Neonazi condemned for plotting attack against gay

Ethan Stables Neonazi condemned for plotting attack against gay

The neo-Nazi Ethan Stables has been hospitalized indefinitely in a hospital for planning an attack against the LGTBI community

GAYLES.TV.-  Ethan Stables, with only 20 years, he intended to attack armed with a machete a pub in England on Gay Pride Day of the 2017. Something that recalls the bloody massacres of the Rwandan genocide in 1994 ... A machete! The little angel also possessed explosive material, weapons of all kinds and an authentic arsenal of Nazi symbols.

Stables was arrested just as he was heading to the pub New Empire, a local environment of his native town, Burrow-in-Furness. Apparently on a reconnaissance mission to prepare for his subsequent assault. The police had been alerted to his criminal activity on far-right Facebook pages where he posted videos showing his weapons and making assassination threats and fascist comments, which is why he was arrested on his way to the aforementioned premises.

burned gay flag

Judge Peter Collier of the criminal court of Leeds in the north of England he has found him guilty of preparing a terrorist act, of possessing explosive material and of having launched threats of murder. For all these reasons, he has decreed that Stables be admitted to a mental health center indefinitely until a medical court decides otherwise. Apparently Stables had been diagnosed as autistic shortly before his arrest in June of last year. In fact your lawyer, Patrick Upward, describes him as someone "lonely, a white ghost who leads a melancholic life and lives in almost miserable conditions." His mother, who testified at the trial, complained of the little support received by mental health services after being diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. The seriousness of Stables' conduct forced her to kick him out of the family home at age 17 after threatening to behead her and burn the house down.

The young man declared that his bravado on the far-right pages was due to his desire to fit in and even that he had come to have relationships with men because he was bisexual. But the material found by the police and the threats made do not seem to support his defense: “There is a Pride night. I'm going to go with a machete and kill each of them (...) I do not care if I die. I am fighting for what I believe and for the future of my country, my people and my race. " At the trial a video was shown in which he appears burning a rainbow flag and another in which he threatens to "execute gay people".

In Stables's thinking, the blame for his unemployed situation was "the queers, blacks, spastics and the Equality Law." He had also often expressed deep hatred for blacks, Jews and Muslims. We hope for the good of all that the investigation is not limited to the conduct of Stables, but delves into the environment that supported his thesis and applauded his threats.

Sources: elespañ,


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