incorporation of the term "trans" between the candidatures for the word of the year that the Foundation of the Urgent Spanish (Fundéu BBVA). The recognition took the word "Aporophobia", a neologism that refers to fear, rejection or aversion for the poor. (Penalty of society that generates neologisms like that). But in any case, the candidacy put in the arena a term that has been used as a diminutive of transsexual or transgender and that already means a form of visibility for the collective.

Reform Law Trans Congress of Deputies

In the legal framework, it has also been a year of great importance. At the end of November the Congress endorsed by 200 votes in favor and 128 against a proposal of the PSOE for eliminate the diagnosis of gender dysphoria as a requirement to modify the documents. A very important advance that not only eliminates the medical requirements so that transgender people can legally change their sex and name, but also allows minors to do so with certain conditions of age but "always taking into account the best interests of the child" , according to the proposition of Law.

Another significant advance was the approval in Parliament of Andalusia for the Law to guarantee rights, equal treatment and non-discrimination of LGTBI people. A law that, especially, protects the rights of transsexual minors contemplating the possibility of receiving hormonal blocking treatment at the beginning of puberty, to avoid the development of unwanted secondary sexual characteristics, and cross-hormonal treatment at the right time to favor the development of the desired ones.

To all these advances we must add a situation that, although it has occurred in the cultural framework, specifically in the cinematography, it is not less important, on the contrary. And is that in the last edition of the Oscars, "A fantastic woman" It was raised with the statue that rewards the. Of course that award obtained by a film that puts us in the shoes of a woman marginalized by his condition of transsexual, is a great leap in the face of visibility and deep knowledge of a reality on which the general public has a superficial idea and often stereotyped.

We must therefore congratulate ourselves that the celebration of this International Day of Trans * Visibility is more than justified and full of advances for the transsexual collective.

Sources:,, the newspaper


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