Growing bullying by LGTBIfobia in Catalonia

against homophobia Gayles. Growing bullying by LGTBIfobia in Catalonia

According to Report on the state of LGTBIphobia in Catalonia, ddecreases the total number of cases reported for discrimination but duplicates those of bullying

GAYLES.TV.- As we have learned through the Catalan News Agency, there has been an increase in cases of school bullying due to sexual orientation and gender in Catalonia in 2016 compared to the previous year.

Specifically, 11 cases have been registered, representing 13,1% of the total of 84 incidences of LGBTI registered phobias. In the 2015 5 cases were produced in the schools, which accounted for the 4,4% of the 113 counts. The information has been extracted from "Report on the Statute of the LGTBIfòbia a Catalunya" presented by "Observatori Contra l'Homofòbia".

Observatori against homophobiaThe president of l'Observatori, Eugeni Rodríguez, has stated in the presentation of the document that bullying is a "social chakra that is increasing" and that one of the causes that begins to surface is the fact that collaboration agreements have been signed with a thirty municipalities in Catalonia. Physical and verbal attacks and harassment, both in person and on social networks, account for almost a third of the total reported discrimination, 30,9% of the total with 26 cases.

Rodríguez warns of the danger of "banalizing insults" minimizing its nature of aggression, since, although the 11 / 2014 Law against LGTBIfobia penalizes them, until now the Generalitat has only punished a person for proffering vexatious expressions.

The study concludes that, according to demographic density, Lleida is the province where more cases have been reported with an 38,5% of the total followed by Barcelona with the 32,7%.

The report can be downloaded here: L'Estat de la LGTBIfòbia a Catalunya 2016


Sources: La Vanguardia, vilaweb.catAND

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