Brutal homophobic aggression in Malasaña in broad daylight

Malasaña: Eight hooded men assaulted a 20-year-old young man and marked the word "fag" on the victim's buttock with a knife

La National Police investigate a brutal assault committed mid-afternoon yesterday in a portal in the neighborhood of Malasaña de Madrid. According to the victim, eight individuals dressed in black sweatshirts and ski masks assaulted him as he entered the doorway of his house, cut his lip with a razor and then cut off his buttock, marking him with the word «fagot«, Have informed police sources.

The events took place on a portal in the center of Madrid, for which they have taken over the investigation agents of the police station of Centro District. The story of the young man, 20, is part of the report opened after his complaint. The events took place in broad daylight, around 17:00 p.m.

The hooded men accessed the portal at the same time as their victim. First they cut off his lower lip with a razor while calling him «fagot","disgusting" Y "shit eater«, Always according to the declaration of the young man. The assailants then laid him on the ground, lowered his pants and inflicted the aforementioned injuries to his buttock. The young man has also related to the Police that during the attack the hooded men made a reference to «antichrist«.

According to the instruction issued by the Secretary of State for Security after the crime of Samuel Luiz in A Coruña, the policemen of Centro District They investigate the brutal aggression as a hate crime due to the insults made against the victim, and independently of the rest of the alleged criminally punished crimes that the aggression includes.


Spain is positioned as the country with the most LGBTIQ + support

Spain is the country with the highest acceptance LGBTIQ +, according to a British survey

Spain is positioned as the country with the most support LGBTIQ + (91%) versus France with only 57%, according to a British survey of YouGov. Among the countries surveyed, Spain It has the highest percentage of people who identify themselves within the group (10%) and the majority of heterosexual Spaniards have a relative or close friend who is part of the community 55%. This leaves only one in three people (33%) not having a personal relationship with people who are not binary or bisexual, gay or lesbian.

On the other hand, when asking how they would react if a son, brother or close relative declared himself gay, lesbian or bisexual, 91% of Spaniards would support him, while if he were transgender or non-binary, the percentage of support falls to 87%. The data recorded in Franceranked in this survey as the country with the lowest levels of support.

CIS survey

En Spain, previous years Spaniards have been asked in surveys of the Sociological Research Center (CIS) on your opinion of same-sex marriage. 64,3% said they approved it in full in 2016, while in 2013 it was 59,8%, that is, the favorable perception rose 4,5 points in three years. In the survey of CIS on Social and Affective Relationships in Times of a COVID-19 Pandemic In May and June 2021, 1,9% claimed to be homosexual and 2,3% bisexual, while 93,9% claimed to be heterosexual, although no questions were mentioned in relation to the group LGBTIQ +.

What happens in other countries?

Spain is positioned as the country with the most LGBTIQ + supportEn France, three out of five people (only 57%) would support a close family member if they came out as gay, lesbian or bisexual. The percentage drops to 47% in the case of referring to a transgender or non-binary relative. Another noteworthy fact is the case of Sweden, where two thirds of the population (65%) affirm that they do not have any close friends or relatives who are LGBTIQ +, the highest proportion among the countries surveyed. Still it still stands above France, USA y Germany in terms of support for the collective compared to other western countries.

Although there are countries where acceptance was low in 2019, as is the case of Türkiye (25%) or Russia (14%), the report reflects that in several nations there has been an increase in the acceptance of homosexuality, including United States, which has increased from 49% acceptance in 2007 to 72% in 2019. In addition, the study points out that younger generations accept more sexual orientation. In two of the 34 countries surveyed, young people are more likely than older people to say that homosexuality should be socially accepted.

Not everything is rosy

In the overall assessment, Spain it is also among the first. Rainbow Europe, a platform that classifies European countries according to laws or policies that affect the collective LGBTIQ + and various categories such as equality or hate crimes, classifies Spain in the eighth position of the ranking.

Even so, there are still many pitfalls. The category worst evaluated by Rainbow Europe en Spain Its the "legal recognition of gender and bodily integrity”, With 48%, which indicates the lack of recognition of the non-binary gender and of self-determination. The country obtains a 67 out of 100 in the «Rainbow list«, While different entities explain that the emergence of Vox and the implantation of the parental pin represent a step backwards.

Also in previous editions of this list Spain had achieved better positions in the ranking, especially with the approval of homosexual marriage in 2005. Currently, the non-recognition of non-binary people, the absence of a national trans law, the rise of the extreme right, the irruption of Vox, the implantation of the parental pin and the increase in aggressions LGTBIphobic they represent a step backwards.

Spain is positioned as the country with the most LGBTIQ + support

Afghanistan: the terror of LGTBIQ + people after the Taliban came to power

The Taliban punish the LGTBIQ + collective in Afghanistan by executing them with stoning or cutting off their heads

The rise to power of the Taliban in Afghanistan has set off all the alarms among the collective LGTBIQ +. According to activists in exile, the Taliban punish the group by executing them with stoning or cutting off their heads. People LGTBIQ + they no longer have a place in it Afghanistan Taliban, homosexuality is prohibited and its punishment may be death. The Taliban are known for enforcing extreme Islamic ideals. According to the Taliban's interpretation of Islamic law, homosexuality is strictly prohibited and is punishable by death.

This is explained by one of the main speakers on the situation of the homosexual community in Afghanistan, Artemis Akbary, who sentences: «For the previous government, the punishment for same-sex relationships was prison. For the Taliban government it is the death penalty«. This gay Afghan refugee in Turkey laments that «the taliban will never recognize the collective LGTBIQ +«.

akbary has recognized that given the gravity of the situation, his friends are desperate to get out of Afghanistan. "Most are scared by the uncertain future. They don't know what is going to happen to them«, He assures. In turn, the Taliban judge Gul rahim confirms the fears of akbary and ensures that there are only two penalties for homosexuals: stoning or standing behind a wall between 2,5 and 3 meters, which falls on it.

Demonstrate sexual orientation to seek asylum

Requests for help to organizations LGTBIQ + they happen on a daily basis. For this reason, in the case of Spain, they have asked for the reception of this group to be expedited. Samir, of the association of migrants and refugees LGBTI Kif-Kif, reports that there is a lot of concern among those who contact them. «Requests for help have come to us from Afghanistan. They are looking forward to leaving the country", bill. On Spain, asylum seekers must prove their sexuality, which is complicated and leads to systematic rejections of applications, which is why several associations have asked the Government to speed up the reception of this group.

Flee from terror

Afghanistan: the terror of LGTBIQ + people after the rise to power of the TalibanAbout twenty organizations that make up the LGTBI Network of entities and companies for mutual support have denounced the «criminal assault»That the Taliban are committing in Afghanistan against human rights defenders and, for this reason, they call on the Executive and international institutions not to recognize his regime. Through a statement, these associations have shown their «consternation" by "dramatic political situation»That lives the Asian country that has led to the«persecution of women, people LGTBIQ + and human rights defenders«. «This has led to the imposition of a regime of terror that is leading hundreds of thousands of people to try to flee the country to avoid repression, torture and even murder.«, Lament the entities.

The Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, has indicated this Thursday that the international priority, as well as that of the Spanish Government, "should be women and people LGTBI en Afghanistan now and in the coming months. What's more, Huntsman has asked "a deep reflection on how to strengthen the action of the different international institutions to guarantee the rights of women and girls and of LGTBI people«, Since the violation of the rights of Afghan women is«a structural reality that has been lived for decades«.

