Controversies about the Trans Law

"Feminism has been the tool to fight against all oppressions"

GAYLES.TV.- Advancement in rights has always been accompanied by apocalyptic theories. Sea Cabrolle summarizes the controversies surrounding the Trans Law: The denial fund that denies rights to those who do not have them; the perverse use of feminism; about the supposed erasure of women; on the hoax of rapes in prisons and the possible use of Trans law to evade a conviction for gender violence.

A court declares unconstitutional to ban equal marriage in Japan

Japan is the only G7 country that does not recognize same-sex marriage

GAYLES.TV.- A Japanese court ruled last Wednesday that failure to recognize the right to same-sex marriage violates the Constitution from the country. The sentence, handed down by the Sapporo District Court, is the first in a series of lawsuits for damages brought by same-sex couples across Japan.

And it is that the Japanese country is the only one G7 that does not recognize equal marriage. Taiwán is the only region of Asia recognizing same-sex marriage. This historic ruling is the first in the framework of a series of lawsuits against the STATUS Japanese that a dozen homosexual couples undertook in 2019 so that their unions are legally recognized.

The court of the northern island of Hokkaido, when resolving a lawsuit filed by three same-sex couples, rejected their request for one million yen (about 7.700 euros) each for the psychological damage caused by what they described as the negligence of the Government by not modifying the law to allow them to marry.

Historical judgment

Couples of Hokkaido They had tried to register as married couples with local authorities in January 2019, however, they were denied this right on the grounds that same-sex marriage has no legal status. However, in Japan little progress has been made on marriage equality, as many point to the article 24 of the Constitution of the country, which reads «the marriage will be based solely on the mutual consent of both sexes and will be maintained through mutual cooperation with the equal rights of husband and wife as the basis«.

The sentence does not change the law, but reopens the debate and charges the supporters of its legalization with arguments. According to Sapporo District Court, in the north of the country, the rejection of marriage between persons of the same sex constitutes “discriminatory treatment without a rational basis"Contrary to article 14 of the Japanese Constitution, which stipulates that"all citizens are equal before the law".

A court declares unconstitutional to ban equal marriage in Japan

Sources: La Vanguardia, DW

Photographer: Jiji Press

2017, one year to claim

The FELGTB celebrates its 25 years coinciding with the "World Pride 2017" and the "Europa Pride"

EDITORIAL GAYLES.TV.- The FELGTB celebrates its 25 years in the trenches of the struggle for the LGTBI rights and it does so coinciding with the year of the "Europe Pride" and also with the celebration in Madrid of the "World Pride 2017", the great event on a world scale of Pride.

On the occasion of this important anniversary, the FELGTB has produced a video of a nature that, with the name of "2017, a year to claim", heralds the headlines of everything that we should never forget, because they are the axes that structure our struggle and the only bases on which a future coexistence in peace and equality will be possible.

The vindication of ANNUAL REPORT collective of the LGTBI struggle movement, because it is already known that whoever forgets history is forced to repeat it. Respect for DIVERSITY as an identity sign. The needWORLD PRIDE MADRID 2017 for the VISIBILITY as the only road to effective integration. The insistence on COMPLAINT of any type of aggression, marginalization or violation of rights. The ACTIVISM as a necessary fighting tool. The EQUALITY as an irredeemable currency among all the people to whom the LGBT stands. The HUMAN RIGHTS as a global framework in which our demands are inscribed, because in the end it is not so long ago that the United Nations was tried to stop being considered as such. And finally the essential SOLIDARITY with all those peoples and individuals who suffer under the yoke of ferocious homophobia.

Because in this year that has just started, lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals continue to have more than enough reasons to continue clamoring for their rights and occupy the streets. For all these reasons, the FELGTB has issued a statement encouraging the LGTBI collective to participate in all the acts of "World Pride 2017", while claiming to name the «2017, for LGTB Rights around the World».

And from that statement we gather a clamor that from Madrid this year should grow like an immense tsunami of vindication that flooded the consciences of all the countries of the world: "We are going to shake the world and to translate with our fight its turns in conquests, its turns in progress towards our emancipation in equality. Let's do, hand in hand, because we all deserve it, that every turn of the world in this year is a step in the conquest of happiness. "


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10 lesbian memes not to be missed

The "memes" that every lesbian should print and frame

GAYLES.TV.- In the heat of PRIDES with all that that supposes and with all the polemics that colean, the last thing that fancy is to put itself to reflect in a wise plan. So right now and with this heat, what it's like to take a nap or a while on the beach, a dust, a few reeds ... come on, whatever is less think too, so let's have some laughs.

And looking around we have stumbled upon a collection of Lesbian memes they have all the nuances, there are vindictive, coarse, crappy, shameless, cynical and topical, but what they have in common is that they are a complicit wink with which any lesbian will smile (yes, those too, even if it's inside! ). So, without further ado, here you have them.

A classic…

How two aunts fuck

My favorite…

You do not look lesbian

The flower power ...



Don't lie, it has happened to you too ...

Lesbian time

If there are stupid but stupid ...

Deserted island

And this has never happened to you either, of course ...

Long nails

Well that, fools ...


More of the same ... what patience!

Sponge Bob

They champions, we bitches, is what there is ...

Champion and lesbian

Better to worry about how women generally work with sex!

Straight on the bed

Well, so far we have arrived and you know, if you have smiled do not stop sharing from Facebook!

Source: BuzzFeed

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GMadrid Sports organizes a protest day for the Day against LGTBIphobia in sport

Quidditch will be the novelty in this sporting event of GMadrid Sports

El 19 February commemorates the Day against LGTBIphobia in sport because it is the date of birth of Justin Fashanu, the first professional soccer player to come out as gay during his sports career. The pressures and attacks that he received since then led him to suicide in 1998. the sports club LGBTI Madrid Sports organizes a day of vindication with different sports, leisure and educational activities next Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 15:00 p.m. at the sports facilities Canal de Isabel II. The objective of this conference is to vindicate the rights of the group within the sports field and denounce any discrimination for reasons of gender identity or expression.

