Barcelona prepares a massive demonstration against LGTBIphobia

Barcelona prepares a massive demonstration against LGTBIphobia Barcelona prepares a massive demonstration against LGTBIphobia

LGTBI collectives come together "for the first time in 44 years" and call on all civil society to participate in a massive demonstration in Barcelona

La Platform d'Entitats LGTBIQ + de Catalunya y Pride Barcelona, which bring together more than 40 entities in total, have announced the convening of a unitary protest for the 22 July en Barcelona. After the historic 1977 demonstrationFor the first time in 44 years, the main platforms that bring together rights entities have joined LGTBI under the same motto Against LGTBIphobic violence, zero tolerance!«. It is a massive call in which all civil society is called to participate.

It was announced at a press conference by the president of the Platform d'Entitats LGTBI, Manuel Peinado; the vice president of the Platform, Katy Pallàs; the president of the organizing committee of Pride Barcelona, ​​Ferran Poca; and the director of the social area of Pride, Maria Giralt.

Historical unitary manifestation

little ask for "total number of people who regularly come to the Pride to celebrate the Pride, come also to support our demands”. In the same way, Giralt has remarked that the manifestation is «an opportunity for all citizens to support rights and freedoms ». Hairstyle has claimed «to have the meeting place that was that demonstration 44 years ago«, In reference to the first protest for the rights of gays and lesbians, in 1977.

Clowns Add: "We cannot remain passive in the face of hate speech. We have to act: in Catalonia these speeches have no place, Catalonia es LGTBIphobia free zone”. According Clowns the screaming murder of «fagot»To a young man in A Coruña has been "the straw that has broken the camel's back after a trajectory not only of physical aggressions«, And has said that discrimination against the group is largely invisible.

With this purpose, the two organizations have considered making a common front to invite all entities LGTBIQ +, feminist organizations, student organizations, unions, neighborhood associations, etc., to demonstrate and send a message, clear and forceful, that in Barcelona and Catalonia citizens do not look the other way and show zero tolerance against violence LGTBIphobic. For this reason, they call on all of society, also cis-heterosexual people, to join together next Thursday, July 22, at 19 p.m., To fill the Paseo de Gracia from Barcelona.

Barcelona prepares a massive demonstration against LGTBIphobia Barcelona prepares a massive demonstration against LGTBIphobia Barcelona prepares a massive demonstration against LGTBIphobia Barcelona prepares a massive demonstration against LGTBIphobia Barcelona prepares a massive demonstration against LGTBIphobia Barcelona prepares a massive demonstration against LGTBIphobia


Sources: El Periodico

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