90.000 people visit the Barcelona LGTBI Center in 4 years

90.000 people visit the Barcelona LGTBI Center in 4 years 90.000 people visit the Barcelona LGTBI Center in 4 years

More than 1.600 people have been assisted by the Barcelona LGTBI Center, which is celebrating its fourth anniversary

El LGTBI Center of Barcelona celebrates four years since its opening in January 2019. It does so having served a total of 1.637 people, of which 82% have also received the attention of the Information and Dynamization services, orientation and primary attention for people LGTBIQA + and his or her environment. Specifically, during 2022 attention has been offered to the needs of 450 people, and of these, 26% have had a visit with the service more than once.

The most demanded services in the LGTBI Center of Barcelona are immigration and asylum procedures, requests on basic needs and psychological counselling. Between all of them they account for almost 50% of the requests from citizens who come to the center in search of support, either from the facility itself or from the various entities and city administrations that collaborate. In addition, the center has responded to 11.811 requests for information.

In 2022 and with the recovery of face-to-face attendance after the pandemic, the highest number of consultations has been registered with a total of 5.600 and the majority have been related to registration for activities, room requests and appointment requests for the reception service. . Coinciding with the fourth anniversary of the equipment, they have launched the campaign #LGBTIalCentre to reinforce communication about the services offered and reach more people who may be potential users.

A very active center

90.000 people visit the Barcelona LGTBI Center in 4 yearsOne of the great successes of the center have been the activities that have been carried out, many of them organized by the entities resident in the facilities (Casal Lambda, Observatory Against Homophobia, Gais Positius, LGTBI Families, Association of Parents of Gays and Lesbians), and other different entities or municipal services. In total, these activities have received around 90.000 people throughout the four years of life of the LGTBI Center Barcelona.

Among the most outstanding activities, and which have made the center a meeting and comfort point to address issues related to LGTBI rights, sexual diversity, historical memory with a gender perspective or transphobia, several workshops, training sessions, tables round sessions, days of homage, film screenings, exhibitions, concerts and many other social events.

90.000 people visit the Barcelona LGTBI Center in 4 years

Sources: El PeriodicoPublic

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