GMadrid Sports is the club LGTBI multisport longest of the Region of Madrid, founded in 2007 as a non-profit association. It is currently made up of more than 670 partners which are distributed in up to 21 sports and artistic sections: yoga, crossfit, jazz dance, aikido, skating, volleyball, hiking, running, paddle tennis, swimming, soccer 7, soccer 11, futsal, cycling, cross training, basketball, handball, free time, pilates, Quidditch and reading workshop.

Quidditch: the novelty of GMadrid Sports

GMadrid Sports organizes a protest day for the Day against LGTBIphobia in sportAt the conference organized by GMadrid Sports team debuts Quidditch, Madrid Wolves, which will first offer a training session and then a game for all attendees. The incorporation of this sports activity stems from the affiliation of the Spanish Quidditch Association in the Iberian LGTBI+ Sports Group.

Made up mostly of people LGTBI although not exclusively, which makes it a benchmark for inclusion. Its members have the firm purpose of creating safe sports and cultural spaces, and fighting against LGTBIphobia in general and within the sports world, with various actions that include the organization or participation in colloquiums, conferences and activities.

GMadrid Sports organizes a protest day for the Day against LGTBIphobia in sport

"Girls from the heap", the gay web series that is sweeping

Fernando Gamero grew up watching Almodóvar's cinema and vindicates it in Chicas del Llano. He talks to us at the Ateneo bar about his series that breathes the freedom and freshness of the first Almodóvar. That universe of glamor and backfire returns like a breath of fresh air.

The Generalitat imposes the first sanction for homophobia

Homophobic insults to a resident worker, first fine by 11 / 2014 Act to guarantee LGBT rights

GAYLES.TV.- La Generalitat has imposed the first economic penalty for homophobia for a case of insults to a worker in a residential center for the elderly that took place last March and whose payment of € 300 has already been made by the offender.

La Conselleria de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies de la Generalitat has explained today in a statement that 81 has received complaints since it was approved two years ago 11 / 2014 to guarantee the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and intersex (LGTBI).

The victim was rebuked and despised for his guidance, the councilor Dolors Bassa, has highlighted that his courage in denouncing has Dolors Bassaallowed to implement the sanction, and also thanks to the people who have been witnesses.

He stressed that the sanction has a great symbolic, because it highlights the zero tolerance of the administration and the society before the conducts against the collective LGTBI, as well as a step forward in the fight for the rights of these people, and has encouraged that they denounce any violation of the rights they suffer.

This law has recently been endowed with a regime of administrative sanctions to prosecute LGTBIfobicas behaviors not provided for in the penal code and which are forms of discrimination that occur on a daily basis.

Of the 81 complaints who has received the Àrea per a la igualtat de tracte LGTBI, 67 refer to insults, among which there are 34 insults in person, 16 through social networks and 17 in other media. Of the facts denounced, they have been opened 32 administrative files, while the rest have been derived to the criminal or labor route, or were outside the scope of the Generalitat.

In addition to the penalty General Direction d'Igualtat It provides pedagogical, training and mediation measures to address these cases.

140 has also received notifications of violations of rights received in this law, as well as hundreds of inquiries to the 012 telephone.

The Generalitat will present itself as a popular accusation against a neighbor of Mataró (Barcelona) for alleged threats to the LGTBI collective, and has announced that on Friday September 30 will celebrate an act of recognition to the people and entities that have historically defended LGTBI rights, 19.00 hours a Palau Moja of Barcelona.

The Ministry is working on studying the implementation of Law 11/2014, while the preparation of a protocol on the persecution of LGTBI people is expected, before which Councilor Bassa has stated: "We still have a lot of work to do and we have a lot of room for improvement, we are aware ”.

Source: Vilaweb

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La Cicatriz, the art of making lesbians visible

La Cicatriz: «Lesbians are not represented in the art we consume»

GAYLES.TV.- Andrea Puig, Daria Nicolau, Clara Oliveras, Laia Nogueras and Àfrica Alonso are the five women that make up the feminist cultural production collective The scar. They call themselves that precisely because their role as a group is to heal the wounds of the past that "homophobia and machismo have left in our society and in ourselves."
La Cicatriz is an emerging collective, focused on cultural and artistic production. It is made up of four young women, professionals in the performing arts, production and music. It is a multidisciplinary collective that was born from the desire to produce artistic projects within a context of feminism and collaboration.
The fundamental challenges of La Cicatriz are to make young women visible within the world of culture as active, necessary and fundamental. "Multidisciplinarity allows us to propose a diverse, contrasted content and avoid vertical hierarchical relationships within the creation and work processes."
His first work, «A shy llum«, Tells the story based on real events of Isabel and Carmen, two women who fell in love during the Franco regime and who, therefore, unfortunately, must survive situations of violence, fear and rejection.

#LGBTIQFreedomZone: Europe will declare itself an LGBTIQ freedom zone

Call to action on social media to support the declaration of Europe as a zone of LGBTIQ freedom

GAYLES.TV.- To commemorate the second anniversary of the first Polish resolution against the «LGBTI ideology«, Or the so-called«LGBTI free zone»In county Swidnik, LGBTI Intergroup of the European Parliament initiated a debate and a vote in the European Parliament on a resolution, which declares the UE like a "LGBTIQ freedom zone”. The debate will take place on Tuesday Winners will be announced in March 2021 and the vote on Wednesday Winners will be announced in March of 2021, for this the organizers have made a call to action to make the initiative visible.

To accompany the declaration of the UE like a "LGBTIQ Freedom Zone" , the LGBTI Intergroup encourages people and organizations LGBTIQ, media, influencers LGBTIQ, supporters LGBTIQ and allies to contribute with an action on social networks that shows support with images of flags and rainbow posters from all over Europe.

Those who want to join the action can upload an image of a monument in their locality or well-known space with a rainbow flag or with the poster with the text LGBTIQ Freedom Zone. A good example of this is the iconic image that Tilda Swinton published a couple of years ago in Moscow. It can also be accompanied by texts such as “Our rights, our freedom. We are not an ideology. We are proud citizens of the #LGBTIQFreedomZone ”.