Afghanistan: the terror of LGTBIQ + people after the rise to power of the Taliban

A waitress throws boiling water in a homophobic attack in Lleida

A waitress rebukes a couple of men for kissing and throws boiling water at a young man who defends them in a bar in Lleida

A young man from Lleida has denounced a homophobic aggression that would have occurred on August 13 in a street bar Vallwarm.

According to the complaint filed at the police station of the Mossos d'Esquadra A waitress at the bar began to reprimand a gay couple who were sitting on the terrace of the establishment when the victim, who was leaving a nearby bar, allegedly reproached him for his attitude. The discussion escalated until the complainant threw some olives that were on the bar, to which the waitress responded by throwing a jug of boiling water that caused erythematous wounds in the complainant's right foot and abdominal area and also reached to a couple of tourists and another client of the establishment.

'I don't want fags here!

According to Giovanni lemes, victim of the aggression, a gesture of affection with her partner did not like the owner of the bar who did not hesitate to rebuke them. The woman left the premises yelling and insulting them. «He called us' fags', told us he didn't approve of it and yelled at us: 'I don't want fags here!'", remember slogans. After being shocked, a young man who was passing by, when listening to the owner of the bar, did not hesitate to reproach the woman for the homophobic insults.

The woman's reaction was very violent, and she ended up attacking the young man. «He took a jug of boiling water from the coffee pot and threw it at him from inside the bar.«, Relates John. The boy did not take long to denounce what happened and there was a quick trial that now awaits the sentence. For their part, the attacked couple reported this Friday to the City Council.

"It is not the first time that there have been problems of this type in the bar. A few weeks ago, the same waitress came out shouting at a couple of girls who were passing in front of the bar and told them to get out of there, that she did not want people like that in her place”Explained a neighbor in the area.

More LGTBIphobic aggressions

According to data from the Minister of Interior, Joan Ignasi Elena, four out of ten hate crimes in Catalunya so far in 2021 they had a homophobic background. The Observatory against Homophobia points out that there have been 160 incidents this year due to LGBTophobia, 40 more than in 2020. An increase that qualifies as “challenge"And"alarming”Throughout the territory, with a special impact on public roads, social networks and the neighborhood environment of this group. In this sense, the entity regrets that some cases are seen as “isolated”And, therefore, the focus is not placed on a social problem such as LGBTophobia, what "legitimizes discriminatory practices".

In the last week Lleida has experienced two attacks against the LGTBI collective, something that according to the president of the association Colors of Ponent, Hector Gonzalez, "is continuous”. From the association they denounce that they are not only aggressions that entail physical damage, and they assure that the most common occur in the workplace and family. "Many people contact us looking for a solution because at home they have been asked to leave due to their sexual condition or because they do not want to treat them at work because of the gender with which they identify"He explained González, who added that “in recent years more is being denounced and the group is being given more visibility. In addition, we hold weekly meetings with the council of Civil rights".

A waitress throws boiling water in a homophobic attack in Lleida


Snickers withdraws its ad after criticism of homophobia and plumophobia

Snickers withdraws the controversial Aless Gibaja ad and regrets “the misunderstanding"

In the last hours, the ice cream ad Snickers, starring the influencer Aless gibaja, has become a viral phenomenon on social networks due to criticism of his homophobia y plumofobia. The chocolate brand has issued a statement in which they announce that they are withdrawing the spot since their intentions were not to offend any group and that they wanted «convey in a friendly and casual way that hunger can change your character«.

In the twenty seconds that the controversial announcement of Snickers, we can see Aless gibaja with another man in a beach bar, when the waiter enters the scene. Then, the influencer asks for a “sexy orange juice with vitamins A, B and C”Before the stupor face of his companion. Immediately afterwards, the waiter hands him a frozen chocolate bar Snickers and when Hump takes a bite, the young man transforms into a man who complies with all the heteronormative canons of the machirulo. Faced with this conversion, the companion asks him: “Best?”. And the new Aless gibaja answer back: "Better”. The spot concludes with the slogan: “It's not you when you're hungry".

Plumophobia and homophobia

The networks did not take long to denounce the resounding plumophobia of the ad. "Disgusting, homophobic, heteronormative, plumophobic ...”Are some of the criticisms that the spot received of painful realization. «Homophobic aggressions and those of Snickers they put out an ad ridiculing the pen, in which Aless gibaja He becomes a 'straight normative' man when he eats the chocolate bar«Commented a tweeter. «It seems that eating Snickers the feather is taken from you and now 'you are better'. But how do you continue to have campaigns like this?«, Raised another. «I don't know if they are advertising ice cream or conversion therapyWrote a third.

Even the Minister Irene Montero dedicated a tweet in which he asks «to whom it might seem like a good idea to use homophobia as a business strategy«. Bob Pop neither has he bit his tongue and has tweeted «Hopefully a counter-campaign where we record everyone eating BONES as if they were cocks«.

To misunderstanding the Snickers

The company released a statement in which it apologized and withdrew the ad. "From the brand Snickers we take the rights of equality and inclusion very seriously”, The letter began saying,“and we believe that anyone has the right to show themselves as they are. Therefore, from Snickers we would like to apologize for the misunderstanding that our new advertising campaign may have caused".

"At no time has it been intended to stigmatize or offend any person or group”He continued. "In this specific campaign, the aim was to convey in a friendly and casual way that hunger can change your character.”, They tried to justify. Finally, "We regret any misunderstanding and, in order to avoid spreading a message that could be misinterpreted, we will immediately proceed to remove the campaign".

We only see misunderstandings and misinterpreted messages from the brand.

The Generalitat allocates 4 million to employment programs for trans people

The Government promotes for the first time a line of occupation policies for trans people

El Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya, through the Department of Business and Work and the Department of Equality and Feminismes, opens, for the first time, a specific call for grants for the insertion of trans people in the world of work. The executive plans to allocate 4 millones de euros to the promotion of occupation of this group.

«It is a small amount in this plan but relevant for a group that frequently suffers from situations of labor discrimination«, The Minister of Business and Work Roger Torrent. According to the minister, it is the “largest employability project aimed at trans people that has been created in Catalonia".

Calls for employment for trans people

The calls will be made public from August and the Govern he hopes to be able to grant them during the last quarter of this year. The aid to this group is within the shock plan of active employment policies, which includes the program “Work and Training”, An initiative that seeks to train and accompany unemployed people, especially those groups that are at greater risk of social exclusion.

Equity policies

Tània Verge, Minister of Igualtat and Feminismes, has ensured that the world of work is one of the areas in which these inequalities are most evident and that is why the team responsible for the public policies LGTBIQ + has made a diagnosis of the profiles and occupational needs of trans people seeking work with the help of the Servei d'Ocupació de Cataluynya (SOC), non-profit organizations and more than 200 people from the group.

Verge explained that the collaboration between the two departments «it is essential" and that "is a priority of Government of the Generalitat promote equity policies based on a fair distribution of rights, benefits, obligations, opportunities and resources, based on the recognition and respect of difference to guarantee a dignified life for all people«.

The Generalitat allocates 4 million to employment programs for trans people

Jamie Lee Curtis proudly talks about Ruby, his trans daughter

Jamie Lee Curtis Announces He Will Celebrate His Trans Daughter's Wedding

Jamie Lee Curtis has explained in an interview to the magazine Aarp that his little daughter is trans. The 62-year-old actress recounts in the magazine how the girl's transition process has been. She and her husband Christopher Guest, have lived through the transition process «with surprise and pride ». The interpreter adds that this experience has helped her realize that «gender is not fixed "So what" life is a constant metamorphosis«.

