The first LGTBIQ Chamber of Commerce is born in Barcelona

ACEGAL partners have unanimously agreed to become the first LGTBIQ Chamber of Commerce active from Spain

GAYLES.TV- The Catalan Association of LGTBIQ Entrepreneurs (ACEGAL) has agreed unanimously in its assembly of partners to become the first LGTBIQ Chamber of Commerce active from Spain. The president of ACEGAL, Ferran Poca, explained the reasons for conversion into a chamber of commerce LGTBIQ: "The companies and professionals that work for the group have the mandate to create diverse and safe spaces by doing everything in our power so that the claims and rights achieved do not reverse«.».

Among the objectives of the LGTBIQ Chamber of Commerce include:
- Bet on the internationalization of Barcelona, ​​once again positioning itself as a reference city in tourism for the LGTBIQ community and rights.
- Claim to the administrations to be the valid and prestigious interlocutor to represent their associates and claim their interests.
- To promote the incorporation of good practices in the management of diversity in the business world through training and talks.
- Create the first European HUB aimed at all professionals who work with the group. It will function as a club of professionals and will offer resources, networking and tools for synergies and new projects aimed at the

According to little, the new chamber of commerce will function as a club of professionals and will offer resources, networking and tools to create synergies and new projects aimed at the collective. Besides, the LGTBIQ Chamber of Commerce will continue to act as an engine of the collective's claims, in this way, it will continue to organize together with the 32 social entities addressed to the collective, the PRIDE! from Barcelona. Within the approved 2020 calendar of activities, the organization highlights an annual solidarity activity so that members and companies continue to contribute to important social causes for the group.

The first LGTBIQ Chamber of Commerce is born in Barcelona

Source: ACEGAL, La Vanguardia



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Anabel Alonso and his girlfriend Heidi Steinhardt will be mothers

The Argentine actress and playwright have been together for seven years and expect their first child together

GAYLES.TV.- Anabel Alonso, 55, has been in a relationship for seven years with the Argentine playwright Heidi steinhardt, of 42, who is assuming pregnancy. Heidi y Anabel they met in 2013 when Alonso starred in the play «Lastres" at Fine Arts Theater.

Anabel Alonso and his girlfriend Heidi Steinhardt will be mothersSteinhart she was the director of this show and they immediately connected, among other things because of the Argentine roots of the Anabel Alonso (his mother was also born in the Latin American country). Then they have repeated collaborations on other occasions, and it seems that the personal tandem also works in the professional field.

The actress and comedian who gave life to Diana in "Seven lifes· and that now triumphs in «Love is forever« He publicly revealed his homosexuality in 2017 and said he had lived with a woman for four years. "I have always lived my sexuality normally and relaxed. I never hid or invented couples. Nor do we have to go out on the balcony and shout. When it is given, it is given"He assured

Although little more information about their relationship is known, the couple does not hide and boasts of love on social networks, especially the Argentine, who has published on her Instagram account some image of her advanced state. Heidi steindhart defines itself on its website as a “multidisciplinary stage art" He studied Combined Arts at the University of Buenos Aires.

Anabel Alonso and his girlfriend Heidi Steinhardt will be mothers

Source: El País, Vanitatis

Photography: Instagram


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Controversy with Pixar's first LGTB + character

«Onward», the first Pixar film to have an openly LGTB + character

GAYLES.TV.- Next March 6, «Onward«, The new film by Pixar in which a character appears openly for the first time LGTB +. This is the Officer Specter, a cyclops police within the magical and mythological world, which identifies itself as a lesbian. In the original version of the film the character of the Officer Specter It will feature the voice of the actress, producer and screenwriter Lena Waithe, who is a lesbian and also an important LGBT activist+ en Hollywood.

"Onward", the first Pixar film to have an openly LGTB + characterThe inclusion of an LGTB character+ on an animated tape of Disney, beyond being a secondary role, is significant since the company of Mickey Mouse It has historically been linked to the more traditional and conservative values ​​of society. In recent years there have been rumors about other characters that could be LGBT+, although the entertainment giant has not officially confirmed any of them. The best known has been the case of Elsa in "Frozen », but there have also been similar stories regarding various supporting roles in «Seeking Dory« (2016) and «Toy Story 4(2019).

On the inclusion of this character in «Onward»The film's producer Kori rae has said «simplement happened. When we wrote the scene we saw that it fit and opened the world a bit, and that is what we wanted. It is a modern fantasy world and we wanted to represent the modern world", has added. Dan Scanlon, filmmaker, has supported the words of the producer.

Network controversy

Despite the attempt to make the LGTB + group visible, the specific case has generated some controversy. The first first “self-identified” LGTB character+ In the universe Disney-Pixar She is a horny cyclops (one-eyed) lesbian cop. In addition, he only makes a brief appearance in which he refers to his girlfriend that we never see. The verdict of the networks does not make a good impression on the character who is even accused of being «directly homophobic«. Community LGTB + He has been asking for a representation in animated films for a long time. A leading character like Elsa from "Frozen". Instead he has received a minor character whose characterization presents her as someone openly different from the rest. Is this the best way to include, give visibility and normalize the LGTB collective+?

Source: Herald, To Republic,



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«Spirit of homosexuality! Get away, Satan! "

Therapies to "cure" homosexuality in Madrid

GAYLES.TV.- Madrid. Year 2020. Although it seems hard to believe, there are still people and even organizations that treat homosexuality as a disease. To cure it create conversion therapies. It happened this week in a evangelic church de Madrid, one of the only four autonomous communities along with Aragon, Andalusia and Valencia in which these practices are expressly prohibited. It has been denounced by the program of Telecinco «Viva la vida»That with a hidden camera he has recorded one of these practices to cure homosexuality.

«Spirit of anger, of anger! Unclean Spirit! Spirit of homosexuality! Get away, Satan! Spirit of sex, of fornication, of adultery! Out of here! He is a son of God! We ask you for him, fill him Lord mighty Father. Fill it up, O Lord of hosts!»Shouts the healer to achieve a sexual reconversion. In addition, the rite also consists of an anointing of oil included to expel the demons. All very normal. Nothing to envy Carlos Jesus.

Before the exorcism, they diagnose the young people stating that they "have a disorder" that they attribute to the family situation and a malevolent possession: "We were all persecuted for homosexuality. If there is an imbalance between the father and the mother, it is there for the children. You have attracted a series of spirits. "

With a bit of luck this prohibition that currently affects only 4 autonomous communities will be extended to the entire country when it is approved as the law against discrimination against persons is provided. LGTB +.

Therapies to cure homosexuality in Madrid

Source: Telecinco, Viva la vida

Photography: Live life


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