El hashtag that will bring together all the mobilized people will be #LGBTIQFreedomZoney it is intended to expand through the platforms Facebook, Twitter e Instagram.

En GAYLES.TV we adhere to this initiative and encourage all our followers to join in defending freedom LGTB + in all corners of Europe.

Declaration of the EU as an "LGBTIQ Freedom Zone"

Sources: The European Parliament's LGBTI Intergroup,

Photographer: L. Kobus, EU

Vichy Catalán is committed to diversity

Vichy Catalán is committed to a healthier and healthier society.

VIDEO GAYLES.TV | Vichy Catalan shows its commitment to HEALTH and DIVERSITY coinciding with the presentation of its range of Flavors 0% Sugars, without added sugars and without calories, such as the Vichy Catalan Lemon, Mint, Lima-Lemon, Orange and Premium Tonic Water by Vichy Catalan.

And how could it be otherwise, Vichy Catalán, in line with other large companies, shows with this campaign its commitment to respect for Diversity and the LGBT community.

Vichy Catalán organizes tastings of its products in different places with a gay atmosphere within the Spanish geography. This initiative fully coincides with the brand values ​​and corporate responsibility of the company. These values ​​are based on 4 historical pillars: Health, Tradition, Status and Innovation, to which one more has been added in recent years: Proximity.

We welcome this young 135-year-old company that is committed to innovation and the development of new products and formats. Vichy Catalán has always been a benchmark in Health and from now on it will also be in Diversity.

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Coolture magazine, 4 years feeding soul

Coolture Magazine Every month 700.000 sends readers high quality cultural information and the possibility of interacting in an excellent creation platform. They carry culture in their DNA, maybe that is why they do not conceive life without it.

A baby is abandoned for receiving blood from a transgender woman

The woman who donated blood to the baby rejected by her family adopts it

GAYLES.TV.- This is the story of Rekha (pseudonym used to protect your identity), a trans woman from the Indian woman who decided to tell her story in The Stories of Change. Rekha donated blood to an anemic baby. The parents wanted to thank him personally and they were able to locate her. Their behavior changed completely when they discovered that it was a transgender woman. Then they decided not to let him see the creature.

A baby is abandoned for receiving blood from a trans womanThe next day they found a baby lying on her doorstep with a note written by her parents saying that «He was no longer part of his family from the moment he received blood from a transgenderl '. Parents were concerned because it could become «one of themNow that he had trans blood running through his veins.

Rekha He contacted the hospital and they confirmed that it was the same baby to whom he had donated blood. So she decided to adopt and raise him. She did it because she did not want this newborn to suffer as she had suffered in childhood. «I have suffered the pain of being rejected by my own family. Now I think I'm connected with this baby", account Rekha.

The trans community in India suffers from a discrimination evident: the majority of the community confesses that in their childhood, when they did not fit into the gender roles assigned to them, they were subjected to violence by their parents and authorities. In addition to being donation prohibited of blood by the community LGTB +, many times when they need it «syour requirements are knocked down or the blood banks raise the prices to not provide it", it states Rekha.

Currently the daughter of Rekha is six years old and goes to the public school.


* The photo that illustrates this text on the cover is not of Rekha, if not the Indian activist Gauri Sawant

Sources: Ulisex, The Stories of Change


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Love Is Love: Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé

More than a historical homosexual couple, Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé should be remembered as an example of strong couple and infinite love. Because officially their love affair ended in 1976, but the link and the love they felt for each other has lasted until Saint Laurent died in 2008.

Yves and Pierre met in Paris in 1958. Yves was already the couture youngest couturier, working on Christian Dior and saving the house from the crisis. In 1960 had to interrupt its race in the world of the fashion to fulfill its military obligation. However, it lasted only 20 days in the military, due to a stress attack, which worsened when he learned that the Dior house was going to do without him. This forced him to be Psychiatric Center, where he received harsh electroshock and drug treatments. At the end of the year he returned to Paris, where Pierre was waiting for him, and with his support sued Dior for moral damages. The compensation money was used for create your own sewing house.

From this moment, Pierre became the pillar of Yves. Although in 1976 they decided to put end your love relationship, continued to live together and work in the company. Yves suffered constant emotional ups and downs, manic depressive, and that also led to addictions to drugs and alcohol. Pierre was always there supporting him and being his right arm, in business and in his love life. It is considered that, without Pierre, Yves would not have been able to create the fashion empire he created.

A few days before Yves died, Pierre and he joined civilly, it is said that by theme of inheritance. After the death, Pierre decided auction the collection of objects and art owned by both. Pierre assures that it was a very violent experience, but that this collection belonged to both of them, without Yves and no sense, and that setting up an art and fashion museum would be too expensive. This last stage of the Saint Laurent - Bergé relationship is where the documentary «L'Amour Fou»(Mad love), which shows interviews and statements by Pierre about what life was like with his eternal companion.

Sentence: The athlete Caster Semenya was discriminated against

The Strasbourg Court rules that the athlete Caster Semenya was discriminated against by the Athletics Federation

El European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has ruled this Tuesday in favor of the South African athlete Caster Semenya, who denounced having been discriminated against after being denied the International Athletics Federationnow World Athletics, their participation in the female category of some tests to produce a higher than usual testosterone level.

In their sentence, the European judges sentenced Switzerland, which is where the Sports Arbitration Court (TAS), which had rejected the arbitration requested semenia so that he would not be required to undergo hormonal treatment that would reduce his testosterone level below the threshold set by the IAAF as a condition of allowing you to compete. In May 2019, the court had endorsed the IAAF rule that required athletes as semenia, what's wrong with it hyperandrogenism, to take medication to reduce his testosterone level to “preserve the integrity of women's athletics".