Ruby She is 25 years old and works as a computer game editor, while the interpreter's eldest daughter, Annie, is 34 years old, is married and works as a dance instructor. Lee Curtis It also advances in the interview that the Ruby she will marry next year and that she will officiate the wedding herself. Jamie he claims to have evolved in his "old conception" of gender. Ruby hasn't made public appearances since 2017.

Ally mother

With these statements, Lee Curtis thus joins the long list of popular faces that have been giving visibility to the trans reality through their children. Warren Beatty and Annette Bening, Charlize Theron, Cher, Nacho Vidal or Angelina Jolie with his son Shiloh These are just some of the international VIPs who have not only settled for supporting their children in their process, they have also wanted to make it public so that other families know that this exists and that you have to know how to manage it.

Jamie Lee Curtis has always been a great ally of the community LGTBIQ +. The protagonist of «A fish named Wanda»Shared in his account Twitter en 2017 an article from Huffington Post that a trans teacher dedicated to all trans girls.


The Police consider it proven that Samuel was yelled "fag"

The autopsy confirms that Samuel Luiz received multiple blows, in a six-minute assault

The autopsy performed on Samuel Luis confirms that the numerous blows he received in the attack he suffered in the early morning of 3 July en La Coruna They caused a head injury and death, as explained by police officials in an appearance before the media after lifting the secret of the summary by the court.

«They are six fatal minutes, six minutes of aggression over about 150 meters»Relates José Miñones, Government Delegate in Galicia. Samuel he died of trauma caused by a multitude of blows, most of them to the head. The aggressorsIn addition to punching him multiple times in the head, they could also have used a short, blunt metal-tipped weapon called kubotan, found in the house of one of the minors and which is being investigated, and a bottle. What the agents no longer doubt is that before the fatal assault on Samuel they yelled at him "fagot".

With more than 41 testimony, the recordings of the security cameras and the dump of information from the mobile phones of those arrested, the investigation continues to target “exquisitely”–In the words of the superior head of Galician Police the motivation for the aggression. "As of today it is not verified (the hate crime), explained the police command at a press conference. "But those lines are not closed”, He added.

The detainees tried to erase evidence

The Police consider it proven that Samuel was yelled "fag", but they have not yet confirmed the homophobic hatred«The conversations of the mobile phones of the suspects have helped us to have more indications«. In fact, they explained that «they had deleted conversations to try to delete evidence«. However, they did not manage to erase everything and the researchers, in a multidisciplinary group in which they were specialists in scientific research and in social networks, managed to access those messages that have been key in the clarification of the facts, together with the testimonies and the security cameras in the area.

The bottle was found in the house of one of them, it was broken and has the DNA de Samuel and the aggressor. It could break on impact Samuel He had a 10-centimeter open wound on his head. Samuel did not die from a single blow. He had many in his head and all over his body. In the first sequence of the attack next to the disco, they did not kill him because Ibrahima protected him with his body throughout the sequence, risking his own life. Now the detainees are also being investigated for the attempted murder of their own Ibrahima. It will be the investigating judge who assumed the case who determines whether there is - or not. hate crime.

The Police consider it proven that Samuel was yelled "fag", but they have not yet confirmed the homophobic hatred

Hamilton and Vettel criticize the anti-LGTBIQ + law in Hungary

Reprimand for Sebastian Vettel for wearing a shirt in support of the LGTBIQ + community in Hungary

Sebastian Vettel has received a reprimand for not following the pre-career procedures imposed since Race Direction en Hungary. The German rider explained that the reason for his visit to the stewards was related to the jersey, in favor of the rights of the community LGTBIQ +, which has worn during the Hungarian anthem before the race.

Hag he has had to testify before the commissioners for not respecting the procedures. The pilot of Aston Martin He has worn a T-shirt, which read «The same love»And that it was decorated with the colors of the flag LGTBIQ +, while the Hungarian anthem sounded. The German rider has chosen to wear this jersey in the Hungarian Grand Prix, a decision that has not been random. The Hungarian territory has been in the news in recent weeks precisely because of its recent policies concerning the rights of the collective LGTBIQ +.

El Government has approved a law that prohibits talk about sexual and gender diversity in educational centers in the country. The justification behind said legislation is that they do not want certain content to influence those under 18 years of age, since they consider that it can be detrimental to their development as people.

"I would do it again"

Therefore, Hag has chosen to wear a t-shirt in support of the group while the anthem of a country that promotes laws of that caliber was played. As a consequence, the commissioners have called him to testify and have punished him with a reprimand for it. However, he has been calm, since he has recognized that he would do it again and that he does not mind being disqualified. «I have heard that I have been called to testify because I kept my shirt on during the national anthem. I'm happy if they disqualify me, let them do what they want, I don't care. I would do it again«, Has assured the German.

Hamilton: "It's unacceptable"

Hamilton and Vettel criticize the anti-LGTBIQ + law in HungaryLewis Hamilton He has gone out of the sports plane again to get wet on social conflicts. The British pilot was already one of the main faces that promoted the movement Black Lives Matter in the motor world. And before Hungarian Grand Prix, the world champion asked the population to vote in the next referendum in defense of rights LGTBIQ +.

The pilot of Mercedes, Through his social networks, he has sent a very clear message to all his Hungarian fans. And it is none other than to oppose the popular and controversial anti-LGTBIQ + law in which you want to prohibit the «promotion»Of homosexuality.

«To everyone in this beautiful country, Hungary. Before the Grand Prix this weekend, I want to share my support for those affected by the anti-LGTBIQ + law of the government«, He posted in a story on his account Instagram, where he has more than 23 million followers accustomed to the social and political campaigns of the British, always active in these matters.

«It is unacceptable, cowardly and wrong for the rulers to suggest such a law. Everyone deserves the freedom to be themselves, no matter who they love or how they identify. I urge the Hungarian people to vote in the next referendum to protect the rights of the LGBTQ + community, they need our support more than ever«He concluded in the message.

Hamilton and Vettel criticize the anti-LGTBIQ + law in Hungary

Argentina includes the option 'x' in the DNI for non-binary people

Argentina, the first country in Latin America to recognize non-binary people

The national identity document in Argentina (DNI) registers the option 'X' since last Wednesday when defining the gender of the person concerned. Non-binary people are identified with that letter, those who do not feel like men or women. This is established by a presidential decree that puts the country at the forefront in this matter within Latin America.

The norm establishes the possibility of incorporating a third option in order to safeguard the right to gender identity, contemplated by law since 2012. «The nomenclature 'X' in the field 'sex' will include the following meanings: non-binary, indeterminate, unspecified, undefined, not reported, self-perceived, not recorded; or another meaning with which the person who does not feel included in the male / female binomial could identify«, Reads the decree published in the official gazette.

DNI for non-binary people

President Alberto Fernández delivered the first three documents with the new nomenclature in a ceremony held in the Bicentennial Museum, next to the Casa Rosada. "The state should not care about the sex of its citizens«, Said the president and celebrated that there is«a thousand ways to love, be loved and be happy«. The standard argues that «The right to identity has a direct and indissoluble link with the right not to suffer discrimination, to health, to privacy and to carry out one's own life plan«.

«There are other identities besides that of man and woman and they must be respected«, Maintained the president. The Argentine LGBT Federation he applauded what he defined as a «historic advance in rights" thanks to "organizational activism«.

