I am different, I am like you: LGBTI visibility in the territory

I am different, I am like you: LGBTI visibility in the territory

LGBTI visibility campaign in the territory "I am different, I am like you."

(Subtitled in Spanish, Catalan and English)

VIDEO GAYLES.TV | The bell "I'm different, I'm like you»Aims to give visibility to the reality of the LGTBI people living in the territory. The situation of the LGTBI group that inhabits towns and small cities presents significant differences compared to those living in a large city and its metropolitan area: the lack of references and places of encounter, different forms of expression of LGBTophobia, sensation of having to move to the capital in order to live according to their gender identity or sexual orientation.
This campaign, based on an original idea of Gender and LGBT Lab and produced by Gayles.tv, has been carried out thanks to the support of the Attention to the People of the Diputación de Barcelona - Management of Equality and Citizenship Services -.
We especially appreciate the collaboration of Belén Herrero y Núria Muñoz, Equality Techniques VicDones-SIAD Osona of the Consell Comarcal d'Osona and from Ajuntament de Vic, Isàvena Opisso of the association TALCOMSOM and to all the people who have participated in the video: Marc Arumí, Dolors Casacuberta, Sergi Cercós, Elena Fosalba, Família Galobardes-Vinyoles, Àlex Guiu, Belén Herrero, Isabel Maideu, Núria Muñoz, Isàvena Opisso, Marc Parareda, Marta Salvans, Cèlia Torns, Greta Torns and Teo Torns.
We recommend reading the report «Osona, a region with all colors: "Framework plan for equality based on sexual orientation and gender identity of the Regional Council of Osona"Prepared by the University of Vic with the support of the Diputación de Barcelona and Generalitat of Catalonia.

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LGBTI visibility campaign to the territory «Just different, only with you.«

(Subtitulat in castellà, català i anglès)

VIDEO GAYLES.TV | The campanya «Just different, only with you.»Tea with the objective to donate visibility to the reality of them LGTBI people who saw the territory. The situation of the LGTBI community that lives in towns and petites cities presents notable differences with respect to those who lived in a large city and the seva metropolitan area: the number of referents and from llocs de trobada, different forms of expression of LGTBIphobia the feeling of having to move to the capital to be able to live in accord with the seva identity of gender or sexual orientation.
Aquesta campanya, based on an original idea of Gender and LGBT Lab i produced per Gayles.tv, has been made thanks to the support of l 'Area of ​​Assistance to the Personnel of the Diputació de Barcelona –Gerència de Serveis d'Igualtat i Ciutadania -.
Agraïm especially the col·laboració of the Belén Herrero and Núria Muñoz, Tècniques d'Igualtat del VicDones-SIAD Osona of the Regional Council of Osona and the City Council of Vic, Isàvena Opisso de l'associació TALCOMSOM ia totes the people who have participated in the video: Marc Arumí, Dolors Casacuberta, Sergi Cercós, Elena Fosalba, Família Galobardes-Vinyoles, Àlex Guiu, Belén Herrero, Isabel Maideu, Núria Muñoz, Isàvena Opisso, Marc Parareda, Marta Salvans, Cèlia Torns, Greta Torns and Teo Torns.
I recommend reading the report «Osona, a comarca amb tots els colors: Pla marc for equal status per raó d'orientació sexual i identitat de gènere del Consell Comarcal d'OsonaElaborat per la Universitat de Vic am the suport of the Diputació de Barcelona I la Generalitat de Catalunya.

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Just different, only with you.

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