The Strasbourg reproach

Now Strasbourg reproaches the swiss justice having washed their hands of it, arguing that its power to examine this case was limited, since the original decision had been made by the TAS, which had applied a federation regulation -a testosterone limit in female tests- that seemed to it “apt, necessary and proportionate” so that there would be sports equity. In that regard, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) stresses that the South African middle-distance runner did not have sufficient institutional and procedural guarantees in Switzerland to assert their arguments of being discriminated against, which were "credible” and they were “well founded".

In fact, ECHR remember that the same TAS He acknowledged his doubts about the regulation that the IAAF which in practice forced him to undergo hormonal treatments with side effects "significant” and that they also did not give him a total guarantee of allowing him to lower testosterone to a sufficient level. In addition, it notes that in recent reports, competent bodies for human rights in the Council of Europe (to which belongs the Strasbourg Court) have placed the accent on their “serious concerns” for the discrimination of women or intersex athletes in sports with regulations like that

justify the differences

Semenya was discriminated againstHe also recalls that he has repeatedly insisted that "differences based solely on sex must be justified by 'very strong considerations', 'compelling reasons' or 'particularly strong and compelling reasons'“. Therefore, the margin of appreciation of public authorities is "restricted“when they seek to apply a difference in treatment on the basis of a person's sexual characteristics.

In short, with Semenia, Switzerland (and consequently the TAS and IAAF) violated the article of the European Convention on Human Rights that prohibits discrimination. Since the athlete had not requested any compensation for material or moral damages, the European judges have not set any compensation, but Switzerland will have to pay her 60.000 euros for legal costs.

World Athletics take note

After the verdict was made public, World Athletics has issued a statement in which it ensures that "take note"of the failure"deeply dividedor”, it says in relation to the particular vote signed by three judges. The federation insists that the rules that determine acceptable testosterone levels in women “are a reasonable and proportionate necessary means to protect fair competition in the women's category".

In addition, it stresses that the process has been followed against Switzerland and not against the federation, although the regulation considered discriminatory by the court is from World Athletics itself. The organization assures that it will contact the Swiss government to encourage it to “request the referral of the case to the Grand Chamber of the ECtHR"for a final decision"due to strong dissenting opinions” and in the meantime it will maintain the current regulations.

Strasbourg is competent

Beyond the merits of the matter, the ruling has consequences for the operation of the Sports justice to the extent that the ECHR makes it very clear that it is competent in matters such as this to ensure respect for the European Convention on Human Rights, and therefore constitutes a means of appeal on what the court may decide. TAS. And this even while acknowledging the advantages of having a centralized system for litigation in the sports field at an international level.

At the origin of this case is the refusal of semenia to submit to the regulations of the federation that forced him to undergo hormonal treatment to lower his testosterone level, a rule that does not apply to men.

The decision occurs in the midst of an international debate over the regulations of the federations on the testosterone level that allow them to compete as women, rules specifically designed to limit the participation of trans women in competitions but which also affects others such as semenia. In fact, this year the international athletics federation, World Athletics, agreed to ban trans athletes beginning their transition after puberty from participating in international competitions.

Semenya was discriminated against

Transphobic assault on a minor in Pamplona

The Provincial Police have identified three of the four alleged aggressors in Pamplona

GAYLES.TV.- The asociación Naizen of families of transgender minors de Navarre y Euskadi has denounced this Thursday a transphobic assault on a minor. The events happened in the past 7 February when the little one, whose initials correspond to MS., was in a park in the region of Pamplona with his friends and was attacked by four other minors. «While insulting his condition, a group of four minors threw him to the ground and kicked him until a witness stopped the attack.«, Denounces the association in a statement.

They insulted him, threw him to the ground and kicked him until someone in the area intervened in the attack. The victim, who had to go to the hospital to receive the injury report, has filed a complaint for a crime of injuries and another for a hate crime before the Foral Police.

Many institutions have already condemned this attack and the association itself Naizen has indicated that the family has wanted to make their house public to show the «real consequences»That generate hate messages against this group of people. Since the minor suffered the aggression «afraid to go out and meet their attackers«.

No further information will be offered on this case to protect the privacy of the minor, very affected after the beating received by four other minors who «consider that transsexual people are not subjects of law«.

For the moment, the Foral Police has identified three of the four alleged assailants.

Transphobic assault on a minor in Pamplona



Chile issues a non-binary identity card for the first time

Shane Cienfuegos is the first person in the history of Chile to receive a non-binary identity card

After a bureaucratic and judicial battle that lasted 9 years, Shane Cienfuegos, obtained his identity document that identifies him as a non-binary person. The 29-year-old activist thus becomes the first person in the history of Chile who receives an identity card with the letter X in the gender box.

"It is not an own victory, it is a collective victory of the LGTBI + movement. I see trans and non-binary people here, but I imagine the people who wanted to come today and couldn't because they're afraid to go out"He declared Casas Particulares Cienfuegos, head of the Social Intervention area of ​​the association Organizing Trans Diversities of Chile.

Chile issues a non-binary identity card for the first timeEn Latin America, Argentina was the first country to recognize all non-binary people in July 2021, those who can request their identity cards and passports with the letter X. They continued Mexico and Colombia, though like Chile, have recognized the non-binary category of a few people who achieved it through the courts. Worldwide among the countries that recognize the so-called third gender are Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

the lawyer of Cienfuegos, Lorena Lorca, highlighted that it is the first case in Chile which has a ruling from the Court of Appeals to receive a certificate with the letter X, in a country that does not legally recognize non-binary people. He added that he is processing another 60 similar cases.

«After almost nine years of social, cultural and political demands, I think and reflect that no one should wait that long to have legal recognition of something you are. That's not fairhe added Casas Particulares Cienfuegos. Furthermore, he stated "I'm tired of taking first steps. I want to walk, I want to run, I want to jog«.

Chile issues a non-binary identity card for the first time

"Undetectable", web series on HIV

The web series "Undetectables" tries to inform about the situation of HIV and serophobia with a touch of humor and a lot of naturalness

GAYLES.TV.- Today we want to talk to you about a very peculiar web series both for its approach and for the support that its approach and production have had. Is about "Undetectable", which we could consider first web series on sexuality education around HIV produced in Spain.