«Although the use of the 'X' is not totally inclusive in the recognition of the wide range of identities that exist, it is an important step on the path towards real equality of laws », points out the Federation. In this sense, it considers that «it is the best way to be able to recognize a right and not to lose others«.

For his part, the president Fernandez considered that approval of equal marriage «it was the beginning of this whole journey towards diversity«, Remembering the law that has been in force since 2010. Recently Argentina also passed a law that established a trans job vacancy in the national public administration. The nomenclature 'x' in the field corresponding to sex will appear on the national identity document and in the passport. With this change Argentina joins other countries like Canada, Australia y New Zealand.

Argentina includes the option 'x' in the DNI for non-binary people

4.000 people demonstrate in Barcelona against LGTBIphobia

"Against LGTBIphobic violence: zero tolerance"

under the motto "Against LGTBIphobic violence: zero tolerance" 4.000 people have participated this Thursday in Barcelona in the unitary demonstration against the LTGBIphobic acts that have jointly convened the Platform d'Entitats LGTBI de Catalunya and Pride! Barcelona, which between the two represent more than 40 entities of the LGBTI community of Catalonia.

Homophobic assault on a waiter in Huelva shouting "shit fag"

A 22-year-old Brazilian has suffered an assault by a co-worker who has previously shown misgivings about his sexual orientation

Luiz jonas, a 22-year-old Brazilian man from Puebla de Guzman (Huelva), has reported to the Servicio Marítimo Guardia Civil the alleged Homophobic aggression suffered by a co-worker. According to the complaint, he works in a beach bar in the nearby municipality of Sanlucar de Guadiana, where a coworker, the last to arrive at the company, would have gone from making derogatory comments about his sexual orientation to attacking him. The events took place on July 17.

During an argument that went further, and already lying on the ground, he received, according to the complaint, a punch and several kicks between expressions such as «fagot","if you are not a man»Or«these are the things that go through hiring fags like these«. A misunderstanding around a comment made to him by his partner caused his partner to confront him directly, punching him in the eye, nose, mouth and chest, until he was separated by another partner.

The abuser is your co-worker

It was the young man's partner who argued with the alleged aggressor, and it was when they tried to separate them that the attack on him would have occurred. The young man maintains that the alleged aggressor is a new co-worker, who since his arrival has been making all kinds of homophobic comments towards the complainant and his partner, different workers at the establishment, and even the person in charge of the premises. The civil Guard already investigates the facts.

The attacked man was treated in the emergency department of the hospital Juan Ramon Jimenez de Huelva capital, where doctors appreciated «wound in the nasal region with ecchymosis (subcutaneous lesion characterized by extravasated blood deposits under the intact skin) in the right region and right cheekbone. Pain in the proximal humerus region, with limitation of BA (Joint Balance) ». He was discharged after taking an X-ray, with a referral to his GP.

The victim also reported in TikTok the attack where he presented his case and asked the authorities to "not one more", referring to the wave of homophobic attacks that occur these days.

Homophobic aggression on a Malaga dog beach

Homophobic aggression in Malaga: «Come closer, fagot, I'm going to kill you right here«

«Record, son of a bitch, record. Dead you had to be«. These are some of the threats of the last Homophobic aggression on the beach for dogs Guadalhorce de Málaga. The event took place this Sunday. As reported by the victim through a video posted on social networks, the aggressors were bothered by having their pets around: «He has hit me with a head butt in the face and has started to insult me«.

They also threatened to stab him with the umbrella pole while addressing him in the feminine: «Addressing me in feminine, he said: 'Come closer, come closer, fagot, I'm going to kill you right here. I'm going to prick you«. «I saw the hatred on his face", account James, who has reported to the National Police.

According to her version, her friend's dogs repeatedly approached the place where two couples were, which were about 150 meters away. James explains that at one point, one of the men from the other group approached them: “Are you going to fucking do something with the dogs? ", account. "I replied: 'Sorry, but we are on a beach for dogs'. The simple fact that I answered him made him very angry and he got a foot from my face".

«For 200 euros I prick you, fag«

"I asked him to understand and just at that moment he hit me in the face and called me a fag!", Explain. He picked up a brick from the sand in case he attacked him again, and then the man became more violent. "'What are you going to do, fagot, you're going to hit me 'and he grabbed a bigger stone ». At the same time, they did not stop insulting him and threatened him with death. Even the friend who accompanied him said: «For 200 euros I prick you, fag«. Remember living moments of great tension until they saw that the friends of James They called the police: "So they picked up and left".

La Police he is now investigating what happened and has some recordings of what happened.

Homophobic aggression on a Malaga dog beach

The Tokyo Olympics will be the most LGTBIQ + in history

There will be 131 openly LGTBIQ + athletes at the Tokyo Olympics

Many athletes fear coming out of the closet for reasons ranging from possible harassment to the loss of sponsors and commercial contracts that help promote their careers. However, many experts say that currently those athletes who choose to be visible revalue their commercial image when they become icons for the community LGTBIQ +.

Perhaps this is why tokyo olympics will be the most diverse in history and 131 athletes LGTBIQ + have confirmed their participation. This figure is the largest recorded so far in about Olympics. In 2012 a total of 23 athletes identified as LGTBIQ +Whereas in river 2016 were 56.

Are at least 25 countries different who will be represented in different disciplines by athletes who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and non-binaries in a public way. United States is the country with the highest number of athletes LGTBIQ +, with a total of 30 athletes. They follow him United Kingdom, with 15; Netherlands, with 12: Canada, with 11; New Zealand y Australia, with 9, respectively; Y Brazil, with seven, indicated outsports.

Laurel Hubbard, the first transgender to compete in the Olympics

The Tokyo Olympics will be the most LGTBIQ + in history

From the regulations derived from the Stockholm Consensus on the reassignment of sex in sports in 2003, there has not been a transgender athlete who participated in the OlympicsThe weightlifter New Zealand Laurel Hubbard has his best chance at Tokyo to make history.

Hubbard, who is now 43 years old, will be the first transsexual athlete in a Games. The New Zealand Olympic Committee He announced it, noting that the weightlifter meets all the eligibility criteria required by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The managing director of the New Zealand committee, Kereyn Smith, stated: “We recognize that gender identity in sport is a highly sensitive and complex issue that requires a balance between human rights and fairness on the field of play.". Hubbard, for his part, he said he felt “honored and grateful".

The last regulation of the IOC (2015), which eliminates the need for surgical operations, establishes that whoever wants to participate as a woman must declare herself a woman. In addition, it is fixed on a 10 nanograms of testosterone per milliliter of blood the maximum a woman can have to participate in female tests. That requires them to take medication to block the so-called male hormone, that of the beard and strength. For women transitioning to men there is no requirement. Slaps of the patriarchy.

The Tokyo Olympics will be the most LGTBIQ + in history

Brussels files Hungary and Poland for their attacks on the LGTBI + collective

The European Commission initiates an infringing procedure considering that Warsaw and Budapest violate fundamental rights

La European Commission has decided to pass this 15 July to action and has opened infringement proceedings against the governments of Hungary y Poland, two ultra-conservative executives who are raising a “culture war”, In the words of the French leader Emmanuel Macron, whose main objective is a direct attack on human rights by limiting the freedoms and rights of the collective LGTBI +.

