»Shangay» turns 500!

The magazine "Shangay" publishes its exemplary number 500 in the year in which it celebrates its 25 anniversary

GAYLES.TV.- The veteran LGTBI publication "Shangay" celebrates its 25 anniversary this year, which coincides with the publication of no less than the number 500 of its magazine. 500 doors open to LGTBI information, entertainment and the claim of collective rights. A great ephemeris of those who have already 25 years of tireless work to break molds, prejudices and chains.

And as they tell us on their website, these are only the first 500 because they continue with the most charged batteries to continue giving war in the forefront of the LGTBI information landscape. What was born in Chueca as a simple fanzine has grown and diversified its offer to become one of the most important Spanish-language LGTBI publications.

Precisely to "Shangay" we dedicated from Gayles.tv one of our first reports, "20 years with Shangay" (which you can retrieve in this link) when they celebrated their twentieth anniversary.

And to celebrate it they have released a special number, "Shangay 500" who assure that it is only the aperitif of a year full of surprises to celebrate, in addition to the 25 years of publication, the 10 years of the appearance of "Shangay Style Fashion & Live". In this issue they make a brief tour of its history based on the 5 compilation of its magazines that, in a certain way, suppose a synthesis of its trajectory. They are covers starring Cher, Alaska, Amenábar, David Delfín and Bosé. For later they promise an extra with the publication of all their covers.

So we hope all the news that announce us for this 2018 and from Gayles.tv we congratulate them from the heart and wish them 500 times 500 more magazines. Long and prosperous life!

Sources: Shangay.com


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Grindr shares your personal information with companies

The Grindr application shares with third parties private data of its users

GAYLES.TV.- Grindr has shared with third parties and without informing their users personal information such as age, phone number, location GPS, email and even if they have HIV or the date of the last test. According to the portal BuzzFeed News These data were transmitted without encryption, which makes them vulnerable to hackers.

Grindr shares your personal information with company dataThe Norwegian organization Sintef detected this transmission of information from Grindr to the firms Apptimize y Localytics, dedicated to the optimization of applications. According Sintef The data that the users of this app choose to disseminate on their profile has been shared. «HIV status it is linked to all other information. That is the main problem »Said Antoine Pultier, researcher of Sintef. Cooper Quintin, of the organization's security research and technology team Electronic Frontier Foundation warns that «it's a particularly bad practice that can put the user's safety at risk«. The spokesperson for people with AIDS ACT UP New York, James Krellenstein, qualify this fact as «an extremely flagrant violation of the basic standards that would be expected of a company promoting itself as an advocate for the gay community.

Yesterday Grindr issued a statement arguing the reasons why he shared this information with these companies, always for profit. Hours later he said he would stop revealing this information with third parties.

Grindr shares your personal information with company logo

Sources: La Voz de Galicia, Urbantecno, BuzzFeed News


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Jesus Christ was gay, drag king and gender fluid, according to a university professor of theology

"Jesus Christ was a drag king with queer desires," says Dr. Tat-siong Benny Liew, professor of theology at The Holly Cross University in Worcester

GAYLES.TV.- The doctor in theology of the University The Holly Cross de Worcester Tat-siong Benny Liew It has revolutionized the campus. Your new theory about the identity and sexual orientation of Christ to many it seems bizarre, and to others blasphemous. But the truth is that his arguments are based on the Gospel of John.

This verse of Juan 14: 6 «Nobody comes to the father, but for me" Is interpreted by Liew as a way to connect with men to maintain relationships with them and reach God. In his theory he defends that besides King of Israel and the Jews Jesus Christ was a King drag with wishes queer

He also interprets the crucifixion that is shown in the passion as a homosexual relationship between father and son since he argues that when Jesus' body is being penetrated, his thoughts are for his father. So he deduces that his experience in passion is a sexual relationship - masochistic? with his father. "I am suggesting that John's constant references to Jesus by wanting water, spilling water and giving water speak of the gender indeterminacy that Jesus had and, therefore, his transvestism and other desires"explains the professor.

Sources: Fox News, Shangay


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Dulceida la lía in Africa

Controversial images of Dulceida and his wife in Africa set fire to social networks

GAYLES.TV.- A Dulceida (Aida Domenech) and his wife, Alba Paul, you can not accuse them of bad intentions, much less insidiously when sharing in Instagram some snapshots of your visit to Cape, but they have sinned of a certain naivety since the photographs lent themselves to all kinds of interpretations.

Let's recap The an influencer most popular in Spain and his partner traveled at Easter to South Africa, but his was not exactly a leisure trip or merely for educational purposes. The route served to advertise scholarships sponsored by Education First (EF), a company known for its language courses abroad. The known as Dulceida Scholarships they are helps to study English.

Up to here everything more or less correct. The problem is the fine line that separates the professional and personal life of Dulceida, fine not to say nonexistent, since as good an influencer it is just his life that he exhibits in the social network showcase to promote all kinds of fashion products. In fact, it is currently the image of Venus Gillete and of some own brands of different products, from perfumes to sunglasses.

And the sunglasses gave him the first headaches to Dulceida. In one of the photographs uploaded to the networks appear three African children wearing sunglasses that Dulceida presumes to have given them making them "very happy". The an influencer write at the bottom of the photo: "An hour with them has not been enough! Happy to have made you smile ". But not everyone has valued it as a gesture of generosity precisely. Many netizens have questioned the blatant use of minors to advertise their products, in this case the glasses, with an image that they describe as disgusting. The lack of empathy with the situation in the country has been criticized. "They don't have water, they don't have food, they don't have education, they don't have access to sanitation or medicine (…) but nothing happens because they already have Dulceida's glasses!"   This is an example of the alluvium of texts questioning Dulceida that have been published in Twitter and Instagram.

But the image that unleashed the anger on the Internet was one in which Alba, his partner, takes a bath in the hotel, all very normal if it were not because the country is suffering the worst drought in its history. And it is that Cape Town has run out of water. Since the 1 in February, restrictive measures have been adopted to mitigate the catastrophe: the maximum consumption per inhabitant is 50 liters per day. To give you an idea, a shower of 2 minutes and pull the chain once is an expense of 30 liters. They have restricted tasks like washing the car, or even washing their hair and If the situation does not improve, it is foreseen that the water in the city will end in mid-May.


But apparently Dulceida and her partner were unaware of the situation and the ordeal that the citizens of Cape Town are going through. The criticisms received have been very hard, as an example of a couple of comments on social networks: "Look how smart, they go to South Africa in the middle of a drought and take pictures in the full bathtub, it is hard for the whole country to be with water restrictions" or "Are they going to run out of water and you take a bath? Where is your ethics or morals »

Of course, Dulceida has already come out to defend her good intentions and she has even mentioned that she collaborates in aid of all kinds but that she does not have to make them public. Okay, but maybe girls would do well to advise them in the ways, because the bottom is not always enough.