The project has been presented this week in the theater "La Latina" of Madrid and the first season is expected to be distributed on the network through the platform FLOOXER in a few weeks. The project is the result of collaboration between Positive Support (an association that helps AIDS patients and their families) and the web i am using the internet. The idea emerged in a conversation about how the perception of risk in sexual relations has declined, especially in the group of men who have sex with men and also the social rejection that continues to mark the HIV carriers.

The cast features such popular faces as Candela Peña, Julieta Serrano or César Mateo and the cast as far as script and direction is not left behind with participations like those of Sonia Sebastián, Afioco or Abel Zamora who has directed the first episode of what will be the second season.

The first season that bears the name of "Sex, drugs and you" It consists of 5 self-conclusive episodes. The first chapter "I also" tells the story of a girl who must contact her previous sexual partners to inform them that she has an infection. "Renewed or die" addresses the topic of the increasingly popular sex and drug sessions, known as Chemsex"The evidence" He tells us about a policeman confronted with his prejudices.  "High risk" tells what happens in an emergency room when post-exposure prophylaxis is requested and lastly "In the wall"  he is immersed in the emotion of fear of a girl living with HIV when starting a romantic relationship.

Undetectable Chapters

The second season has already begun to roll and will carry the title of "Stigmata". In fact the filming of his first chapter has already finished, "Chenoa's Fault" which will address the HIV prevention pill. In addition to this second season, it is also planned to bring "Indetectables" to theatrical scenarios in musical format with the production company Two Sisters Fourteen which he hopes to premiere next year.

In summary, it would be a question of dealing in a non-conventional way with issues such as PrEP, HIV and the current situation of treatments or the burden of attitudes of serophobia towards the infected.

Congratulations to all the promoters for this great idea that we hope will reap great successes in the network and also in the scenarios.

Source:, vanitatis /

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#FireAtHome: Fire !! is confined to Filmin to celebrate its 25th anniversary

The Barcelona Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, Fire !! offers from September 10 to 20 a digital edition with 43 titles, most of them unpublished in Spain, through the Filmin platform

GAYLES.TV.- La Barcelona gay and lesbian film show, FIRE !!, will offer from September 10 to 20 a special digital edition called #FireAtHome, with an ambitious and diverse programming on the platform The film accessible nationwide with 43 titles, most of them unpublished in Spain. Starting today, the ticket pack, which includes a 3-month subscription to Filmin, goes on sale.

The access to the films will be possible during the 10 days that the Show through and all content can be accessed either through the subscription to the VOD platform itself or through a 25 euro subscription which will include access to all the films at the Festival and a three-month subscription to The film Without aditional costs. It will also be possible to access each film individually at greatly reduced prices. The public will be able to give their opinion and give their score to choose the awards for this new edition.

#FireAtHome: Fire !! is confined to FILMIN to celebrate its 25th anniversaryThe full program is now available both on the festival's official website where you can buy the festival ticket and find out in the easiest way from home and enjoy a unique opportunity to learn about the work of these 25 years of the first film festival LGBTI all Spain.

43 LGTB + movies

The programming includes independent films from countries such as Brazil, the Philippines, France, Ireland, Chile, the United States or Slovakia. Fiction documentary short films, Asian films, transsexual themed and a selection of the best titles of recent years. 43 movies of quality to enter the world of affective and sexual diversity, stories without complexes.

In addition to the sections Fiction Feature Films, Documentaries, Short Films, East of Eden and Trans Screen, will include a tribute to the director indie Argentine Mark Berger with the premiere of his new movie El Cazador accompanied by two of his best titles, taekwondo y A blond, as well as a section with the best titles of recent years. The film tells the story of Ezequiel, a 16-year-old young man in full sexual awakening falls in love with Mono, an attractive skater  which turns out not to be what it seems. Ezequiel will be involved in a blackmail from which he will not be able to escape unscathed. A sensual story, apparently innocuous but that derives from a topic as current as privacy and freedom.

Also highlights indianara, a Brazilian documentary within the Section Screen TransDirected by Aude Chevalier-Beaumel y Marcelo Barbosa shot just before the election of Jair Bolsonaro and released later in Cannes .

#FireAtHome: Fire !! is confined to FILMIN to celebrate its 25th anniversary

Source: Fire !!

Photography: Fire !!


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Novell, the bishop "non grato"

The Bishop of Solsona affirms that "the confusion in sexual orientation" could be due to the absence of the father figure in modern societies

EDITORIAL GAYLES.TV.- The shoemaker to your shoes has never been clear to the clergy and the fact is that the curia is as multifaceted in its functions as this phrase is cacophonic. All this comes from the Sunday gloss that he saw fit to publish this weekend Xavier Novell, Bishop of Solsona, where he says that homosexuality could be linked to the absence of the father figure while pointing out that virility seems to be questioned. In the brief that bears the biased title of "Love that is fruitful", Novell states that “the father figure in Western culture is absent, deviated and vanished”, after which he wonders if “the growing phenomenon of confusion in sexual orientation” of many adolescent boys is not due to the fact that ( and here he quotes the Pope) "in Western culture the figure of the father would be symbolically absent" And he adds: "In a time like ours, it is necessary to reveal that serene and balanced growth is very difficult if there is a lack of parents who exercise the function educator from the feminine maternal and masculine paternal identity ”. In addition to being a bishop, it seems that he is a psychologist, sociologist and pedagogue, and what happens when churras are mixed with merino, that you have neither good milk nor good wool.

Let's go in parts. Inxavier novell First, since the world is world, the father figure has always been absent, symbolically and physically. Or they were hunting while the offspring stayed with the women in the cave or, with progress and such, went to the bar with friends to start the game after currying. That is, that never as now men have so much claimed their role in the education of children. What happens is that like his eminence that seems to me unmanly. We continue what the hell does "the growing phenomenon of confusion in sexual orientation" mean? I am protesting your lordship, because it states that to differ in the orientation accepted by the Church is to be confused! Protest is admitted. That no bishop, we are not confused, is much simpler: the creation is diverse because the Creator is bored with symmetry, monotony and uniformity, but maybe you care more about the interpretation of the Church than what God tells him through the created.

