Modern and diverse tales: "The Princes and the Treasure"

Modern and diverse tales: "The Princes and the Treasure"

There are different stories, stories in which why can not a damsel in distress be rescued by a beautiful princess or the princes find love in another prince. Jeffrey Miles, author of the book "The Princes and the Treasure" (The Princes and the Treasury), wanted both young and old to be able to read a fairy tale that included a equal marriage. It is a reality in society and must also be reflected in children's stories, as are international adoption, the single-parent family, etc.

This illustrated children's book is getting very good reviews on Amazon (the online portal where you can buy). Anyone with children has to buy the book to have it with their other fairy tale books. The story is entertaining, the lovely illustrations and the message is just as important as necessary. Only with small steps like this one can we create a stereotype-free society.

Jeffrey Miles was inspired by being in an amusement park with his children, watching one of those shows with dance and characters that relate the typical adventures of "handsome knight rescues princess and they were happy and they ate partridges." The author himself explains: «At that moment when I saw the princes and princesses together I thought, Why are there no gay princes or lesbian princesses?»Then she decided that she would create her own fairy tale, where children could find broader and more varied roles and references. Let them see that there are many more options and that all of them are correct.

Via Weerly: The Prince is gay in "The Princes and the Treasure"

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