From transgender father to 6 girl years

Stefonknee Wolschtt From transgender father to 6 girl years

GAYLES.TV.- We believe that we know what it means to live in a diverse society and we fight for the integration of all differences, but the reality of people always ends up surprising us.

And that's what happened when we learned the history of Stefonknee (pronounced as Stephanie) Wolschtt of 46 years, who had been married for 23 years and is the father of 7 children fruit of their marriage. Stefonknee not only became aware that she was transsexual, but also decided that at this time of herStefonknee Wolschtt life did not want to live like an adult.

She currently lives with an adoptive family who are thrilled to have adopted her as a girl of 6 years. Apparently the granddaughter of the adoptive couple wanted to have a little sister with whom to share games and everyone thought it was ideal to integrate Stefonknee into the family.

In a series of videos made by DailyXtra for the Transgender Project, Stefonknee has stated “I cannot deny that I am getting married, I cannot deny that I have children, but I have decided to look forward and for me that happens by becoming a girl. In my new family I have all the time, life has color, I play like a girl ... It's called play therapy, no medication, no suicidal thoughts. "

And it is that Mrs. Woschtt has already lived two fortunately failed suicide attempts, the first took place in 2009 year after participating in the first transsexual march in Toronto, which led to a month hospitalized. Upon receiving the discharge his wife, who at no time accepted the transformation of her husband, filed charges against him to get a restraining order. Already at 2012, on the occasion of getting married, her eldest daughter asked her to attend the wedding but "dressed as my dad" and to sit on the benches behind the church and normally attend the relatives. That caused the second suicide attempt to failStefonknee Wolschtt Gayles.tvdo.

The rejection of his family has been very painful for Stefonknee who has stated that his wife raised an ultimatum: or stop being trans or disappear. "For me to stop being trans is not an optionIt's not something I could do, it would be as much as telling me to stop having the height or size I have. " He has confessed in the interview.

He is currently receiving the full support of the Toronto Metropolitan Community Church, whose congregation is mainly comprised of LGBTI people.
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