And to finish, what is his eminence based to suppose that the creatures that grow in a type of family other than the heterosexual mononuclear do not have a serene and balanced growth? Because by that rule of three the whole humanity would have bred generations of madmen. Well, everyone except the clergy that descendants do not have, but I do not tell you!

The nonsense can take a toll on Xavier Novell because, for now, the Mayor of Cervera, Ramon Royes, has proposed that in the next municipal plenary the bishop be declared "Persona non grata in the city" for issuing an opinion that is "scandalous, anachronistic and unacceptable." Another consistory especially affected has been the one of Solsona that "regrets that its name is associated with a so retrograde opinion" and that has manifested its full support to the single parent families and to the group LGTBI.

To the critics have been added groups of progressive priests, associations LGTBI and even the Generalitat de Catalunya, whose Minister of Labor, Social Affairs and Family, Dolors Bassa, he deplored that "27 years after the WHO eliminated homosexuality from the list of pathologies, there are still those who have not understood it." The director of Equality of the Generalitat, Mireia Mata, has urged the prelate to "reconsider and not add irrational concerns" to believing families without a father. The same Mata has announced that the bishop's gloss has been sent to the legal services of the Department of Social Affairs and Family in case they were constitutive of an offense or crime of homophobia, but the lawyers have not found sufficient reasons to open a sanctioning file, at protection of the law against homophobia.

Let us go, Monsieur, bishop, who has covered you with the glory and the eternal gratitude of the mothers who, without sacrifice, go up alone to their children, healthy, free and diverse.

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Sources:, the vanguard

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Karl Lagerfeld dies

Karl Lagerfeld, the great fashion kaiser has passed away to the 85 years

GAYLES.TV.- Karl Lagerfeld He was working until the last moment. The kaiser fashion began its journey in Balmain, I work for Chloé and to Fendi, but it's in Chanel where he found his place to develop his talent. Chanel it catapulted him and became his home for 35 years, an unthinkable relationship in the world of haute couture.

His look was haunting: black uniform, dark glasses and white hair. This is how one of the most innovative designers in fashion history wore. He was a true Renaissance man: designer, photographer and illustrator, his facet as an artist has been undoubted and indisputable, always linked to the maison French

Since he did not go out to say hello in his last show in ParisIt was loudly rumored that his health was terribly delicate. According to the latest information, Lagerfeld would have died at the American Hospital of Neuilly-sur-Seine after an admission yesterday of urgency.

Today the world of fashion also dresses in black. D.E.P.

Karl Lagerfeld dies

Karl Lagerfeld dies

Source: Hello, Readings

Photographer: Telva


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#WeAcceptBCN: sharing the pride of home

LGTBI families win the Instagram contest award #WeAcceptBCN

GAYLES.TV- The photography contest #WeAcceptBCN It shows the pride of the people inside their houses. In its first edition, many associations of Barcelona who have posted pictures of their homemade pride on Instagram. David Tello de Chrysallis, in the individual category, and LGTBI families have been the winners of the prizes they have awarded GAYLES.TV with the support of airbnb to the photograph with the most likes and the most participative entity. The past 15 of June awards were given within the Summer Party de airbnb.


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Software allows governments to censor LGTBI content

The use of Netsweeper technology is contrary to international human rights law

GAYLES.TV.- A Canadian company that is dedicated to the management of Internet access around the world offers a software called Netsweeper that censors the content LGTBI. Citizen Lab (a group within the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto that analyzes the impact of technology on human rights and global security) has denounced that the use of technology Netsweeper it is contrary to international law on human rights.

Netsweeper: software that allows governments to censor LGBT contentAfter extensive research Citizen Lab has warned that this technology was used in more than 30 countries, 10 of which censors the content LGTBI: Afghanistan, Bahrain, India, Kuwait, Pakistan, Qatar, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. The use of these technological tools by Internet Service Providers could violate the freedom of expression and undermine the human rights of certain minority groups and the protections against discrimination contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The software is capable of blocking in the searches of each country various news and content related to these issues erroneously classified as pornography to achieve its censorship. Netsweeper filter content for censorship purposes. Among the blocked topics are the category "Alternative lifestyles", which covers from content LGBTI, organizations for the defense of human rights, cultural groups and health issues related to the HIV and AIDS.

To report abuse All Out y R3D have created a online petition directed to Perry J. Roach, founder and executive director of Netsweeper to end the censorship of content related to the population LGBTI and of any type of content that violates human rights.

Netsweeper: software that allows governments to censor LGBT content

Source: disaster.mxHornet

Photographer: BTV


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Dulceida la lía in Africa

Controversial images of Dulceida and his wife in Africa set fire to social networks

GAYLES.TV.- A Dulceida (Aida Domenech) and his wife, Alba Paul, you can not accuse them of bad intentions, much less insidiously when sharing in Instagram some snapshots of your visit to Cape, but they have sinned of a certain naivety since the photographs lent themselves to all kinds of interpretations.

Let's recap The an influencer most popular in Spain and his partner traveled at Easter to South Africa, but his was not exactly a leisure trip or merely for educational purposes. The route served to advertise scholarships sponsored by Education First (EF), a company known for its language courses abroad. The known as Dulceida Scholarships they are helps to study English.

Up to here everything more or less correct. The problem is the fine line that separates the professional and personal life of Dulceida, fine not to say nonexistent, since as good an influencer it is just his life that he exhibits in the social network showcase to promote all kinds of fashion products. In fact, it is currently the image of Venus Gillete and of some own brands of different products, from perfumes to sunglasses.