If warsaw y Budapest keep your pulse, the matter will end in the hands of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) against which, in fact, the Polish government he already has a real crusade with the aim of breaking his sentences. They are two different files. Against Hungary An infringement procedure is opened by its law that limits the rights of the group by prohibiting homosexuality from being addressed in the classes and by making the contents in which it is reflected limited only to those over 18 years of age.

The rule has generated a great political battle at the highest level of the UE, causing that in the last European Council the rest of the leaders will face Viktor Orbán, Hungarian Prime Minister. Mark Rutte, his Dutch counterpart, even suggested that he activate Article 50 of the Treaties and leave the European Union.

The process may end up before the Court of Justice of the European Union

But European Commission cannot open a file against Hungary for a political reason. The Hungarian rule has to violate the Treaties. And the Executive Community finds a long list of directives that are violated by the new Hungarian law, such as those on audiovisual media, that of transparency of the single market, that of abusive commercial practices and a long etcetera. But the most serious, in the eyes of Brussels, is that the new norm "It also violates human dignity, freedom of expression and information, the right to respect for private life and the right to non-discrimination as enshrined respectively in articles 1, 7, 11 and 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU".

The European Commission considers that Hungary restricts freedom of expression

That is the jewel in the crown that Commission seeks to protect. On the record against Budapest another measure is included. The January 19, 2021, Hungarian Consumer Protection Authority forced a book in which characters appeared LGTBI + include a notice that the work describes forms of behavior «that deviate from traditional gender roles«. The European Commission considers that “Hungary restricts the freedom of expression of book authors and publishers and unjustifiably discriminates on the grounds of sexual orientation".

On the other hand, the second file, that of Poland, refers to the so-called “free zones of LGTB ideology”. In February, the European Commission asked the Polish authorities for information about this label that different municipalities and regions have adopted, expressing concern that this measure goes against the law of the Union when establishing discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. So far the Polish authorities have not provided additional information to the Community Executive. "Poland is hampering the Commission's ability to exercise the powers conferred on it by the Treaties and is in breach of the principle of sincere cooperation under Article 4 (3) TEU, which requires Member States to provide genuine cooperation to the institutions of the Union. Therefore, the Commission has decided to send a letter of formal notice to Poland for its lack of cooperation”, He said in a statement on Thursday.

Brussels files Hungary and Poland for their attacks on the LGTBI + collective


A young man is attacked by his brother and father for being gay in Mallorca

The grandmother of the young man attacked by his father and brother in Palma for being gay was injured while separating his grandchildren

About 50 people they concentrated yesterday in the center of Palma de Mallorca by the collective LGTBI before the recent murder of Samuel and the homophobic attack on a young man by his father and brother: "We have to unite to stop the hate«. «It is what has triggered this concentration, but the saddest thing is that we are suffering between two and three attacks every day. What is happening at this point is intolerable«, Defended Laura Duran, president of Balearic Islands Diverse, the platform that organized the event. The president of the Government, Francina Armengol, has made some forceful statements of condemnation about the aggression suffered by the young man.

As reported by sources of the National Police, the events took place on Saturday around 17.00:XNUMX p.m., at the grandmother's home, where a discussion started over the victim's homosexuality. During a family meal the two brothers got into a heated verbal argument. At one point, the little boy began to insult the oldest by uttering all kinds of homophobic insults and a clear disregard for the victim's sexual orientation. «You're a fucking fag«, He shouted over and over again before the permissive gaze of the parents. According to the newspaper Last minute, the brother told the victim «All you fags are the same, I would shoot you»

Family homophobia

Both of them pushed each other, taking the sticks of a broom and mop to attack each other. At that moment, the parent took the child's side and began to beat the teenager. While the father held the eldest, the little one took the opportunity to hit him up to six punches and kicks. The mediation of the grandmother was necessary to put some sanity and stop the violence. For a long time, the belittling and harassment of the boy's sexual orientation have been constant in the family. From the statements of those involved and some witnesses, it appears that this violent episode is not the first time it has occurred. The grandmother herself confessed that the treatment her grandson is receiving for the simple fact of being homosexual is not normal.

The 18-year-old victim denounced her father and brother for assault. Following the complaint, the 51-year-old father and one of his 14-year-old sons were arrested for insulting and hitting his other 18-year-old son because of his sexual orientation. The man and the minor could be charged with a hate crime.

La Grandma The victim's report later corroborated the young man's complaint, who said that he had been attacked by his brother and father for being a homosexual. The young man who was attacked suffered various injuries for which he had to be treated at a medical center. The victim stated that her little brother regularly assaults, harasses and insults her because of her sexual condition and that her father does nothing to prevent it, and has also attacked him at times.

A young man is attacked by his brother and father for being gay


The Government will regularize the situation of the two Senegalese who defended Samuel

The entities criticize the request for "heroic" behavior to access these rights

El Government works to regularize the situation of the two men of Senegalese origin, Ibrahima y makate, who tried to help Samuel Luis, the 24-year-old assassinated in a brutal beating in Coruña. Witnesses have assured the police that both Ibrahima and Makate were actively involved in defending Samuel from his assailants.

They both had a "active intervention”In defense of Samuel while he was being beaten by the group of young people who chased him along the Riazor promenade. This was said this Tuesday by the Government delegate in Galicia, Jose Miñones. He himself has been the one who has confirmed that the Secretary of State for Migration is already working to regularize the situation in Spain of these two citizens of African origin.

They both have no papers. "This is where we want to act. The objective is that they can have a work permit", has said Minions, while ensuring that the testimony of both "has been key in the investigation”. The two collaborated with the police in the investigations, despite their delicate situation in Spain. Their statements have helped arrest and bring to justice the six main perpetrators of the fatal beating.

A claim from Samuel's friends

Samuel's friends met  Ibrahima, after the massive concentration held in A Coruña two days after the murder, starring in an emotional reunion. That the authorities arrange his papers for his exemplary attitude has been one of the demands of Samuel's closest environment.

This Senegalese man, 35 years old and a fisherman by profession, has spent almost three years in Spain. He was with his friend makate in the vicinity of the promenade of Riazor when the events happened. One covered the young man with his body and another tried to stop the blows in the first phase of the fight. Although there were more people walking down the street at that time, they were the only ones who tried to avoid the beating.

Ibrahima is currently engaged in street vending. He survives on what he sells until his papers are fixed. If your situation is regularized and you get a work permit, Ibrahima I could work in the fishing industry.

From clandestine to heroes

It is not the first case in which permits are regularized for people who have carried out acts «heroic«. Last year, the same Secretary of state granted residence and work permit to Gorgui Lamine Sow , a young Senegalese who had rescued a man with reduced mobility caught in a fire in Dénia. In France, Macron granted nationality to Mamoudou Gassama, a Malian resident in Paris who saved a 4-year-old boy hanging from a balcony in 2018.

Entities and groups of migrants have criticized the asking of heroic behaviors of migrants to access rights that should be for everyone: «We want to point out to the Government that manipulating "meritocracy" to regularize migrants eludes the responsibility of the State to equal ourselves in access to rights, regardless of how functional we are to wash away racism. We are 600.000!»Have tweeted from the account @RegularizacionY.

The Government will regularize the situation of the two Senegalese who defended Samuel

Georgia journalist dies days after being beaten at Pride March

They demand the resignation of the prime minister of Georgia after the murder of a camera hit by homophobic activists

More than 10.000 protesters gathered yesterday in front of the Parliament of Georgia to demand the resignation of the Georgian Prime Minister, Irakli Garibashvili, for the death of a television cameraman beaten on July 5 by a mob of homophobic activists. «Let the murderer Garibashvili resign and be punished«, Reads a banner, which marks in red, alluding to blood, the word«murderer«.

