The most brutal love story

gay love story The most brutal love story

GAYLES.TV.- It is seldom so difficult to write about something as when it is the case that the person who writes has shed tears and tries to convey that feeling to others.

The history of David and Michaeli It is not unique, thousands of people throughout the world suffer from serious and terminal illnesses that not only affect those who suffer them but also are devastating for their immediate environment. This is the case of this couple from New Jersey who knows first-hand the value of that affirmation we make when we marry someone.David Adox ELAin: "in health and in disease".

At the age of 43 years to David Adox, an account planner at an advertising agency, was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, better known by its acronym SHE. It is a neurological disease that progressively degrades the nervous system, causing disability in all the motor and functional muscles, so that people with ALS first lose the ability to move their muscles, but later also the ability to breathe or swallow. What contributes a component of cruelty is that ALS sufferers do not lose sensitivity or cognitive ability, they are aware of its process at all times and may feel tingling, itching or pain. The outcome is always fatal.

Another characteristic is the speed with which it evolves, in just one month after the diagnosis Adox already used a cane, shortly after walker, soon the wheelchair came and when we write these lines can hardly move the eyelids to communicate and loss of vision It is very advanced.

David Adox ELA

Dani Michaeli and David who are married and have a one-year-old son, Orion, have decided to share their story with the photographer Abby Kraftowitz, who began filming and taking photographs in 2015. The photographer highlights the immense love that is breathed in this family's home and their attitude towards the misfortune they are experiencing. Adox himself, while he has been able to express himself, was positive: "Things happen to everyone in life, but we have the option of facing them and narrating what happens to us, creating our own story."

At this time, David's disease is in its terminal phase. All our support and solidarity for your family.
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