Sources: elpaís.com, lavanguardia.com


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Resolved a homophobic murder committed 18 years ago in Montgat

Arrested a Spanish exmilitar for killing a knife to a man he met through contact announcements

GAYLES.TV.- The Mossos d'Esquadra last September they resolved a murder committed 18 years in Montgat. The alleged killer, a ex-military Spanish settled in Vilafranca del Penedès, he met his victim four days before the crime through regional contact announcements. The events occurred in 2000, when the body of an Ecuadorian man with signs of violence was found in the home of the elderly man he was taking care of, who was temporarily admitted to a residence.

The body of the victim was completely naked with a white flower in the ear. On the walls of the room the police found inscriptions with blood in which one could read «Hitler had reason" Y "FAQ«, The acronym for the American racist organization Ku Klux Klan. In addition, the murderer had erased the fingerprints and DNA remains to make the investigation difficult.

Three years later a cousin of the victim received a mysterious call that she was able to record in which the words "do not kill me«. A bouquet of flowers also appeared on the grave that no relative had deposited.

Resolved a murder committed 17 years ago in MontgatLa Servicio Marítimo Guardia Civil investigated the crime, but could not solve it. Two years ago the investigation was reopened following the order of a judge and the case was handed over to the Mossos d'Esquadra. The clues led to the arrest of a man in Colombia with anecdotes for sexual assault and domestic violence. After the crime, the alleged murderer served as a military officer Spanish army in the academy of Talarn. The case has now come to light because the secrecy of the summary has been lifted.

In this homophobic murder since the police discovered that the detainee published announcements by words in which he offered to perform «any kind of job«. In the ads he published his mobile phone and his aunt's landline. The murderer and the victim remained on the floor and allegedly had sexual relations since the victim appeared naked. It is considered that the motivation for the crime was internalized homophobia; the author did not tolerate sexual relations that he himself had had. The detainee had confessed on social networks that «he had killed homosexuals»And hung swastikas. The alleged murderer is in a prison in Colomnia waiting to be extradited for a trial.

Sources: SearchMossos d'Esquadra, El Periodico, Huffington Post, La Vanguardia


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Rigid heterosexuality does not exist

The sexuality of women is more fluid than that of men, according to a study by the University of Essex

GAYLES.TV.- It seems that the tortilla is turned and those that are confused are those that have clear orientation. Science has shown that rigid heterosexuality it does not exist, and less in the case of women. A study conducted by the University of Essex (United Kingdom) shows that women's sexual arousal is similar to male and female stimuli. The investigation analyzed the response of 500 women to stimuli of both sexes.

«Physiologically, women are equally aroused by stimuli from both sexes" it states Gerulf Rieger, the study author. The heterosexual participants showed the same excitement of their intimate organs when observing provocative images of men, as of women. In the case of the participants homosexual they did show a clearly preferred physical response to female stimuli. For the study they were analyzed in successive tests, both the irrigation of their vulva and the dilation of their pupils.

The report of Alfred Kinsey In the mid-twentieth century, where the American biologist measured sexual orientation on a scale from 0 to 6, he was the first to shake the foundations of heteroxuality. Years later Michael Storms reformulated the Kinsey scale and also added the orientations of bisexual and asexual, among other changes. For a long time, the fact that we all have a bisexual tendency has been raised for some time, although it is a controversial issue on which the experts do not agree.

Bisexual gaylestv flag

Sources: El Mundo, La Vanguardia


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Wild Wild Country, the Netflix documentary series that practices free love

Wild Wild Country, the latest Netflix 'must'

A guru, his secretary, power, sex, violence, xenophobia, spirituality, Salmonella, Rolls Royce and Antelope, a small town of Oregon (USA) with just 40 inhabitants are the addictive ingredients of Wild Wild Country, the last boom of Netflix that your head will explode. Halfway between Thety Black Mirror, this disturbing documentary series rescues the recordings made in the eighties in Rajneeshpuram, a neo-hippie pseudo-religious commune created in the middle of the desert to house 10.000 followers of Baghwan Shree Rajneesh. This audiovisual material, mixed with the testimonies of the protagonists of the events that are narrated, builds a shocking story.

Wild Wild Country Netflix Gayles.tv«When a controversial leader of a sect builds a utopian city in the Oregon desert, conflicts with locals will transcend state borders«; this is the synopsis offered Netlfix of his last great success. But Wild Wild Country it is much more than a clash between cultures. The twists and turns that the script gives keep the viewer trapped relentlessly. It is so disturbing that despite being a documentary it seems unreal and the viewer is stunned by such an extreme reality.

En Rajneeshpuram free love is practiced. In one of the sequences of the documentary a reporter asks a boy who has just left the commune what he would recommend to another who wants to be part of this«That does not come. Unless he wants to be fagot. Because there are all kinds of queers. They kiss and embrace. And lesbians too«. But don't get distracted, sex is just an excuse for scandal. Wild Wild Country it's not about sex, it's about characters and questioning the limits. Mental and territorial.

Si Baghwan seduces by its capacity of mass attraction, without a doubt the discovery of this series of six episodes is Ma Anand Sheela, its implacable secretary that will manage the community, no matter who falls. His determination and the absence of barriers to achieve the proposed are fascinating. You have to see it. It is urgent.

Wild Wild Country Netflix Gayles.tv

Sources: Netflix


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Conchita Wurst has HIV

Conchita Wurst has revealed that she has HIV after being subjected to months of extortion

GAYLES.TV.- In a message published on your account Instagram, Conchita Wurst has explained that she has been forced to publish that she is a carrier of HIV due to pressures and threats received from her ex-partner. In the message, the Austrian singer who won Eurovision at the 2014 says: "Today has come the day of freeing myself for the rest of my life from a sword of Damocles: I have HIV for many years"And adds" this information is irrelevant to public opinion, but a former friend threatens me to make this private information public, and I will not give anyone the right to cause me fear and try to influence my life in this way. "

Conchita recognizes that it is always better for information of this type to come from the affected person and not be disclosed by third parties, although she also thinks that she had every right to keep it hidden. In fact, despite being under medical treatment for a long time, he assures that the desire to avoid a distressing situation for his family was the main reason for not revealing it beforehand: “I would have preferred to have spared them worries about their son's HIV status, grandson and brother ”, he explains in the text. He also adds that "this is information that I think is especially relevant for those people with whom sexual contact is an option."

Conchita Wurst

Despite the bad drink, Conchita acknowledges that the situation has a positive side: "I hope to encourage (others in similar situations) and have taken a step further against the stigmatization of people who have been infected, either by their own behavior or without any guilt. "

The singer's note ends with a positive statement: “I am stronger, more motivated and liberated than ever. Thanks for your support!"

Much strength for Conchita and our absolute disagreement with any type of conduct that involves extortion and that does not respect the right to privacy of any person. No one should be kicked out of any closet.

