The draft of the Trans Law provides for the legal change of sex at age 16

The draft of the Trans Law provides for the legal change of sex at age 16 The draft of the Trans Law provides for the legal change of sex at age 16

The draft of the Trans Law provides for gender self-determination without a medical report from the age of 16

GAYLES.TV.- El Ministry of Equality suggests that you can change your name and gender at age 16 without medical or psychological tests or changes in physical appearance. With only the express declaration of a person, the change can be made in the Civil Registry. Parental authorization will not be required. This is the main novelty of the draft of the Trans Law, which is being drafted and is expected to take Council of Ministers at the end of February.

If the draft is approved, the law for the equality of trans people will allow the change of sex in the Civil Registry without the need for a report or medical treatment, from the 16 years, and between 12 and 16 with the consent of the parents or guardians.

The eraser thus fixes the depathologization of transsexuality, in line with the World Health Organization (WHO) , and guarantees protection and specific rights to all that person «the gender identity of which does not correspond to the sex assigned at birth«.

The text includes measures in the field of health, education, employment and sports, and also opens the door to request that sex not be specified in official identity documents, to attend to those who do not identify with the male gender or with the feminine. The future LGTBI equality law will also prohibit sexual orientation conversion therapies.

Free gender self-determination

The new law included in the government agreement between United We can y PSOE has created a bitter breach in some sectors of the Feminist movement and among the members of the Executive. The hot spot is that of gender self-determination, which assumes that anyone can change your name and gender in the civil registry only with an express declaration, from the 16 years.

That is also the minimum age that is established to make decisions about hormonal treatments. The norm foresees the recognition of non-binary identities —those people who do not feel like men or women— and the possibility of eliminating the mention of sex in their official documents. It also opens access to reproductive treatments "transgender people".

Key elements

In practices, events and competitions Sports, trans people will participate "attending to their sex recordsl "and tests"sex verification"According to the draft. People deprived of liberty "they have the right to be treated and separated according to their registered sex", Contemplates the draft, unless that same person considers that this could put"at risk his life or integrity".

The norm also enters the field educational. It specifies that “ensures"The right of students to"externalize”Your gender identity. "Their physical image, the choice of their clothing and the access and use of the educational center facilities must be respected in accordance with their gender identity.”Adds the draft.

It also recognizes “the right to gender identity" to the foreign residents in Spain, "regardless of your administrative situation”. At labor sphere Incentives are established for hiring unemployed trans people, with special difficulties to enter the labor market.

The draft of the Trans Law provides for the legal change of sex at age 16

FSources: El País

Photographer: El País

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