How does COVID-19 affect the LGTBQA + population?

Psychosocial impacts on the LGTBQA + population during the alert state due to COVID-19 in Spain How does COVID-19 affect the LGTBQA + population?

Four Spanish universities initiate a study on the psychosocial impacts of COVID-19 on the LGTBQA + population during the state of alert

GAYLES.TV.- Under the title "Psychosocial impacts on the population LGTBQA + during the alert state for COVID-19 in Spain»A group of researchers from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona and Complutense University of Madrid They have started a study to know the implications derived from the coronavirus pandemic situation and the containment measures. And of the repercussions that both may have in the personal and collective sphere, of those people who live in the territory of the Spanish State.

Psychosocial impacts on the LGTBQA + population during the alert state due to COVID-19 in SpainThe research is based on a study that analyzes the psychosocial field of people who identify with sexualities and / or non-normative identities (lesbian, gay, transsexual, bisexual, gender, transgender, trans * and other sexualities outside the cissexual and heteronormative norm ) in relation to the pandemic of COVID-19. In order to have feedback from the group, they have designed an absolutely anonymous questionnaire, with open and closed questions that take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

So if you are a person LGTBQA + and you live in the Spanish state, we encourage you to collaborate with this initiative in the following link

Psychosocial impacts on the LGTBQA + population during the alert state due to COVID-19 in Spain

Source: Queer COVID-19Lucas Platero

Photography:, Lucas Platero


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An opinion on "How does COVID-19 affect the LGTBQA + population?"

  1. I do not know why so much intolerance, I am a transsexual woman, I live in igualada and I do not have the right to benefits by the covid19, being in my right to be able to collect them, they only speak of the workers, but what about a discriminated against from the Spanish people where we cannot find work of no profession? What about vulnerable people, not alone vulnerable enough for the Spanish state to give us financial aid? And to top it off I suffer family rejection, they still treat me in masculine and with the death name and for two years now I have the documentation in order.

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