Sources: elpais.com, infobae.com


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Rainbow Tours is born, the largest travel agency 100% LGBTI in Spain

The alliance between the Julià Group and Rainbow Gay Tours is a boost for LGTBI receptive tourism in Europe

GAYLES.TV.- The receptive tourism division of Julià Group, Julià Travel has allied with Rainbow Gay Tours to create the largest 100% LGBTI travel agency in Spain. The new society Rainbow Tours will have an investment of $300.000 in the next five years and aspires to manage in its first year to 6.000 clients.

«The merger and investment entry agreement with the Julià Group It means strengthening our position towards the market LGTBI counting on the experience of Julià Group who has been working for 70 for years tourism sector, expand the marketing capacity of our products thanks to its sales systems with other tour operators and also the development of our market in countries where it is very strong, such as Mexico or Argentina." Explain Eloi Death, Founder of Rainbow Gay Tours.

Created in Barcelona Five years ago Rainbow Gay Tours It has positioned itself to become the largest receptive agency for LGTBI experiences in Europe with offices in Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Bilbao, Gran Canaria, London, Berlin, Lisbon and Rome. With the merger, they want to triple the destinations in two years. «In 2020 we want to be present in many more cities. Offer travel packages for the prides that are celebrated in Spain. Be the receptive reference both in Spain and in Europe", Add Death.

Rainbow Tours It comes to the market with a portfolio of 39 tours and personalized tours and among its objectives is to achieve at least 100 activities in 2022. This operation represents an important step for the expansion and internationalization of the project. The new agency shows special sensitivity towards all the acronyms and minorities of the collective, it intends to generate offers that attract a very diverse range such as families, elderly people, trans *, lesbians and all the realities of the community LGTBI.

Rainbow Tours

Sources: Europapress, Via Company


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Magalí Dalix, pure energy

Magalí Dalix challenges us to change our lives in only 10 days

GAYLES.TV.- Magalí Dalix He never stops reinventing himself. In his muscular neckline he has tattooed Reborn. Because every day starts again with a contagious energy and vitality. Creator of her own method that develops in the Magali Room, this coach takes more than 25 years pushing the sport to the limit. TrainHard, BeStrong and LiveBetter are your mantras to achieve balance. In the last edition of Operación Triunfo put all the triumphs firm. Now he presents his new book «You new me in 10 days: Running«, In which he challenges us to change our bodies and our lives. Without excuses.

Magali Dalix book


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Together we triumph! More lesbian advertising

With the slogan "Together we triumph" the lingerie brand Triumph points to the fashion of advertising starring lesbians

GAYLES.TV.- We will never tire of saying to what extent it is important for companies to include LGTBI references in their advertising campaigns. Because it normalizes, because it makes our realities reach the general public in a friendly and attractive way.

But what is surprising in this case is that the advertising spot for the lingerie brand "Triumph" It is played exclusively by couples of women, women in love, women who laugh, who have fun, who get married, who take care of their children, women who live their empowered condition (yes, the word on this occasion does come to mind ) and without complexes. Women who help each other, who support each other, who practice that concept that from time to time resonates more and more in certain circles: sorority.

together we triumph

Sorority that means counting on each other to accompany us, strengthen us, push us to be better, stronger, freer and capable of living our own life without asking anyone's permission, with the support of our sisters, who we are after all all. Because soror is the Latin root meaning sister and RAE It would be good to begin to consider the inclusion of that derivative cultist who is already taking over the street.

And by the way, are not we women the main consumers of lingerie? And I said principals, that are not exclusive, you understand me. And this clarification serves to silence the possible voices that question precisely that, that only women appear in the announcement. Perhaps because one of those voices would prefer to see the bodies of these women exposed to the gaze of male desire. Well, it's going to be no. Women as a potential audience, client women, women with, for and for women.

Because what draws attention and especially distinguishes this campaign from any other that integrates LGTBI people, is that when the Making off it is discovered that the film crew is also mainly composed of women! At least it is what is perceived in those sequences that appear in the video.

So an applause for "Triumph", a joy for the senses to enjoy this campaign and of course here you have the two videos, the spot and the making off. Enjoy them and you know, "Together we Triumph"!



Sources:  mirales.es, hayunalesbianaenmisopa.com


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"The daughters of the water", the last success of Sandra Barneda

"The daughters of the water" rescue from oblivion those who fought for us to be free.

GAYLES.TV.- Known for being one of the star presenters of Telecinco, Sandra Barneda It also harvests hits off the screen. For Sant Jordi, International Book Day, he did not stop signing copies of «The daughters of the water« (Amount, 2018). In his latest novel, Barneda dives into a secret brotherhood of women who struggle to be free in the Venice of 1793 and builds in a masterful game of real and fictional characters a novel that explores the territories of female desire and that surprises by its honesty And beauty.

The daughters of water Sandra BarnedaVenice, 1793. Arabella Massari he contemplates the arrival of the guests from his palace. He has organized a great masquerade party. Among the attendees is Lucrezia Viviani, the daughter of the merchant Giuseppe Viviani, who goes with his fiance Roberto Manin. Lucrezia is not willing to marry a man she detests and will do everything possible to prevent the wedding.

Arabella will discover in the celebration that this shy young woman is the one chosen to maintain the legacy of the daughters of water, a secret brotherhood of women who struggle to be free.

«Behind the fear is the world you want».



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2018 Lesbian Visibility Day

Today, April 26, Lesbian Visibility Day, the slogan is clear: #BecomeVisible. And Sandra Barneda, Nagore Robles and Magalí Dalix do so.

GAYLES.TV.- It is curious the controversies that the celebration of this day triggers even within the group of lesbian women. It is argued that it is not about "exposing" more but about normalizing. It is stated that claiming to be visible contributes to triggering lesbophobia and that kissing, hugging, caressing each other in public (obviously we are not talking about public scandal but about the normalized manifestation of affection between women) is something that, simply, should be lived with tranquility without the need to establish a date that makes us visible.

But let's see, is the free and spontaneous experience in a public space of the relationship between women normalized? Really? Well, how good and how happy! Because I have not heard ... What is sadly normalized is the right that is still attributed to insult, intimidate, assault and vex the couples of women who dare to do in public what normally any heterosexual couple does: holding hands, hugging, kissing , manifest tenderness, in short, what they themselves do daily with their girlfriends. And then there are "the tolerant ones", those of "I think it's good and I respect it, that they love each other, that they get married ... but come on, what they have to do in their home, they do not have to do the show"... those are the worst, the wolves in sheep's clothing that are scandalized by a kiss between women while hanging the medal of understanding. And it is the same as always, whoever "tolerates" feels superior to the "tolerated" person, makes the effort to allow it to exist, accepts it in its reality. Error. We exist in spite of ourselves, we love ourselves without any more, we manifest that love without the permission of the "tolerant". In fact we agree to share public space with their stupidity and arrogance, we "tolerate" them.

In addition, Do not the rights that we enjoy have been achieved through the struggle, the "exhibition" and the risk of so many lesbian women who have gone before us? They, those who came out of cupboards that stank of naphthalene and dandruff, those who gave their faces in the streets when the Franco regime was still coleaba, those who called clandestine stamps to be able to kiss other women without ending up spending the night in the barracks.