And the sunglasses gave him the first headaches to Dulceida. In one of the photographs uploaded to the networks appear three African children wearing sunglasses that Dulceida presumes to have given them making them "very happy". The an influencer write at the bottom of the photo: "An hour with them has not been enough! Happy to have made you smile ". But not everyone has valued it as a gesture of generosity precisely. Many netizens have questioned the blatant use of minors to advertise their products, in this case the glasses, with an image that they describe as disgusting. The lack of empathy with the situation in the country has been criticized. "They don't have water, they don't have food, they don't have education, they don't have access to sanitation or medicine (…) but nothing happens because they already have Dulceida's glasses!"   This is an example of the alluvium of texts questioning Dulceida that have been published in Twitter and Instagram.

But the image that unleashed the anger on the Internet was one in which Alba, his partner, takes a bath in the hotel, all very normal if it were not because the country is suffering the worst drought in its history. And it is that Cape Town has run out of water. Since the 1 in February, restrictive measures have been adopted to mitigate the catastrophe: the maximum consumption per inhabitant is 50 liters per day. To give you an idea, a shower of 2 minutes and pull the chain once is an expense of 30 liters. They have restricted tasks like washing the car, or even washing their hair and If the situation does not improve, it is foreseen that the water in the city will end in mid-May.


But apparently Dulceida and her partner were unaware of the situation and the ordeal that the citizens of Cape Town are going through. The criticisms received have been very hard, as an example of a couple of comments on social networks: "Look how smart, they go to South Africa in the middle of a drought and take pictures in the full bathtub, it is hard for the whole country to be with water restrictions" or "Are they going to run out of water and you take a bath? Where is your ethics or morals »

Of course, Dulceida has already come out to defend her good intentions and she has even mentioned that she collaborates in aid of all kinds but that she does not have to make them public. Okay, but maybe girls would do well to advise them in the ways, because the bottom is not always enough.

Sources: elpaí,


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Devermut, bolleras without filters on Youtube

The youtubers Devermut and the empowerment of women, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals and also heterosexuals. Sara and Marta They met five years ago, and they've already had three with their project Devermut. Your secret? Talking about everything without flaws and knowing how to connect with women, especially those of the LGBT + collective.

Without prejudice, without filters and with much desire this lesbian couple has made a hole in the networks, with more than 300.000 followers, and has managed to create a safe meeting place for lesbians. And also Hysterical, the successful online store run by the girls Devermut. Health!

Thank you very much to the Vermouth Factory by location.



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Scotland and its LGBTI plan

Scotland will be the first country in the world to have an LGBTI curriculum

GAYLES.TV.- The government Scotland announced that it will seek to introduce an extensive curriculum in the country's schools, which will address issues related to population LGBTI All state schools will teach topics such as the meaning of the letters of the acronym LGBTI, terminology related to gender identity and sexual orientation will be addressed; as well as issues related to homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and other prejudices.

Scotland will be the first country in the world LGTBI curriculumThe Deputy Prime Minister of Scotland, John Swinney, declared last November 8 that "Scotland is already considered one of the most progressive countries in Europe for equality LGBTI »

The new education program will be implemented in schools almost immediately. "Our educational system must support everyone to reach their maximum potential. The recommendations I have accepted will not only improve the learning experience of our young people LGBTI, but will also support all students to celebrate their differences, promote understanding and encourage inclusion"He declared Swinney.

Also, the history of the movement LGBTI and the fight for human rights. "We are delighted that inclusive LGBTI education becomes a reality in all Scottish state schools. This is a monumental victory for our campaign and a historic moment for our country", He said Jordan Daly, co-founder of Time for Inclusive Education.

Source: NBC News,

Photographer: Jordan Daly (NBC News) / Jane Barlow (PA)


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The United States includes a box with gender X in its passport

The United States announces a less invasive policy at airports to protect non-binary people

Since last Monday, US citizens can select the X gender box in your passport, even if that gender is not listed on their birth certificates or other documents. This category is defined as “non-specific or other gender identity” and offers a alternative to binarism. The Department of State thus becomes the first government agency of the U.S. to include a non-binary option in an official document.

This was announced by the Secretary of State, Antony blinken, who has described the decision as «another milestone» of the Administration of the president, Joe Biden, who are "to better serve all American citizens, regardless of gender identity«. Thus all those of his citizens who do not conform to traditional male or female gender identities will be able to select an X as a third alternative on their passport.

In addition, the security and PreCheck enrollment will be more inclusive. The new technology "promote civil rights and improve the experience of travelers previously subject to additional screening due to alarms in sensitive areas”, said in a statement the head of the government agency, David Peckoske.

Dana Zzyymm's fight and her passport with precedent

The United States includes a box with gender X in its passports

At the end of last year, the Biden administration had already issued the first passport with non-binary identification, the product of a legal battle initiated in 2015 by citizen Dana Zzyymwho is identified as intersexual.

At that time, the State Department had announced that it would update the gender options in the coming months, until then strictly binary, and that a medical document would no longer be necessary for people who want their passport to reflect their current gender identity. and not your biological sex.

Biden's support for LGBTIQ+ people

The administration Biden thus redouble its support for the community LGBTIQ +, amid the approval in several states governed by Republican politicians of legislation that limits transgender people to compete in sports, punishes the reassignment of sex to minors and prohibits the discussion of sex education and gender issues in schools.

He also harshly criticized the so-called law "don't say gay” which was promulgated by the governor of Florida Rum de Santis. "I want all members of the community LGBTIQ +, especially the children who will be affected by this hateful bill, know that you are loved and accepted just the way you are. I have your back, and my Administration will continue to fight for the protection and security you deserve.”, Said the president through his Twitter account. Twitter.

The United States includes a box with gender X in its passports

Trans identities, gender and books

The trans fund of the Nou Barris Library is a reference for the LGTBI community

GAYLES.TV.- Eric Sancho is the ideologist and head of the Trans Identity and Gender Fund of the Nou Barris Library. Your director, Emília Sánchez, supported his proposal to create this center of interest and the initiative is proving very successful. Every year a part of the budget is allocated to the Trans fund that already has more than 300 titles. Thanks to the Library Network they are available throughout Catalonia. In addition, the proposal is accompanied by activities such as workshops, talks or exhibitions with gender and identity as protagonists that have made the Nou Barris Library a benchmark to follow. Sancho recommends five essential readings for those who are interested in the subject.

