Charlie Sheen admits being a carrier of HIV

Charlie Sheen Charlie Sheen admits being a carrier of HIV

GAYLES.TV.- Yesterday Tuesday the actor Carlos Irwin Estévez, better known as Charlie Sheen, who began his career with leading roles in films like "Platoon" or "Wall Street""But popular mostly by the series "Two and a half Men", publicly admitted being a carrier of HIV charlie-sheen-today-show-matt-lauerGayles.tvsince 4 years ago.

The recognition did so in an interview conducted by Matt Lauer on NBC's Today Show, audience leader in the morning fringe. "HIV are three difficult letters to assimilate but I am here to admit that I have HIV". These were his words to ratify what had long circulated as a rumor in Hollywood circles. Precisely silencing that rumor and the extortion to which he was being subjected for a long time is what decided him to speak out and, always according to Sheen himself, to assume his responsibilities. Apparently the actor was being the victim of blackmail and extortion with the threat of revealing his serological status, coming to admit having cost him millions of dollars.

These statements in the background give us the right measure of the right of any person to preserve their privacy, not to be kicked out of any closet, not even the closet of HIV or AIDS, as some news agency has dared to headline. The argument that a carrier of the virus puts the health of other people at risk does not justify our having the right to demand that he expose his privacy publicly, much less to blackmail or harassment. Everyone should be responsible for their own health, the use of means of protection is mandatory whether or not your sexual partner is HIV positive and we should feel embarrassed others before comments poured on the actor in supposedly very serious means involving in the best of cases a value judgment when not a conviction. Phrases like "The bad boy of Holywood" or "We are not surprised at the situation he is living, he has sought it by himself" they are anything but a journalistic practice worthy of being called that.

Whether or not he was promiscuous, if he maintained relations with both sexes or was a regular client of brothels, this is something that belongs solely and exclusively to his private life. And more when he himself denies having maintained relations without taking the necessary precautions or warning about the risks.

At the door of each house there is a pile of stones waiting for someone to bend over and feel entitled to throw the first stone.
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