And, unfortunately, the gap between gender and rights is still wider than we want to recognize and that also affects the social acceptance of different sexual options. Being a woman and a lesbian implies a double rebellion because it breaks the stereotype of subjection to the male. And if it is not easy to leave the closet as a family, doing it as a public character has a merit that we want to recognize from here.

Enjoy the video and remember that you are no exception, Break the rule to live without rules!

Happy day to all!

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Kenya censors "Rafiki", a lesbian film

Kenya has banned the exhibition of "Rafiki", the first film in its history to be screened at Cannes, as it is a lesbian story

GAYLES.TV.- The babbling of LGTBI activism to improve the situation of people from the collective in Kenya encounters an insurmountable wall: that of the rigid moral that punishes with up to 14 years of prison the homosexual relations based on a law of the colonial stage.

And the conflict that is being lived around the projection of "Rafiki" in Kenyan territory it does not escape this atavism. The decision to ban the premiere has been made by the Film Rating Council of Kenya (KFCB) due to the argument that tells the story of a friendship between two women who end up falling in love. The person in charge of monitoring the content of the films alleges that he is being vetoed "because of his homosexual theme and his clear attempt to promote lesbianism in Kenya contrary to the law". Insisting on the fact that "contains homosexual scenes that go against the law, culture and moral values ​​of the Kenyan people," noting that "any exhibition or distribution of the aforementioned film or part of it for public consumption contravenes the law and will lead to severe punishment. "

Pathetic if we consider that "Rafiki" is the first film in the history of the country that has been invited to participate in the section Palma Queer de Cannes, where from the next 8 in May will compete with films like "Carmen y Lola" by Arantxa Echevarría. The director of the tape, Wanuri Kahiu has declared in an interview to the agency Reuters: “I am very disappointed, because Kenyans already have access to movies with LGBT content through Netflix and international festivals that arrive in Kenya and are allowed by the Council itself. So to censor the premiere of a Kenyan film that deals with issues that are already present in their society seems a bit contradictory. "

Rafiki, kiss between the protagonists

But the censorship of the film is, paradoxically, generating an expectation and even indignation in sectors of the population that are not LGTBI. "It's an outrage, a shame. And the people of Kenya will see the film censored or not. They will find a way to see it. " That's how hard it has been shown Lorna Dias, Kenyan activist for LGTBI rights in an interview with the same news agency.

"Rafiki", which is an adaptation of the story "Jambula Tree" from the Ugandan writer Monica Arac, comes to swell the long list of films banned by the KFCB that with its censorship places the Kenyan society in the minority in terms of access to cultural content. The conflict has reached the point of forcing some statements to the chain CNN of the President of the country, Uhuru Kenyatta, in which he assures that the rights of lesbians, gays, transsexuals, bisexuals and intersexes, is a subject "without relevance, it is not a matter of human rights" adding that, according to him, he is rejected by the Kenyan society.

Perhaps the saddest thing about this situation of taboo and repression that exists in Africa is, like the law that in this case prevents the exhibition of "Rafiki", a dark and terrible legacy of Western colonialism. As it explains Marc Serena in his book "This is not African", The pre-colonial societies and culture on the continent were not at all homophobic. Another plague more than the Africans suffer thanks to Western greed. It is worth reading if you have the opportunity and also view the interview that once made him Gayles.tv and that you will find following this link: "This is not African!".

And of course, to make your mouth, do not miss the trailer of "Rafiki" that we bring you here.

Sources:  lavanguardia.com, elpaís.com


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Murcia and LGTBI education

The talks of a LGTBI collective are suspended in Murcia due to pressure from the ultra-Catholics

GAYLES.TV.- The Murcian Minister of Education, Adela Martínez-Cachá, has been forced to announce the immediate suspension of talks on sexual affective education that were intended to impart to 1.300 students of the Murcia. The talks that ran by volunteers of the LGTB collective "No Te Prives" They had already started in some educational centers.

The reason that the counselor has made that decision is the pressure received by the Family Forum. Your president, Alfonso Galdón, he welcomed the measure alleging that in this way the rights of parents and minors that are included in the Magna Carta in relation to Education were respected: "our initiative has been in defense of the constitutional rights and fundamental freedoms of parents, specifically to educate their children in freedom and conscience. We have not gone against any collective or organization. We have simply denounced acts that clearly transgressed the Constitution and the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court. "

For their part, the volunteers of the “No Te Prives” collective have regretted that the council has yielded to pressure from far-right groups that in no way represent the entire educational community. In a way, the argument of the Family Forum could be nothing if, following Galdón's own advice, parents and guardians had a favorable response to the continuity of the talks. "The counselor has assured us that she will use the document presented by the Family Forum to require the express consent of parents to receive training of this type, so that it is mandatory that parents know in detail the content of the talks or activities in which their children will participate ”. Maybe they backfired and get a surprise.

Because if we consider that the objective of the talks was the prevention of harassment and bullying of students for their orientation or sexual identity and education in respect and tolerance of diversityWe will easily come to the conclusion that in Murcia the result of this situation is that the fanaticism and selflessness of the ultra-Catholics has prevailed over common sense. And it is not a question of talking for the sake of talking since "No Te Prives" has been giving its talks since 2010, always at the request of the management of the educational centers and to date there have been no complaints of any kind.

It would be good for the heads of the Family Forum to review the contents of the talks before denouncing, just as they would think twice to check that they are collected in the LOMCE.

Talk at an institute

At the close of this article we have known that the Ministry of Education has agreed to resume the sexual affective education program in charge of the "No Te Prives" volunteers. They will do it, yes, pleading to the demands of the Family Forum that requested parental permission. Well, they already have it and from now on it will be the parents who decide if their children attend the activity or not. If attendance is not considered appropriate, students may leave the classroom while the rest of their classmates participate in the activity. I said, the shot by the butt.

The permit will be required for any activity that involves "non-curricular skills." In a statement, the Minister of Education, Martínez-Cachá, has detailed that “after the request of parents, and to maintain a working day with the collective 'No te deprives', it has been decided to develop the talks on affective-sexual education informing to families and enabling them to choose whether or not their children participate ”. This measure is adopted by indication of the Education Inspection and adds: "The Inspection itself will supervise the model or the type of information on the content of the seminars that will be provided by the families of the students, guaranteeing that families can choose".

In short, the same has happened with the mobilizations of this type of ultra-Catholic entities, call the Forum of the Family or Make yourself heard: a lot of noise and few nuts, waste resources to publicize argumentation that in the best of cases contravenes common sense and in the worst lies in an interested way.

Sources:  laicismo.org, the truth is


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PRIDE Barcelona with LGBTI refugees

#allmyloving, the love message that PRIDE launches in Barcelona

GAYLES.TV.- PRIDE Barcelona has presented its new image and the social campaign that this year will revolve around the refugees cwith the motto: «For LGTBI Refugees ». The program of concerts and activities to be held in 23 al 30 de junio and that he hopes to gather more than 350.000 Attendees with economic impact of more than 60 million euros.

