The Parliament declares Catalonia a "zone of freedom" for LGTBIQ + people

The Parliament declares Catalonia a "zone of freedom" for LGTBIQ + people The Parliament declares Catalonia a "zone of freedom" for LGTBIQ + people

Most groups blame extreme right speeches for the increase in aggressions against the group

El Parlament has declared Catalonia «freedom zone" for the people LGTBIQ +. The approved resolution denounces all forms of violence or discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. The text also condemns crimes LGTBI-phobic and reiterates the responsibility of all administrations in protecting the rights of the group. The proposal has been approved with the support of all groups except Vox, who voted against.

The resolution adheres to the one approved in March European Parliament, which establishes the European Union as "freedom zone« for the people of the group. The approval of the text was a response to the declaration of more than 100 city councils and regions of Poland as "LGTBIQ + free zone«.

They hold the extreme right responsible for homophobic crimes

The murder of the young gay man Samuel Luis en A Coruña has flown over the debate in the Parlament. Most parties have considered that the discourse of the extreme right and its presence in the institutions are one of the causes of the increase in attacks on the group.

Monica Lora (Vox) has accused certain groups of condemning only the attacks with which they can obtain political profit, such as that of Samuel, and has praised policies promoted by countries such as Hungary about the family and the collective LTGBIQ versus those driven by Spain like 'trans law'. Has warned: "Be very careful. We will act from our group legally against those who resort to insults and slander for linking our political training with some type of crime«.

The Parliament declares Catalonia a "zone of freedom" for LGTBIQ + people

Sources: CCMA20 minutesThe National

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