A BOE without diversity, for a matter of space

BOE diversity family father mother space Gayles.tv A BOE without diversity, for a matter of space

A BOE questionnaire only gives the option of a father or mother due to lack of space

GAYLES.TV.- El State official newsletter has published a questionnaire in which family diversity is skipped. He BOE has justified the lack of diversity for space reasons. In his questionnaire on the family situation of the students for the university entrance exam, he only gives the options of father and mother.

Of course, in a specific note: «for reasons of spaceIn the entire questionnaire, the term "mother" refers to: mother, legal guardian, or first father or legal guardian in the case of male homoparental families. Likewise, the term "father" refers to: father, legal guardian or second mother or legal guardian in the case of female homoparental families«.

In this way students who have two parents should answer the questions as if one of them were their mother. And in the case that they have two mothers, one of them will consist in the answers as if it were the father. This is how the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports deals with diversity and families homoparent. In two columns «mother»Or«father«.

In fact, this has been done in previous occasions, but what has surprised most is the justification that leads the questionnaire. It is very clear lack of willingness to include if the ultimate reason is a «space issue«.

BOE diversity family father mother space Gayles.tv

Source: eldiario.es


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