How does coronavirus affect LGBT + migrants?

How does coronavirus affect LGBT + migrants?

The lack of a family network and job insecurity, the main stumbling blocks for LGBT + migrants

GAYLES.TV.- Older people are the most vulnerable to the crisis of the coronavirus, but other segments such as migrated population also suffers terribly the COVID-19. The job insecurity and submerged economy are two of the factors that cause more defenselessness in migrated people. also lonelinessBecause many of these people do not have a family or support network that can help them during confinement. But it is not only a question of provenance, as always the underlying issue is the precariousness of economic resources.

How does coronavirus affect LGBT + migrants?Rodrigo Araneda, president of the association ACATHI, puts the focus on «people in an irregular situation and in a shadow economy, not covered by an ERTE and without income or resources for food, rent or other basic needs. No possibility of maintaining stable income. Isolated and very vulnerable people, who are not part of the system: recently arrived and who have not yet been able to seek refuge or register. People who live from sex work, who are in rooms; who have applied for refuge and are still without assigned aid. They deplete resources and may be, or already are, homeless«.


How does coronavirus affect LGBT + migrants?Why explains araneda than "From ACATHI we are giving the possible support, directing the migrated people to the services and the aids that they can access, also those that are in an irregular situation. We have published a fundraising campaign for specific grants. However, they are insufficient and the needs will increase. Aid must be developed with a certain urgency«.

The campaign launched by Acathi of the Emergency Fund «Help for vulnerable LGTBIQ migrants by COVID-19 is raising funds to help people who need it most. You can collaborate with this initiative here:

Kifkif: "We try to maintain a positive attitude among LGBTI migrants"

La Association of Lesbian, Gay, Trans and Bisexual Migrants and Refugees of the Community of Madrid Kifkif these days has not stopped its activity. Except for exclusively face-to-face events, they have adapted their offer telematically to give support to people who require their help.

How does coronavirus affect LGBT + migrants?javier navarro, director of Kifkif explain what "The main demands that are coming to us these days are related to situations of need. Many of the people we work with are in an irregular administrative situation doing informal jobs. The situation of limited movement that is taking place due to the state of alarm has caused many of these people to lose their jobs and their economic livelihood. Difficulties to make ends meet, to be able to pay rent, supplies or to access basic food or hygiene products ”.

NAVARRO emphasizes the particular fragility in which people find themselves on the street: «Many of the people who currently need a place where they can take refuge so that they do not have to be walking on the street with the risk that this implies, further complicate their situation. All our support groups are still active online and are open to people who wish to participate. Loneliness is one of the great challenges facing applicants for international protection and migrants LGTB +,  We invite migrants to participate in these groups and thus make this quarantine more bearable ».

kif kif

Marc Cebrian, responsible for communication of  Kifkif explains: «We are still active, giving care, legal, psychosocial, sexual health advice, only that we have given another avenue of assistance. The activities that were not face-to-face, but everything else such as groups, socialization, tasks, meetings, we continue to have encounters through social networks ».

Anyone who needs support and accompaniment can receive it by making their request through this channel that is attended by the professional team of social intervention of Kifkif in

Also on the web you can consult a Guide with recommendations for LGBTI migrants before COVID-19:


Source: ACATHI, Kifkif

Photography: ACATHI, Kifkif,


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