Chrysallis gathered 500 people in Madrid against the delays of the Trans Law and before the "risk of being left in a drawer"
500 People demonstrated last Saturday against the delays in the processing of the Bill for the real and effective equality of trans people and for the guarantee of the rights of the people LGTBI, before him "risk of being left in a drawer«.
The participants in the concentration demanded compliance with the deadlines established in the aforementioned Preliminary Draft, and the approval of a State Law that «guarantee and collect the Human Rights of trans children and youth«. Said deadlines are suffering”significant delays«, which adds to «severe rise in hate crimes", has warned Ana Valenzuela, President of the Association of Families of Children and Trans Youth Chrysallis.
Name change
Likewise, he pointed to the «recoil» regarding compliance with the instruction on the change of name in the Civil Registry of transsexual people by judges, which leads to «discrimination» to trans minors.
«Childhood and adolescence are being severely damaged, we cannot allow these delays«, Has asserted Valenzuela, who has highlighted the willingness of the association to «dialogue» and work with the Government «out of the media noise«.
«We have been working together with the Government for this law, the doors have been opened for us to express the reality of trans children and adolescents, so that their human rights are contemplated. We are making progress with respect to the first draft, but we need improvements that will come in the parliamentary process“, he specified.
Election concerns
Delays "they worry a lot» because elections are called next year. «The parties will begin to position themselves and there is a serious risk that once again a law like this will remain in a drawer«, Has alerted Valenzuela.
«As a democratic country we cannot allow a part of the citizenry to be deprived of their human rights in different areas, we have to continue working to continue advancing«, he has defended to insist on his demand for compliance with the processing of the Preliminary Draft in «the established deadlines«.
Here you can read the complete manifesto of the demonstration on January 29:
Today, the families of Trans Children and Youth of Chrysallis are on the streets for the first time
in order to claim compliance with the deadlines established for the procedure and subsequent
approval of the "Draft Bill for the Real and Effective Equality of Trans and
for the Guarantee of the Rights of LGTBI people”, due to their delay. It
we do supported by more than 90 organizations from all the Autonomous Communities, and by Trans people
referents of our country, something that we do not want to overlook. THANK YOU, THANK YOU AND
In January 2020, all of us were excited and hopeful at the announcement of the
President Pedro Sánchez of the approval of a Trans law in his investiture speech.
We have worked tirelessly and continue to do so, being one of the organizations
references together with FELGTBI+ and Fundación Triángulo, in the dialogue and negotiation with the
Government. A dialogue that will lead us to a Draft Law in which the
Human Rights of the group of trans people in general and of Trans* Children in particular, since
this is currently outside all state legislative protection.
Away from all confrontation and media noise, this dialogue has led us together to
progress with respect to the first proposed draft, but we are currently checking
as there is a significant delay in the procedures of the same, and DO NOT
WE CANNOT ALLOW IT because given the increase in hate crimes by 9,3% according to
data from the Ministry of the Interior in the first months of 2021, security, well-being and
The future of our childhoods is at risk on a daily basis. THANK YOU to those people and parties
politicians, who taking advantage of their spaces of power and academic discourses, launch messages
full of an ideology based on the attack on difference and any form of diversity, in
for the sake of "freedom of expression" and the "protection of minors". To all these people NO
We are going to attack them, we are NOT going to confront them, WE ARE GOING TO INVITE THEM to come closer to
us, to our childhoods, and know our realities, YOUR REALITIES!
WE CANNOT ALLOW the setbacks that we are experiencing, that our
children in the records of the entire state. What the "Instruction of the Directorate" meant in 2018
General Registry and Notary Office, on name change in the Civil Registry of
transsexual people” an advance at the state level in terms of the recognition of the identity
of childhood, today we see how we are denied name changes in countless Registries
Civilians, and even pathologizing psychological reports and interviews with
WE ARE FAMILY, YES, love moves us, YES, but also the stubborn reality, which is none other,
that the real existence and need for recognition and lack of human rights in our childhoods, the
knowledge of upcoming general elections, in which sooner rather than later, the
political parties will begin to take positions in order to win voters, and the REAL risk
that this law remains in a drawer, ONCE AGAIN.
WE CANNOT ALLOW, as a democratic country, to live in fear, WE CANNOT ALLOW
a large part of our citizens is forced to NOT recognize their identity, to
questioning and continued discrimination.
WE CLAIM free childhoods in parks, in educational centers, in activities
extracurricular activities, in sports, in the socialization spaces of adolescence, in society.
Free childhoods and adolescences, ALL, EVEN OURS!
WE CLAIM AND DEMAND the recognition of trans* minors and adolescents
as full citizens.
dialogue, mutual listening, and compliance with the deadlines established for this draft
Of law.
WE ASK the pro-HR parties to help us improve the parliamentary process
the law text. A law, which, once approved, translates into significant progress in the
rights of Trans Childhood and Youth, positioning ourselves as a country of reference in the recognition of the Human Rights of the Trans and LGTBI collective.
LET'S DO IT, let's do it together, without confrontation, away from any ideology, without
noise, without fear, putting HUMAN RIGHTS at the center of the debate, caring for and
protecting the lives of Trans* people and Children and Youth in particular,
translating the illusion and hope transmitted in January 2020, into reality.
WE REMEMBER that our children are part of the present and future of this Society!