Change gender by playing "Rust"

GAYLES.TV RUST GIRL Change gender by playing "Rust"

GAYLES.TV.-  "Rust" is a popular survival game that includes the online gaming platform "Steam" that has incorporated among its characteristics the possibility that, in a random way, the male character of a player can become a woman. Until now the traits of the characters or game avatars such as hair color, eye color or even penis size, were also determined randomly and that was not a problem, but the introduction of gender change has triggered a disproportionate reaction in many users.

GAYLES.TV RUST GIRLThe developers of "Rust", Garry Newman and Taylor Reynolds, they already foresaw that innovation could raise blisters and even more so if we consider that 95% of regular users of “Steam” are men: «We understand that it is a sensitive issue for many. We understand that perhaps now you will have a sex with which you do not identify in real life and that this may cause you discomfort and that you do not want to continue playing »they point out, but “Technically nothing has changed, since half the population already felt that way before. The only difference is that now your Steam ID, and not your sex in real life, determines if you should feel this way. "

Judging by the comments of the users in the forum on this topic, to say that it is “a sensitive topic” is an understatement, in fact the moderators had to delete dozens of offensive comments, insults, threats and all kinds of mockery of character misogynist. Users who complain about seeing their gender changed avatar are portrayed in their comments. Here we have collected some:

  • Please add gender change I can't stand it, please ... add gender change ...
  • Dear Rust, I am very unhappy with this new update. I want to change the sex of my character to male and I can not. Please let me change gender because I do not want to be A WOMAN BIT for the rest of my life in Rust.
  • To be realistic, why stop here? I want my character to have the rule every month and to suffer an unstoppable hemorrhage of 1 percent for a week.

Newman, one of its creators, argues that "It is as rare to hear a woman speak with a man's voice as it is to hear an 8-year-old boy speak through his adult avatar." But, judging by the answers of some player, the explanation does not seem to have managed to calm the spirits: “The argument collapses under its own weight if you see where I and the others come from. If I put Rust and my character is a woman, you will have lost a player and his circle of friends who also play it ”. But the numbers of users maintained by the platform and the game do not seem to support these threats.

The question would be to ask ourselves why so many men find so unassuming a female avatar in a game that is still a fantasy?


Source: Fogonazos, Motherboard 

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2 opinions about "Change gender by playing "Rust""

  1. I have no problem play as a female character as a straight man, but why do this in a video game? Games are about escapism, and Rust narrows your ability to escape. This isn't the only problem in the game; there's no single player and when not playing other players can raid your body, every server is going to be close to ~ 100 players (US East at least) leaving every area riddled with other players' bases and they will kill you as soon as you 're spotted. I'm sure there are people who are shitty and hate that they can't be the alpha male they wish they were in real life, but I imagine most are upset that in combination with all of these other things they cannot select their gender. It's maybe the most basic thing in all survival sims and for whatever reason the Rust devs decided to make a point out of it (even though all players were assigned to be white bald men originally ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯)

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