One of the great novelties is that PRIDE Barcelona returns to Avenida María Cristin / A, where the June 29 and 30 days will act Conchita Wurst (Winner of Eurovision 2014), Loreen (Winner of Eurovision 2012), Gala, Camela, The Forbidden, Ms Nina y King Jedet, among others.

In the presentation made at Casa Batlló they participated Juan Julià,President of ACEGAL and President and CEO of Axel Hotels; Eloi Death, Director of ACEGAL and Director of Pride; Ferran Poca, Content Director of Pride; Gary Gautier, General Director of Casa Batlló; Magali Dalix, sports professional; King Jedet, influencer and artist 'genderfluid'; Y Cristóbal Garrido as Sharonne, fast artist participant in the talent show Your Face Does not Ring Me Yet.

pride barcelonaThe motto of the campaign of this new edition of PRIDE Barcelona #allmyloving preI want to recover the Pride Pride of Barcelona. "Barcelona is a city with an open heart and respect for diversity, and it is also one of the favorite cities for the LGTBI collective around the world. Therefore, we want to convey a positive and joyful message that invites everyone to celebrate and claim diversity.", comments Eloi Morte.

PRIDE Barcelona has also presented the awareness campaign and visibility of the LGTBI refugees. The aim is to make all citizens aware of the possibilities of collaborating in their adaptation and helping them start a new life in a city as diverse and open as Barcelona.

Pride refugees

Carol, a trans woman of Honduran origin and who was welcomed in Barcelona a year and a half ago, is the image of the main poster and testimony of the LGBTI Refugee Campaign, "Here I feel that my life is no longer in danger. As a person I have rebuilt myself, now I am more sure of myself and I have hope. That's why the support of the people here is very important. "

Among the most of 100 activities organized by associations and companies, two dates related to the visibilization and the asylum system for refugees: The 14 June to the 19h with the International Conference and the 27 June to the 19h on the asylum system in Spain, both in the Convent de Sant Agustí and sponsored by airbnb.

The emblematic buildings of the city will be illuminated again with the rainbow flag to make visible the support to the LGTBI community in the vindication of their rights and celebrate diversity in an inclusive way. This will happen on 28 June and will participate Casa Batlló, Hotel W, Las Arenas Shopping Center and El Molino.

Pride BarcelonaLa María Cristina Avenue will become the heart of PRIDE BCN day 29 y 30 June and will have three main spaces: PRIDE VILLAGE with LGTBI associations, talks, activities and of course a large restaurant area with food trucks, among others; PRIDE KIDS with activities and children's elements where families are the protagonists; MAIN SCENARIO with music, dance competitions, competition of the best Drag Queens, DJs and performances by artists from the national and international scene. “We have worked to offer a varied and quality entertainment proposal, with international and national artists, new proposals and shows to make PRIDE BCN an outstanding event for the city. In addition, we will announce more news very soon. " says Ferran Poca, Content Director.

Friday June 29 19h will take place the traditional one "Heels Race" on Avenida María Cristina, for which no prior registration is required. At the 19.30h will officially start the programming of concerts and invited parties. The 21h will begin the "Barcelona Drag Race", the show competition in which the best Drags will compete to be crowned as the "Queen of the Pride".

The promotion of sport is one of the novelties of this edition with an important appointment On the 30 Saturday of June from 11h to 12h with the Masterclass by Magali Dalix, sportswoman and creator of the well-known high-performance training method Magali Train Better, whose goal is beat an attendance sports recordFrom 12 to 15h the first PRIDE will take place! DANCE Competition, a spectacular competition with the participation of the best schools and dance groups.

On Saturday 30 at the 17h will begin the Manifestation under the motto "For LGTBI Refugees". It will start its march from the Parc de les Tres Xemeneies, it will go through Paral.lel Avenue and it will arrive at María Cristina at the 19: 00h, where the Manifesto of this edition will be read.

And if you can not wait, they are already available in the Online store T-shirts and products with the new image of PRIDE Barcelona. The profits will go to initiatives that help the LGTBI community.

pride bcn


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"The right to love", who we are in 90 snapshots

The exhibition "The right to love" presents in CentroCentro, Madrid, 90 snapshots of the photographer Isabel Muñoz that reflect all the acronyms of the collective LGTBIQ

Gayles.tv.-  Isabel Muñoz is one of the most prestigious and award-winning photographers in our country. The most recent award and one of the most important was the 2016 National Photography Award granted by the Ministry of Culture.

Today we want to talk about a very special exhibition: it is about the exhibition that under the title "The right to love" 90 collects snapshots in black and white that represent an authentic tour of the acronym LGTBIQ. In his portraits appear from gay elders who lived the Franco repression because of their sexual orientation to trans teenagers, weddings between women in jail or people touched by HIV who still enjoy their sexuality. An authentic mosaic that goes beyond what we understand by the right to love, is also the right to sex and above all the right to be and visualize ourselves beyond our age, orientation, identity or life situation.

The right to love 2

For seven years Isabel Muñoz and the journalist and historian Arturo Arnalte they have entered into the lives of those who, in spite of themselves, do not quite fit into the socially accepted standards. And the reason is sexual orientation, gender identity or in some cases both. And that calm and prolonged work over time has allowed capturing the most intimate and personal essence of those who pose before the goal of Isabel. And the portraits of "The right to love" exude freedom and authenticity in equal parts. The characters that appear in the photographs look at the camera with the insolence of those who know their right to be and to be accepted, that is not tolerated.

From the hand of the curator of the exhibition, Christian Caujolle, Muñoz and Arnalte have created a universe in which fear and shame have changed sides and in the cupboards only those who do not understand that it is time to break all the cabinets, social or aesthetic, those who wield any excuse as a weapon to marginalize, be it sex, social class. provenance or age.

And is that many of those who have posed for Isabel Muñoz are part of the "December 26 Foundation", an organization to which Gayles.tv dedicated in his day the report "Fundación 26 de Diciembre, supporting the LGTB elders" that you can recover in this link. In it LGTBI senior citizens not only find support in issues such as housing or health care, but also company and affection, something vital for those who in many cases were forced to leave their families. In the words of Federico Armentero, director of the foundation: "This generation had a hard time coming out of the closet. They do not want to go back to one. They are elderly but they know that if they go to a nursing home or a residence they will not feel accepted. They do not want to be "that fagot", "that bollera" or "that travelo". These people could not talk freely about their sexuality in such a place. "

The right to love 3

In short, an exhibition that meets exceptionally in substance and form with the highest expectations. Do not miss it.

Sources:  jotdown.es, 20minutos.es


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LGTBI public policies with an intersectional view

The intersectionality recognizes that people, also the LGTBI, are crossed by different inequalities and that in this crossing generates a new type of discrimination that goes beyond the sum of these axes.

Gayles.tv.- The 2, 3 and 4 days in May were held in Barcelona on second meeting of the project "Intersectionality in metropolitan LGTBI policies" promoted by Metropolis (World Association of the Great Metropolises). Cities like Montevideo, Medellin, CDMX, Berlin, Buenos Aires y Barcelona meet in order to produce common knowledge for incorporate the intersectional approach in LGTBI policies.

