The collective takes to the streets to commemorate the 40 anniversary of the first LGBT + manifestation of the State
GAYLES.TV.- The last 1 of July The Ramblas of Barcelona They were again the scene of the struggle for sexual freedom. 40 years after the first mobilization LGTB + in the State organized by the Front d'Alliberament Gai de Catalunya in 1977, Some of those present remembered with pride what those years of struggle and activism were like. On the route between Plaza Universidad and Plaza Sant Jaume institutions, associations and LGTB + rights defenders celebrated the anniversary, but they did not forget to claim real equality. Among those present were Ada Colau, Sílvia Casola, Armand de Fluvià, Mar Cambrollé, Emilio Ruiz, Rodrigo Araneda, Eugeni Rodríguez, Joaquim Roqueta, Maria Giralt, Jorge Saz, Nazario, Sabrina Sánchez, Lina and Ali.
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