The television channel operator piveli, Alexander (Lexo) Lashkarava, 36, was found dead this Sunday in his apartment, a few days after he was discharged after being attacked while reporting on the frustrated March of Dignity in defense of the rights of the LGBT community in Tbilisi. "They beat him, broke his head, kicked him in in the name of God and with the help of the police, and after that he died. We all know what killed him. He was killed by the violent and the inaction of the police«, Denounced Nika Oboladze representative of the opposition party United National Movement (MNU).

How to Live Aligned with Alexander lashkarava, more than 50 journalists were targets of violence by organized homophobic groups. He was accredited by the television network pirveli to follow the march as a camera operator. When I was reporting from the central avenue Rustaveli, a group of people surrounded him and beat him violently. lashkarava and four more colleagues had to be admitted to the hospital for the attacks they received. In his case, with bruises on his head and wounds on his eyes.

Friday, three days after discharge from hospital, Alexander lashkarava died at home in his sleep. The family denounces that the death is related to the beatings received during the homophobic assault.

Tension against the homosexual community

Georgia journalist dies days after being beaten at Pride MarchDays before, the Georgian conservative parties and the Church had criticized the organization of the Pride march in Tbilisi. And the Georgian Prime Minister, Irakli Garibashvili, had contributed to tense spirits by saying that the Pride march it could provoke a public confrontation. All this created a climate of tension that pushed homophobic groups to go out on Monday to hunt activists LGTBIQ +.

The organizers of the Pride march they finally decided to cancel it. But that did not prevent violent groups from attacking journalists and activists on the streets of Georgia's capital due to police passivity. The death of lashkarava has outraged human rights defenders in Georgia, who blame the country's authorities for encouraging homophobic groups with hateful messages against the homosexual community. The president of the country has visited the journalist's family and assured that it is a tragedy.

From abroad and within the country, the government of Georgia a more specific condemnation of violence and hate speech. Hundreds of protesters gathered this Sunday before Parliament. They ask for the resignation of the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior for failing to stop homophobic groups and for failing to protect journalists and activists.

Reporters Without Borders they have also condemned the attack on Georgian journalists. The NGO accuses the authorities of Georgia of passivity before the aggressors and says that the police failed to fulfill their duty to protect the population. In Europe, the rise of homophobic movements in the country and the lack of force with which the Georgian security forces contain their movements is viewed with concern.

Georgia journalist dies days after being beaten at Pride March

Barcelona prepares a massive demonstration against LGTBIphobia

LGTBI collectives come together "for the first time in 44 years" and call on all civil society to participate in a massive demonstration in Barcelona

La Platform d'Entitats LGTBIQ + de Catalunya y Pride Barcelona, which bring together more than 40 entities in total, have announced the convening of a unitary protest for the 22 July en Barcelona. After the historic 1977 demonstrationFor the first time in 44 years, the main platforms that bring together rights entities have joined LGTBI under the same motto Against LGTBIphobic violence, zero tolerance!«. It is a massive call in which all civil society is called to participate.

It was announced at a press conference by the president of the Platform d'Entitats LGTBI, Manuel Peinado; the vice president of the Platform, Katy Pallàs; the president of the organizing committee of Pride Barcelona, ​​Ferran Poca; and the director of the social area of Pride, Maria Giralt.

Historical unitary manifestation

little ask for "total number of people who regularly come to the Pride to celebrate the Pride, come also to support our demands”. In the same way, Giralt has remarked that the manifestation is «an opportunity for all citizens to support rights and freedoms ». Hairstyle has claimed «to have the meeting place that was that demonstration 44 years ago«, In reference to the first protest for the rights of gays and lesbians, in 1977.

Clowns Add: "We cannot remain passive in the face of hate speech. We have to act: in Catalonia these speeches have no place, Catalonia es LGTBIphobia free zone”. According Clowns the screaming murder of «fagot»To a young man in A Coruña has been "the straw that has broken the camel's back after a trajectory not only of physical aggressions«, And has said that discrimination against the group is largely invisible.

With this purpose, the two organizations have considered making a common front to invite all entities LGTBIQ +, feminist organizations, student organizations, unions, neighborhood associations, etc., to demonstrate and send a message, clear and forceful, that in Barcelona and Catalonia citizens do not look the other way and show zero tolerance against violence LGTBIphobic. For this reason, they call on all of society, also cis-heterosexual people, to join together next Thursday, July 22, at 19 p.m., To fill the Paseo de Gracia from Barcelona.

Barcelona prepares a massive demonstration against LGTBIphobia Barcelona prepares a massive demonstration against LGTBIphobia Barcelona prepares a massive demonstration against LGTBIphobia Barcelona prepares a massive demonstration against LGTBIphobia Barcelona prepares a massive demonstration against LGTBIphobia Barcelona prepares a massive demonstration against LGTBIphobia


The Parliament declares Catalonia a "zone of freedom" for LGTBIQ + people

Most groups blame extreme right speeches for the increase in aggressions against the group

El Parlament has declared Catalonia «freedom zone" for the people LGTBIQ +. The approved resolution denounces all forms of violence or discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. The text also condemns crimes LGTBI-phobic and reiterates the responsibility of all administrations in protecting the rights of the group. The proposal has been approved with the support of all groups except Vox, who voted against.

The resolution adheres to the one approved in March European Parliament, which establishes the European Union as "freedom zone« for the people of the group. The approval of the text was a response to the declaration of more than 100 city councils and regions of Poland as "LGTBIQ + free zone«.

They hold the extreme right responsible for homophobic crimes

The murder of the young gay man Samuel Luis en A Coruña has flown over the debate in the Parlament. Most parties have considered that the discourse of the extreme right and its presence in the institutions are one of the causes of the increase in attacks on the group.

Monica Lora (Vox) has accused certain groups of condemning only the attacks with which they can obtain political profit, such as that of Samuel, and has praised policies promoted by countries such as Hungary about the family and the collective LTGBIQ versus those driven by Spain like 'trans law'. Has warned: "Be very careful. We will act from our group legally against those who resort to insults and slander for linking our political training with some type of crime«.

The Parliament declares Catalonia a "zone of freedom" for LGTBIQ + people

Mass protests of the LGTBI + collective for the murder of Samuel

Thousands of people fill squares throughout Spain to ask for #JusticiaParaSamuel

The fatal beating of Samuel Luis en A Coruña has unleashed the protests of the collective LGTBI + in several Spanish cities. In more than 70 places from all over the territory thousands of people gathered yesterday to condemn the murder of the 24-year-old. «Justice»Has been the unanimous cry in all the demonstrations.

Precisely, in A Coruña, tens of thousands of people attended the Maria Pita Square to demand justice for the young man and transfer his support to family and friends. The most shouted slogans during the protests have been “They have not killed him, they have murdered him ”; "Get fascists out of our neighborhoods"; “Samuel has been killed for being a fag”. His friends and girlfriends carried banners praying «his love didn't hurt, your hate did»Or«Samu has not died, he has been murdered«.

Samuel's Family Message

The father of Samuel sent a message through ALAS (Association of Affective and Sexual Freedom in Coruña) in which he said that «hopes that it will be the last death due to this type of violence, and asks for help from the families of the aggressors, to help them identify themselves, and that it will be the last death that a family has to suffer«. The association has asked «respect»On behalf of the family and explained that«they will speak when they are ready«.