Laura Pérez (Councilor for Feminisms and LGTBI of Barcelona City Council), Marta Cruells (Chief of the Cabinet of the Department of Feminisms and LGTBI), Andrés Scagliola (Executive Coordinator of the Secretary of Diversity, Municipality of Montevideo), Meritxell Sàez (Technique of the Department for the Promotion of Women's Rights and the LGTBI collective, Feminisms and LGBTI Directorate of Barcelona City Council), Florencio Chicote (Head of Unit / VI B - LGBTI of the Department of Justice, Consumer Protection and Non-Discrimination of the Berlin Senate), Luz Angela Alvarez (Secretary of Social Inclusion and the leader of the projects for the inclusion of the LGBTI collective in Medellin), Pamela Malewicz (Undersecretary of Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Jacqueline L'Hoist, president of the Council for the Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination of the City of Mexico COPRED), Gerard Coll-Planas (director of the Center d'Estudis Interdisciplinaris de Gènere, Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya) and Miquel Missé (Center d'Estudis Interdisciplinaris de Gènere, Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya) analyze this meeting and tell us their vision about intersectionality.


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Homophobic Eurovision or the end of freedom of expression

The entry of LGTBI flags into the second Eurovision semifinal at the Altice Arena in Lisbon is prohibited

GAYLES.TV.- It is confirmed that we live installed in an undemocratic drift of the ciborium and I am not only talking about Spain, which by the way takes the cake, I am talking about the West in general, I am talking about having internalized that they can prohibit us from dressing in a certain way, sing according to what, give opinions on social networks and wear symbols with which we identify because whoever prohibits thinks differently. 50 years have passed since "Forbidden to forbid" May 68 and the retrograde of all castes are at ease without, apparently, nobody prevents it.

It is envisaged that Valtónyc go to prison next week for insults and threats, for the lyrics of your songs? I do not think so, rather it is probably to think how you think. For similar reasons, Pablo Hasel or Willy Toledo for his blasphemies in Facebook. Recently, in a sports competition, people wearing yellow shirts were forced to take them off and throw them away, and it is not at all true that they all carried political phrases; Besides, what if they sported slogans? Doesn't the Constitution defend freedom of expression?

LGTBI Eurovison

And the saying goes, "When the beards of the neighbor you see peel, put yours to soak" and now it is the turn of the LGTBI flags and it has been in Portugal. Those who attended with their flags and with the intention of waving them during the performances had to hand them over to the members of the stadium security team at the entrance. To the trash with them! The reason? Well, the legislation of one of the participating countries prohibits them. Let's see if you guess which country it is…. Indeed: Russia! We will have to be happy because the Russians have not managed to go to the grand final of Eurovision, so if they end up seeing rainbow flags at the gala it will be confirmed that Russia in addition to being homophobic does not respect that of adapting to what the majority thinks. If this is not the case, we will still have to worry more because it will mean that they ban our flag in the world's gayest contest as if it were a terrorist symbol.

There is a wonderful phrase that is often attributed to Voltaire but that it was actually used for the first time by a woman  Evelyn Beatrice Hall, which is precisely the author of a biography about the famous philosopher, which is probably why Voltaire is cited when he wants to comment on freedom of expression. The phrase is:

  • "I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend my right to say it with my life"

That is the only way, that of respect, that of freedom of expression, that of any thought except the single thought, that of understanding that we are condemned to understand ourselves or to perish. But above all we should try not to censor ourselves, not fall into the trap of being our own executioners, because between that and the "forbidden to prohibit", between white and black there are 256 shades of gray.

Sources:  the world is, elespañol.comel.taller.del.gnomo.over-blog.es


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Netta Barzilai (Israel) wins Eurovision 2018

Israel has won the festival of Eurovision 2018 with 529 points after a disputed final with Cyprus

GAYLES.TV.- Finally the cackling of Netta Barzilai (Israel) and his "Toy»Have won the triumph in Eurovision 2018. The Israeli singer managed to impose points with 529 Eleni Foureira (Cyprus) who had stolen the position of favorite. Israel he has fulfilled the forecasts and has achieved his fourth eurovisiva victory. The emotion has been maintained until the last moment as it also Cyprus y Austria they had options to win with the voting system that is shared halfway between the professional jury and the eurofans.

«Toy"Interpreted in English with some Hebrew words and one in Japanese ('baka' meaning stupid) refers to" someone cowardly, a hen who treats a woman like a toy. " Netta mocks in the lyrics of the «cowards»That discriminate against women, those who use them and do not treat them as beings«divine«. «I'm not your toy, stupid boy«, Netta repeats. Her feminist message has penetrated and she has won the victory on a night that filled the Portuguese capital with color despite the ban on LGBTI flags.

Eurovision Spontaneous 2018 Gayles.tvThe anecdote of this edition has led a spontaneous that has sneaked in the middle of the performance of the British representative SuRie and has stolen the mike. The bewildered singer has tried to disguise improvising some steps of dance, but the security failure has been devastating.

The Spanish representatives Amaya and Alfred they came in 23rd out of 26 despite putting on an impeccable performance. They put all the feeling to the subject «Your song“But they failed to seduce either the jury or the Eurofans. There was also no final kiss after the performance that many of his followers expected.

Sources: El País, eldiario.es, La Vanguardia


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A fermented cabbage shake cures homosexuality, according to the Sect of the Caca

The Attorney General of Ohio investigates the Sect of the Caca

GAYLES.TV.- Jillian Epperly, a woman of 44 years who lives in Ohio, has created a smoothie «able to cure homosexuality«. His Jilly Juice It consists of a cabbage, salt and water shake that is left to ferment at room temperature and its properties are miraculous. This healing potion can «reverse the aging process, autism and Down syndrome«. In addition, its protocol is «able to make members and organs grow back«. Italics obey statements that Jillian has done on social networks, where your Jilly Juice He came to have more than 58.000 followers.

His homophobic pearls are not limited to juice. Epperly stated that his shake is capable of «correct the LGTB lifestyle », which he defined as «a possible mutation of the reproductive system that sends contradictory signals to the brain«. Almost nothing.

Jillian Epperly Beaten Cabbage Cure Homosexuality Poop Sect Gayles.tvEpperly It sold packages on its website for between $ 30 and $ 70 a year to obtain the shake and also to access private forums and supposedly personalized telephone consultations. He claimed that if people drank his cabbage juice for a time, the body could shed disease and "deviations." He recommended drinking about 4 liters a day and thus achieve the «waterfalls»That cleanse the body. A real watery diarrhea, that's why the groups contrary to their protocols called it «the sect of the poop«.

The situation was complicated when a man of 55 years suffered pancreatic cancer he ingested Jilly Juice Following the protocols and the unhealthy drink caused him unstoppable diarrhea and finally death. The Office of the Attorney of Ohio I had already received three complaints against Jillian and he took action on the matter because if there is no legitimate proof that the statements he makes are true, a possibility of a lawsuit against him is opened.


