Shane Cienfuegos is the first person in the history of Chile to receive a non-binary identity card
After a bureaucratic and judicial battle that lasted 9 years, Shane Cienfuegos, obtained his identity document that identifies him as a non-binary person. The 29-year-old activist thus becomes the first person in the history of Chile who receives an identity card with the letter X in the gender box.
"It is not an own victory, it is a collective victory of the LGTBI + movement. I see trans and non-binary people here, but I imagine the people who wanted to come today and couldn't because they're afraid to go out"He declared Casas Particulares Cienfuegos, head of the Social Intervention area of the association Organizing Trans Diversities of Chile.
En Latin America, Argentina was the first country to recognize all non-binary people in July 2021, those who can request their identity cards and passports with the letter X. They continued Mexico and Colombia, though like Chile, have recognized the non-binary category of a few people who achieved it through the courts. Worldwide among the countries that recognize the so-called third gender are Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
the lawyer of Cienfuegos, Lorena Lorca, highlighted that it is the first case in Chile which has a ruling from the Court of Appeals to receive a certificate with the letter X, in a country that does not legally recognize non-binary people. He added that he is processing another 60 similar cases.
«After almost nine years of social, cultural and political demands, I think and reflect that no one should wait that long to have legal recognition of something you are. That's not fairhe added Casas Particulares Cienfuegos. Furthermore, he stated "I'm tired of taking first steps. I want to walk, I want to run, I want to jog«.