Police investigations have not yet determined the motive for the brutal attack, although a friend of Samuel and a witness to the murder witnessed how the aggressor, before hitting him with the first punch, said «Either stop recording or I'll kill you, fag«. The last hour is that the police are investigating what role each of the seven assailants played in the fatal beating of Samuel. They try to reconstruct the crime with the help of cameras. They acted in packs, seven against one.

The response from LGTBI entities and citizens has been unanimous.

Mass protests of the LGTBI + collective for the murder of Samuel

#JusticiaParaSamuel: the police arrest 13 people involved in the murder

LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A Coruña

La National Police has detained 13 people for his alleged involvement in the fatal assault on the young man Samuel Luis en A Coruña early Saturday morning thanks to the security cameras that recorded the beating and the testimony of several of the eyewitnesses.

There is also the circumstance that the attackers had left their ID data in a nearby nightclub where they had been before the event, which has facilitated their identification. Likewise, one of the girls who accompanied the victim identified the person who initiated the attack at the police station when she saw one of the videos.

"Either stop recording or I'll kill you, fag."

Lina and Vanesa, friends of Samuel, have related to El Mundo the beating they experienced in the first person. While Samuel and Lina they made a call to their friend Vanesa, they turned the mobile to show him where they were. «At that moment a boy and a girl passed by together and he yelled at us to stop recording them", remember Lina.

LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A CoruñaWithout giving it importance, Samuel and Lina they were quick to explain to the young man that it was a misunderstanding, and that they were simply making a video call. Even vanesa, on the other end of the phone, raised his voice to corroborate the version of his friend and his girlfriend. However, the man, addressing exclusively to Samuel, pronounced the words that many of us still find it hard to forget: «Or stop recording or I kill you, fag«. TO Samuel he only had time to pronounce: «Fag of what?«.

At that moment he punched him very hard and began to hit him. A boy came to help them. When it seemed that everything had passed, just 5 minutes later the aggressor returned. He came back for him, this time accompanied by 12 other people, who took the opportunity to corner him and beat him to death.

Concentrations in rejection of the murder of Samuel

Multiple entities LGTBI + they have called concentrations of condemnation for the murder of the young man. Here you can see some of the calls:

LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A CoruñaLGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A Coruña LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A Coruña LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A Coruña LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A Coruña LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A Coruña LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A Coruña LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A Coruña LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A Coruña LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A Coruña LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A Coruña LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A Coruña LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A Coruña LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A Coruña LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A Coruña LGTBI + associations call demonstrations throughout Spain in rejection of the murder of Samuel in A Coruña

Denying the rent to LGTB + people will be fined up to 150.000 euros

The Trans-LGTBI Law includes a broad system of sanctions when it comes to protecting the LGTB + collective from discrimination

Reject a partner LGTB + for the mere fact of being at the time of renting, as well as not renewing said rental because the owner has found out that his tenants belong to the group LGTB + It will carry a fine that can reach 150.000 euros. The same will happen if there is discrimination when accessing a place or a job.

The new lawFurthermore, it includes a system of sanctions to protect the group against sexual and gender discrimination through a system of infractions and sanctions in areas such as education, rent, work, health, sports or leisure. The goal is to protect people in areas where they previously felt completely unprotected.

They will be sanctions «serious»With fines of 2.001 to 10.000 euros, not removing vexatious expressions on social networks or websites, tolerating or promoting discriminatory labor practices or refusing to collaborate with an inspection effort. Facts will be considered «leves«, With penalties ranging from 200 to 2.000 euros, harassing a person for their sexual identity or causing damage -which can be painted- to the property of the group LGTB + as plates or premises.

Reversal of the burden of proof

According to the Ministry of Equality, the law will establish a regime «which is based on the reversal of the rules regarding the burden of proof. That is, it will be the defendant who must prove that he has not discriminated".

The text of the preliminary draft establishes that, when discrimination is alleged for reasons of sexual orientation and identity, gender expression or sexual characteristics and "Well-founded evidence of its existence, it will correspond to the defendant or to whom the discriminatory situation is imputed to provide an objective and reasonable justification, sufficiently proven, of the measures adopted and their proportionality.«.

Denying the rent to a LGTBI couple will be fined up to 150.000 euros

Tension in Italy due to pressure from the Vatican regarding the future LGTB + law

Draghi, at the Vatican's request to modify its future law against homophobia: "Italy is a secular, non-denominational state"

The pressure of the Vatican for the modification of a bill against homophobia in Italy, already approved in the Chamber of Deputies and awaiting a vote soon in the Senate, it has caused evident tensions between both countries and also in Italy. The Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, was blunt this past week when remembering the Santa Thirst which Italy is a "Secular, non-denominational state"In which the Parliament is "always free to debate". Draghi He even cited a sentence from the Constitutional Court 1989 which ensures that “secularism is not the indifference of the State with respect to the religious phenomenon, but rather the protection of pluralism and cultural diversity".

Draghi ended up remembering that «Italy signed a joint declaration with 16 other European countries expressing concern about the articles of law in Hungary that discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation«.

Vatican interference

The request of the Vatican, formulated by means of a «verbal note»Presented by the Secretary for Relations with States, Paul Richard Gallagher, last Thursday at the Italian Embassy before the Santa Thirst, is an unprecedented event in the history of relations between Italy and Vatican, which until now had never intervened during the process for the approval of an Italian law.

Among the issues criticized by the Vatican It appears that private Catholic schools would not be exempt from organizing activities during the future National Day Against Homophobia, but also fear for the «freedom of thought»Of Catholics and the possible legal consequences. «We ask that our concerns be taken into account«, Writes the Santa Thirst al Italian government.

The promoter of the law, the progressive deputy Alessandro zan, has been surprised this Wednesday by «Vatican interference" at Italian Parliament and recalled that "it is" a law that the country has been waiting for more than 30 years "and that if the text is changed there is a risk of" reaching a dead end. "

The project that bears his name and that may become the first law against homophobia in Italy was approved by the Chamber of Deputies last November, with 265 votes in favor and 193 against, but has remained stagnant since then in the Senate by the fierce opposition of the right and the extreme right.

Tension in Italy due to pressure from the Vatican regarding the future LGTB + law

The Trans and LGTBI Law reaches the Council of Ministers

The Government begins the processing of the Trans Law that will allow changing sex from the age of 14

La Trans and LGTBI Law at the state level it comes after months of disputes between the members of the Executive and various stoppages in its processing. Finally the Government will process the laws in a single text Trans and LGTBI that contemplates the self-determination and depathologization of trans people.

The bill, which has been opposed by the feminist movement, envisages eliminating the need for medical reports or years of hormonal training that are now needed to change the DNI. It is changed to a double appearance system: the person must request the change in the Civil Registry and return three months later to ratify it and make it effective, without guardianships or witnesses.


"Finally, trans people will no longer be considered sick in Spain”, Proclaimed on Monday the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero (United We can), in the institutional act of the Government for the International Day of the LGTBI pride. "This law is a sincere pardon to all those people to whom this country has told that their lives were worth less. Your lives matter”Said the minister, the most active within the Government in pushing the law.

Uge Sangil, President of the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Trans and Bisexuals (FELGTB), stated that, although the law has not yet been approved, "this is the first step to obtain rights and end pathologization." The work of this association, as well as that of Chrysallis —Which brings together families with trans children— and that of the Triangle foundationhas also been key to unlocking the negotiation. Date has played an important role in this: the PSOE, guarantor of rights LGTBI With measures like equal marriage, he didn't want to get to Pride without a proposal to make.