Sources: BuzzFeed, 26 Time,


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Drag Tots: the first animated series with Drag characters arrives

The cartoon series Drag Tots will feature the voice of RuPaul

GAYLES.TV.- The next 28 June, coinciding with the International LGBT Pride Day +, will be the premiere of the cartoon series Drag Tots. The series produced by Randy Barbato, Fenton Bailey y Tim Campbell de World of Wonder has the stellar participation of RuPaul, which will be the voice of the Unicorn Corny. Complete the deal Bianca Del Rio, Adore Delano, Latrice Royale, Valentina y Detox who will be the soul of the Baby Drag Queens.

Drag Tots unicorn RuPaul Gayles.tvThe trailer starts with the mythical phrase of Don LaFontaine «In a world ...»And copies the aesthetics of action and scary movies (Donald Trump included) to finish with the solution that this world full of chaos needs: Baby Drag Queens. The producer of RuPaul's Drag Race embarks this time in an animated adventure destined so much to the infantile public like to the adult.

The show will be starred by the dragon queens Dina Saur, Roxy Moron, Lady LIber T, Arugala and Donatela Mewhattodoo who use their powers with the brilli-brillli to confront the mainstream culture and fight against problems of masculinity.

Sources: GayTimes, ShangayWOWPresents


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The trailer for "Bohemian Rhapsody", the biopic about Freddie Mercury, is here

'Bohemian Rhapsody' will hit our theaters on October 31

GAYLES.TV.- There are still a few months to see the biopic of Freddie Mercury y Queen, but those who can't wait until its premiere on October 31, have a small dose to alleviate their addiction. The first trailer for «Bohemian Rhapsody«. Rami Malek, known worldwide for the series «Mr. Robot", will be Freddie Mercury in the film His interpretation and characterization surprised even his own Bryan May, who has approved their transformation. Complete the deal Gwilym Lee, Ben Hardy y Joseph Mazzello.

«Bohemian Rhapsody»Tells us about the meteoric career of one of the most mythical rock bands in history through their iconic songs. But also the ins and outs of the group such as the crisis when the lifestyle of Mercury it was runaway or the historic concert Live Aid in 1985.

Rami Malek Bohemian Rhapsody Freddie Mercury biopic gaylestvThis production of 20th Century Fox He has suffered several setbacks and has been trying to get ahead for eight years. The dismissal of its director Bryan Singer after six months of shooting it was the most talked about. According to the rumor mill director and protagonist could not stand and the bad relationship included an episode with the throwing of objects. The Fox alleged "unprofessional behavior" on the part of Singer accusing him of missing filming on several occasions. The director defended himself with these statements to The Holywood Reporter: «Rumors that my unexpected departure from the film was sparked by a dispute I had with Rami Malek are not true. While we did have creative differences on set at times, Rami and I bridged the differences and continued to work on the film together until just before Thanksgiving. " and argued that the  Fox He forbade her to care for a "seriously ill" relative: "I wanted nothing more than to be able to finish the project and help honor the legacy of Freddie Mercury and Queen, but Fox has not allowed me to do so because I needed to temporarily put my health and that of my loved ones first." After the dismissal the project happened again to be led Dexter Fletcher.

The show must go on ... so for your deliete here is the trailer:

Sources: Frames, Wikipedia


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LGTBIphobia, the monster that does not stop

The increase in hate crimes marks the International Day Against LGTBIphobia

GAYLES.TV.- Today 28 years ago that homosexuality was eliminated from the list of mental illnesses of the World Health Organization (WHO) Each May 17 we celebrate the advances of rights and freedoms that the collective LGTBI He has been conquering. But Spain is stuck in the legal protection of the community and hate crimes increase a 36% according Ministry of the Interior (2016 data).

ILGA ranking LGTBIfobia gayles.tvThe annual report that the ILGA carried out annually on the situation of LGTBI rights in the European continent recommends that Spain definitively approve both the law of equality of LGTBI people and reform of the gender identity law.

«Adopt a new equality law that revises the existing framework of laws against discrimination, expressly protecting sexual orientation, sexual characteristics and gender identity in all spheres of life. and also considers necessary «The updating of the existing legal framework at the national level for the legal recognition of gender, so as to guarantee that the process is based on self-determination, is free from abusive requirements and does not include age limits.

The study places Spain in the novena ranking position, headed by Malta. Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey and Monaco close the list. This position in the classification is a setback for Spain since in 2011, it managed to be in second position after the approval of the equal marriage in 2010. Since then things have gotten worse and nowadays it is behind Denmark, Portugal, France, Finland, United Kingdom, Norguega, Belgium and Malta. In global terms, ILGA quantifies in a 67% the rights conquered by the collective in Spain, obtaining full equality in areas such as the family (equality in marriage or adoption) and in spaces within civil society (with total absence of laws that violate the freedom of expression or assembly of the movement). However, Spain It has a long way to go in terms of equality and non-discrimination because it has increased hate speech.

LGTBIfobia paso peatones gayles.tv

Sources: ILGA, Public


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Disney launches an LGBT + collection

Disney joins the Pride with a multicolored collection

GAYLES.TV.- Finally Disney It has been decided and has taken a step forward to support the collective LGTB +. Mickey Mouse will be the star of the new collection that the multinational animation company brings out for pride month. «The rainbow Mickey»Is already on sale in the websites and in addition it is solidary.

Disney LGTB LOVE Collection Mickey Pride Gayles.tvUn 10% of the benefits generated by shirts, hats, pins, fanny packs and multicolored water bottles will be destined to GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Student Education Network), a non-profit organization that strives to make schools more inclusive of LGBT + diversity. Although only the purchases made between the 14 and the 30 in June and with a maximum donation of U.S. dollar 50.000.

Eliza Byard, Executive Director of GLSEN, has stated: “Mickey Mouse It has brought joy to millions of children, youth and adults, and this collection is based on that tradition, ensuring that young people LGTB + you can also see a world in which you can dream and believer ".

Although it is a good initiative that surely helps many children LGTB + and gives visibility to the collective, the first criticisms have not been slow to arrive. The limit of 50.000 dollars is a bit stale when it comes to an empire like Disney. Besides, it is already time that Disney bet clearly for characters LGTB + after his first foray with the character of LeFou, faithful companion of Gaston, from "Beauty and the beast«. We look forward to the arrival of the first lesbian character of the company in 2018.

Disney LGTB Collection Mickey Pride Gayles.tv

Sources: Shangay


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Jennifer Aniston first lesbian woman president of the USA on Netflix

Jennifer Aniston stars in the film "First Ladies" on Netflix

GAYLES.TV.- «Behind every great woman ... there is another great womanr », with this declaration of intentions is presented what will undoubtedly be one of the novelties of Netflix. "First Ladies»Is a political comedy starring Jennifer Aniston who will play Beverly Nicholson, the first lesbian woman president of the United States.

