Berdindu service! also gave workshops to 2.400 teachers and advised 648 LGTBI+ people and their families
En Euskadi there was a last year hate crime related to homophobia every four days. were denounced 96, the "tip of the iceberg", according to him Basque government. More than a decade ago the Executive implemented the program Berdindu! to prevent insults, threats and attacks on the collective LGTBI + and opted for training. Last year the program Berdindu! school gave courses to help combat these behaviors in which more than 2.400 teachers and near 3.800 schoolchildren.
The Minister of Equality, Justice and Social Policies, Nerea Melgosa, has visited this Monday the office in Berdindu's Bilbao!, a service dedicated to serving and advising the group and their families, as well as providing training in schools. In his opinion, "one of the areas” in which he has had "a significant impact" this service is precisely "in the educational field".
Ander Prol, technician of the school program, has indicated that “Violence and discrimination against LGTBI people in schools not only affect their emotional and academic well-being, but also perpetuate harmful stereotypes and prejudices. For this reason, we work with teachers, students and families, to promote an educational environment without discrimination".
What they do is guide in the management of sexual and gender diversity when there are cases of homophobia or when a trans student is in their personal process. In these cases, they work with families and teachers, whom “We attend and advise situations with very specific demands”, has pointed out For.
LGBTIphobia in the classroom
On the other hand, they celebrate the aforementioned workshops in the centers, in which they address “the current situation and the problems of the collective” and in which they transport students and teachers who “diversity enriches us as a society”. It is "important", has underlined, "continue working" in schools, becausewe still find LGTBIphobia in the classrooms” . They are, he has assured, attitudes "more and more residuals” , but it is about “a speech that makes a lot of noiseo ".
Last year in their offices -they have them in the three Basque capitals- they received 648 medical consultations. Most were in Bizkaia, 265, a territory in which the bulk of attention “They have to do with sexual identity”, has explained Sarai MontesResponsible for Berdindu!. The of They are the ones that used this service the most, 54% of the total, and most of the consultations, 31%, were related to sexual or gender identity (31%).