Free self-determination

The great stumbling block, that both UP As the collectives had set as a red line, it was precisely the free self-determination of gender, which has finally been achieved in terms similar to those foreseen. People over 16 years of age may request it themselves. And it will be allowed with the assistance of parents or guardians from the age of 14 (the age at which the DNI is mandatory) and not from 12 as included in the draft that Equality prepared in February.

Spain it thus joins a small group of countries that have already legislated in this regard. Among them are Norway, Malta, Ireland, Norway, Denmark and Luxembourg. Spain it will have one of the most advanced laws regarding trans rights. Although some assets of the trans movement regret not having taken the opportunity to go a little further.

Out of the law

La Trans Platform Federation has issued a statement in which he denounces «that the draft is a merger of the two laws, which implies a breach of the Government's programmatic agreement, which has resulted in a clear cut of trans rights, of 53 pages, only 3 make mention of trans people«. Once again, the most vulnerable part is the one that is punished without its own, integral and transversal framework, explains its president Mar Cambrollé.

They also focus on the «lack of protection of trans children whose right to change their name and sex is undermined, in breach of the ruling of the 2019 Constitutional Court and the Childhood Protection Law«. Another critical point is the non-inclusion of trans migrants as beneficiaries of the change of name and sex in the administrative documents issued by the Spanish state; residence card, work permit, health card, etc. And the non-legal recognition of non-binary identity.

The activist Carla Antonelli celebrated in their networks the overcoming of the insurmountable red line that supposed self-determination, and has also been critical of the 14-year limit and the non-recognition of non-binary people. «We will not leave anyone behind. Today the beginning of the end begins to be written", has declared Antonelli.


Climb the summits for LGTBI rights to celebrate the milestones achieved.

GAYLES.TV.- To commemorate the International Pride Day 2021 the entities of the National LGTBI Council has proposed the campaign #ElsCimsPelsDretsLGTBI (#LasCramosPorLosDerechosLGTBI). The purpose of hanging the rainbow flag in the most emblematic places of the territory is to make the collective visible in Catalonia and celebrate the milestones achieved.

New Dictionary LGTBI-fòbic

LGTBIphobic behaviors have no name. Terrassa City Council Campaign

GAYLES.TV.- The Terrassa City Council has launched the campaign #posemlinom to make visible the absurdity of LGTBIphobia and some of its terms. The “New Dictionary LGTBI-fòbic” has filled the streets of the city to shake consciences and publicize the Comprehensive Care Service for Affective, Sexual and Gender Diversity (SAI DASIG).

Glossary of LGTBIQ + terms by Mar Cambrollé

Glossary of LGTBIQ + terms for a Pride of all, all and all

GAYLES.TV.- Do you know the difference between gender identity and sexual orientation? Could you explain what gender fluid is? And intersex? Do you know the meaning of the term cis? What is being trans? We have set out to define some terms with the help of Mar Cambrollé, President of the Federation Trans Platform.

Thanks Mar and Alejandro !!

Happy LGBT + Liberation Day !!!

UEFA bans Munich from lighting the stadium in Germany-Hungary against a homophobic law

Munich had requested to illuminate the Allianz Arena in support of the LGBT + community in Hungary after the homophobic law passed by Ordán

Germany, Especially Munich, is characterized by defending and promoting sexual and gender diversity. In the Allianz Arena (Football stadium of Bayern Munich) you can always see multiple flags LGTB + behind the goals and throughout the stadium. The town hall of Munich, ruled by the Social Democrat Dieter reiter, had requested that the famous Allianz Arena (Football stadium of Bayern Munich), home of Bayern Munich, will be illuminated with the colors of the rainbow in support of the community LGTB + de Hungary. Reiter wrote to the UEFA asking for permission, and this Tuesday the official response of the administrative body of European football based in Nyon (Switzerland) has been no.

"According to its statutes, the UEFA is a politically and religiously neutral organization”, Said this organism in a statement. "Given the political context of this request, a message aimed at a decision taken by the Hungarian national Parliament, UEFA should reject this request”, Concludes the note.

The initiative had been launched after the law passed by the Hungarian government of Viktor Orbán. A law that prohibits the sharing of information that is believed to promote homosexuality or non-binary gender identities among those under the age of 18. This proposal from the prime minister's executive, Viktor Orban, was approved by an absolute majority in the Hungarian Parliament and has been described as homophobic by several international NGOs.

Politics and sport

Munich asks to illuminate the Allianz Arena with LGTB + colorsIt is something very harmful and dangerous”. With these words the Hungarian Foreign Minister criticized this Monday, Peter Szijjarto, the initiative to illuminate the Allianz Arena (Football stadium of Bayern Munich) with the flag of the collective LGTB + during the meeting this Wednesday between Germany y Hungary (21.00) of the last day of the group stage of the Eurocup.

"In the proposal (to illuminate the stadium) the intention to mix politics with sport is clearly detected, because everyone knows what it is about”, Said the Hungarian diplomat in declarations to the press of his country.

Bayern's LGTB + commitment

In response, the German government spokesman, Steffen seibert he wanted to show his support for the initiative. "The colors of the rainbow are a symbol of how we want to live; with mutual respect and without the discrimination with which minorities have long been marginalized"I affirm.

Since in 2014 the UEFA will sanction the Bavaria for a homophobic banner from some fans, the Bavarian club has turned to the cause and banners are regularly seen pro-LGBT+ and rainbow flags in the stadium. The team even has a fan club LGTB + (Bayern Queer Pass). This year it launched a campaign with the slogan “Nunca más”To support victims of homophobic crime.

Munich asks to illuminate the Allianz Arena with LGTB + colors

UEFA rectifies and will not sanction Neuer for his LGTB + bracelet

UEFA halted the investigation that was initiated into the action taken by the German captain in the framework of Pride Month

La UEFA backed down and, after investigating the flag bracelet LGTB + de Manuel Neuer with Germany, approved its use as it is a symbol that promotes «a good cause, that is, diversity«. And it is that in recent days there had been a good stir on social networks around the UEFA and German Selection. The entity was going to open a disciplinary process for the bracelet that the goalkeeper wore in the Eurocup.

Finally everything has come to nothing and the UEFA has informed the German Football Federation that has closed the case that could have carried a sanction. New He has been wearing the bracelet in question for two games, thus committing himself to the cause LGTB + during the month of Pride. It is a flag LGTB + with which the captain makes visible the values ​​of diversity and integration. The organization wanted to investigate it as it is an esteemed symbol as close to the political, something that is not usually allowed in their tournaments.

A good cause

As expressed by the German Football Federation at their Twitter, UEFA has dismissed the sanction due to the meaning of the message and that it is for a good cause. «La UEFA has shared with the DFB who have stopped the review of the rainbow captain's armband that he wore Manuel Neuer. In a letter, the bracelet has been evaluated as a team symbol for diversity and therefore for a good cause.", write.

En Germany remain determined to show all their support to the collective LGTB +, since the Allianz Arena (Football stadium of Bayern Munich), scene of the duel before Hungary it will also be seen in the colors of the rainbow. Both teams will compete next Wednesday June 23 at 21:XNUMX p.m. on the third day of the group stage. Precisely, in front of the Hungarian country, where a recently approved law that has put an end to free information on homosexuality and transsexuality.

UEFA rectifies and will not sanction Neuer for his LGTB + bracelet