Nou Barris Library Trans Fund


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Selfies against homophobia in Marchena

Neighbors of Marchena are photographed with their "proud municipality" poster in response to the Vox spokesman

Crowd of residents of the municipality of Marchena have responded with pride to a comment from the person in charge of Vox in the town, in which he questioned a poster in favor of the collective LGTBIQ +. Marchena is "a proud municipality” and this has been demonstrated by a spontaneous movement of tolerance and solidarity that has emerged from social networks. And not only because it is so stated on a sign that welcomes this town in the Sevillian countryside with nearly 20.000 inhabitants. Above all because of the response given by citizens to a publication by the representative of Vox in this locality, Jose Carlos Delgado Romana.

With a photo of the label that endorses Marchena as a member of the State Network of Proud Municipalities, the coordinator of this far-right party has addressed the marcheneros to tell them that “They should feel proud of those who get up early to work, of the self-employed who raise the blind every morning", among other things, "that do not have posters or colors”, in his own words.

Outraged by the statements of Slim Roman the dancer Miguel Angel Talaveron a photo was taken with the poster claiming “empathy and respect” He already asked the rest of the citizens to join in as a sign of support. The reaction of a considerable part of the residents of this municipality has been immediate. For hours, the networks were dyed with the colors of diversity, freedom and tolerance through messages of support for the community LGTBIQ +. A "tolerance revolution” that has transcended the town and has reached other towns in the Andalusian community, as members of the group defend.

Selfies against homophobia in MarchenaIn the text that accompanied the photograph talaveron wrote: "It's not my style, but I have the need to tell it, to see if someone from VOX understands it once and for all, I haven't even talked about it with my family but with friends, obviously they're going to find out here. Walking through Torremolinos, I was cornered by three individuals who literally came to hit me, yes to hit me, to the cry of life Vox and asking me if I was leaving a Gay bar, if I said yes, imagine what could have happened to me, I pulled my resources and I got rid of it, but I could have perfectly been a physical LGTBIQ+ victim because verbally I was. Today I find myself with a repulsive poster of the leader of VoX Marchena appealing what to be proud of and what not to. And I want to tell you with all the letters that I am PROUD that the city councils position themselves in favor of diversity and that this act is more than necessary, so neither short nor lazy I have gone to take a photo with this wonderful poster, and I would ask you to please go do it and upload it to the networks, thus opening a chain, we marcheneros do not want hatred, we want respect and that violence is not encouraged or incited, so that what happened to me does not happen. So if you have any LGTBIQ+ friends, your photo will make them very happy«. A few words that have moved the residents of Marchena.

a proud people

"I wanted to use the same symbol to turn it around and it is a joy that the marcheneros have behaved so well because the life of an LGTBIQ+ person is marked with scars and tears”, he confesses Miguel Angel Talaveron remarkably excited. “These shows of support help the people in the collective to empower themselves and feel proud of themselves.”, continues this neighbor who feels “overwhelmed" for the answer "so human” that he has since received, following a post that has been shared more than 300 times.

Likewise, he deeply appreciates that his neighbors have turned around because together they have managed to reverse a “unfortunate comment” to make it a “movement of smiles and hugs". "The members of the collective have told me that people stop them on the street to hug them and encourage them, what we have achieved is very exciting”, Michelangelo celebrates.

Enabling and inclusive environment

Precisely, the goal of Proud Municipalities Network is the "c"Create a supportive and inclusive environment so that no one has to emigrate ever again because of who they are and express what they feel”, recalls the person in charge of communication of this entity, Sergio Jimenez. "We want towns free of hate and discriminatory comments, that everyone be welcomed”, he underlines and anticipates that other city councils have already taken the example of Marchena for "shield the rights of the LGTBI groups that exist in the towns".

Selfies against homophobia in Marchena

Ibiza, air of freedom

Ibiza It is from the decade of the 70 symbol of freedom, but it is also Mediterranean in pure state, crystal clear waters, whitewashed houses and blinding blue skies. This year, it also reaffirms its status as a LGBT tourist enclave par excellence, with the celebration of the first GAY PRIDE INTERNATIONAL in Ibiza from 8 to 11 in July. Virginia Marí, mayor of Ibiza and Vicente Roig, Tourism Minister of the Consell Insular d'Eivissa have spoken to and explained to us everything that their new motto implies: «The color returns home«.

The Government criticizes Barça's recommendations to those traveling to Riyadh

Tània Verge harshly criticizes Barça for its recommendations in Riyadh: «They are a scandal«

The counselor of Equality and Feminisms, Tania Verge, has criticized the recommendations made by the FC Barcelona to members traveling to Riad (Saudi Arabia) on the occasion of the Spanish Super Cup and that include avoiding demonstrations of affection or even signs of support for the group LGTBI.

Some guidelines of «fullfilment of security requirements«, according to the club, than for the Government «they are a scandal" Y "They go against the values ​​of the club and Catalan society"In the words of Verge.

«It is recommended to have respect and prudence in public behavior and demonstrations of affection. Indecent behavior, including any act of a sexual nature, could have legal consequences«, point out the recommendations to those who travel to Saudi Arabia.

Absolute rejection of the recommendations

And continue: "Relationships between people of the same sex and displays of support for the LGBTI community, including on social networks, may also be grounds for sanctions.«.

For Verge, the decision of the former director Luis rubiales to take this competition to Saudi Arabia, who are "country that does not respect LGBTI rights or those of women, has been, is and will be a shame to reverse«.

Also from the Observatory against LGTBI-phobia They have shown through social networks their «absolute rejection» to the decision of the FC Barcelona to play in Saudi Arabia.

El FC Barcelona reported that he followed the instructions of the Spanish Embassy in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) and limited itself to sharing a series of security recommendations established by local authorities.

The Government criticizes Barça's recommendations to those traveling to Riyadh