Two arrested for attacking and insulting a transsexual in Salt (Girona)

Two arrested for assaulting and insulting a transsexual in Salt Two arrested for attacking and insulting a transsexual in Salt (Girona)

Those arrested in Girona, a 21-year-old man and a minor, tried to steal the victim's purse

GAYLES.TV.- The Mossos d'Esquadra a 19-year-old man and a minor were arrested on August 21 for assaulting and attempting to rob a transsexual person with homophobic insults. According to the statement from the Catalan police, the events occurred on August 13 in Salt , when the victim was walking down the street San Antonio.

The two young men spat at her and reprimanded her with homophobic insults. In addition, they tried to steal the handbag, and when they did not succeed, they punched him in the face and body, until he fell to the ground. Those arrested are charged with a crime of degrading and humiliating treatment and a crime of robbery with violence and attempted intimidation.

Although the victim fell to the ground, the two young men continued to stretch the bag and dragged her several meters. The transsexual asked for help and several neighbors took to the street alerted to help the victim. Thanks to this stop the theft. The two attackers fled the scene.

La Research Unit of the Mossos found out the identity of the alleged perpetrators of the attack and on August 19 a citizen security patrol located and detained in Girona the two young men. The investigation is not closed and it is investigated if there have been similar events to people from the group LGTB +.

The detainee has no prior record and has been released on charges by the court acting as a guard Girona, while the minor has been summoned shortly to testify before the Office of the Children's Office.

Tomorrow (August 25) a concentration has been called in front of the Salt Town Hall at 20h to condemn the assault.

Source: Girona newspaper, CCMA



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An opinion on "Two arrested for attacking and insulting a transsexual in Salt (Girona)"

  1. In my opinion, the aggressor of legal age should have been put in prison for a while, even if he had no prior record, it is a sexist aggression with robbery and violence. The minor's prosecution will not do anything to the minor aggressor, a scolding and for home, the victim was beaten with fists and kicked by the two aggressors in the face and body, there will be injuries such as bruises, who says that Are they not going to do it again if the judge on duty has not even looked at the Catalan lgtbi law? What if we are not gay we are not entitled to a sentence for serious violent crimes? We are women, trans women and we have the right to walk anywhere in peace. This sentence is a shame.

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