The actress famous worldwide for her role as Rachel in the sitcom «Friends»Will arrive at the White House by the hand of his wife in fiction Kasey Nicholson, Played by Tig Notary. In fact, Notary is a scriptwriter of the film together with his wife Stephanie Allynne

At the moment there is no release date but it is certainly a project that will have to talk. Further, Jennifer is at a good time since briefly also in Netflix it will be issued "Murder Mystery" With Adam Sandler, in which they interpret a marriage that is involved in a murder during their trip.

Clearly Netflix he has raised the flag LGTB + since many of its productions are carried out by personages of the group. To the well-known Sense8 o Orange is the New Black, we must add the drama 13 Reasons Why or having show rights RuPaul's Drag Race.  

Jennifer Aniston First Ladies

Sources: Pink News, Cosmopolitan, MiraLes


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2018 feathers and whips

XII delivery of the awards that recognize organizations, professionals and institutions committed to sexual diversity.

GAYLES.TV.- The framework chosen by the FELGTB for the delivery gala of the XII 2018 feathers and whips was the auditorium of the Palacio de Cibeles, where the headquarters of the Madrid City Council. The contest would have its equivalent in the well-known Naranja and Limón awards given by the general press, but its character is more committed and demanding and of course, focused on the LGTBI theme.

El Choir of Voices LGTB opened the transvestite ceremony and singing the Colors Of The Wind of the movie Pocahontas, a festive beginning that gave way to a brief but intense, entertaining and fun gala, which is very much appreciated. As masters of ceremonies they exercised Niurka Gibaja and Paco Tomás that for a start they delivered a few lashes, the first for the Party that accumulates nominations to kicks for what was defined by Tomás himself as "the Meryl Streep of these galas".

The Canary Islands played a very important role, with recognitions Drag Queen of the Carnival of Las Palmas, the transgender singer-songwriters Chip and Alicia Ramos and the speech of the also canary president of FELGTB, Uge Sangil, who had an emotional memory for LGTBI people with disabilities.

Boti García

But of course there was also a space for the Media Feathers, in this case the couple of The Javis, who dedicated the distinction to the work of the FELGTB that has allowed them, as they stated, “dream, have a life and work to make the world a better place«.

But the final touch was the deserved recognition of Boti García Rodrigo for a lifetime dedicated to activism and the rights of LGTBI people. When he picked up the Boti award he recognized that precisely that activism had provided him "Friends, companions and, above all, dreams".

There was a section for the special mentions that fell on the film A Fantastic WomanEquality Unit of the University of La Rioja and, posthumously, a memory for the crying Brazilian activist victim of murder, Marielle Franco.

Paco Tomás defined the Feathers and Whips as «the prizes of activism to activism. Perhaps that is why they have less impact and their coverage is almost exclusively limited to LGBT media. It's a shame because the winners are of a high level«. Perhaps it would begin to be time for some publicly owned media to give space to the information of this contest that is gradually making its way beyond the LGTBI environment.

Sources: FELGTB.org. universegay.com


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Pope Francis: «God made you like this. God loves you like this »

Pope Francis apologizes to a gay activist who suffered sexual abuse

GAYLES.TV.- The activist LGTB + Juan Carlos Cruz, is a Chilean resident in the United States who was a victim of sexual abuse during his adolescence on the part of Fernando Karadima, in the church of Sacred Heart of Jesus en Santiago de Chile. After revealing the series of violations towards minors by priests of Chile, the very Pope Francisco He invited Cross for a week in Santa Marta, your residence in Vatican to apologize and talk about it.

Juan Carlos Cruz sexual abuse papa chileJuan Carlos Cruz He assured that the pope francisco He did not condemn him because of his homosexual condition. According Cross, in his meeting with the Supreme Pontiff, told him that he had felt slandered by the bishops of his country when they used their sexual orientation as a weapon to discredit him. And he said he was worried that he thought being gay was a bad thing. He Pope immediately he said «Look, Juan Carlos, God loves you that way. God made you that way. He Pope he loves you and you have to love yourself«. The victim's new statement comes after the 34 bishops of Chile they will leave their position in the hands of the leader of the Catholic Church for said sexual abuse.

"I want to ask your forgiveness, on behalf of the Pope and the Church"

The main issues discussed were sexual abuse and pedophilia in ChileHowever, the pontiff repeatedly apologized for all the pain he suffered, and invited him to regain faith in the Church. «I want to ask your forgiveness, on behalf of the Pope and the Church, for everything you have been through. I apologize for me, because I was the cause of this situation that caused you so much pain in recent months" He said Pope a Cross.

This is not the first time that the pontiff has kept the community open LGTB +. In July of 2013, at the express question of a journalist about the supposed gay lobby of the Vatican, Pope He said "Who am I to judge?«. Despite the apparent openness in some cases, the Catholic Church continues without recognizing the rights of LGBT + people.

Sources: Collective Culture, 24 Hours


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The gays masturbate more

A study conducted by Tenga concludes that an 97% of LGBT + people masturbate

GAYLES.TV.- A study conducted by the brand of products for adults Tenga concludes that people who identify as homosexual, lesbian or bisexual they masturbate an 23% more a week than heterosexual people. In addition, there is a greater willingness to talk about sex or sexual pleasure. Only the 42% of heterosexuals talk about sex with their friends or partner, while the figure amounts to 71% when it comes to homosexuals and bisexuals. Come on, we are some out.

The survey was conducted between February and March 2018 and asked people of 18 different nationalities. 86% of heterosexual respondents claim to masturbate, but when it comes to LGTB +, 97% of the people interviewed acknowledge it. «Achieve pleasure, help sleep, boredom, improve sexual performance, explore one's body or help sleep»Are some of the reasons why respondents say they masturbate.

And what are the preferences? Well, 79% prefer to masturbate in their room, while 15% choose the shower. Other less frequent answers were «in the jacuzzi","office»Or«out of home«. The average age of heterosexual adults indicates that they began to masturbate around the age of 15, while here the community is again earlier and their average initiation is at 13 years.


Studio gay masturbation masturbate

Sources: Men Magazine Gay


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International AIDS Memorial: 25 years of remembrance and struggle

The International AIDS Memorial in Barcelona commemorates 25 years denouncing that the fight against the pandemic is stalled by the political leaders.

GAYLES.TV.- The Memorial, organized in Barcelona by the NGO Projecte dels NOMS, celebrates a quarter of a century of memory and commitment. The theme of this edition has been "Reflecting on the past, preparing for the future!" because according to Ferran Pujol, director of Projecte dels NOMS, the Memorial has always had this function. The act has been conducted by Itziar Castro y Daphnis Balduz, and has had the participation of Núria Feliu, Enric Majó, Mont Plans and Brigitta Lamoure. The expresident Carles Puigdemont and the exconseller of Health, Toni ComínThey also wanted to be present at the event by sending their words. They have also acted Laura Simó, the Consort Vilamarí and the Male Choir of Barcelona.

Memorial AIDS


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