Terror in Bilbao by a serial killer

Terror in Bilbao after the murder of four gays Terror in Bilbao by a serial killer

They are looking for a suspect of killing 4 men in Bilbao who he met in a network of gay contacts

La Ertzaintza looking for a man whom he relates to the possible murder of four men with whom he would have been quoted in Bilbao through a dating app aimed at gay men. The Basque Police have seen links between four deaths of men in the Biscayan capital, initially treated as natural deaths, and the attempted strangulation of another man, who managed to escape from his aggressor, now wanted by the Ertzaintza. It is not ruled out that there are more cases.

The first thread that the investigation pulls is the possible homicide of a 43-year-old man on October 18 in the Biscayan capital. The man appeared dead at his home and at first it was thought that it was a natural death. Nevertheless, the brother of the deceased denounced suspicious movements in the accounts of his relative, which led to the investigation of the Ertzaintza and a forensic analysis.

In this analysis, traces of liquid ecstasy, a substance that annuls the will and promotes its chemical submission. In addition, the investigation found that the deceased used a networking for gay men known as wapo.

He drugged his victims to override their will with the intention of robbing them

The second thread of the investigation has to do with a complaint filed by another man, also a resident of the Old Town of Bilbao. This man would have met in December 2021 with another man whom he met through the application wapo.

In his complaint to the Ertzaintza, stated that once at his home the person with whom he had made an appointment pounced on him and began to kiss him. Then that same person tried to strangle him, although the attacked managed to get away and started asking for help. This situation caused a fight between the two, until the aggressor decided to flee. Later, as published The Courier, the aggressor apologized to the victim, although he had already gone to the Ertzaintza.

Now, the Basque Police relate these two cases to the death of three other men, with whom the suspect could have used the same modus operandi. In fact, it is not ruled out that the man would have caused more victims in other communities in which, as the Ertzaintza has verified, he previously resided. The suspect has extensive priors. After drugging his victims, he took the opportunity to get their passwords and thus access their bank accounts and extract money. The murderer has already been identified, but not located.

Terror in Bilbao after the murder of four gays

Sources: SportThe CourierniusLa Vanguardia

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