The Government criticizes Barça's recommendations to those traveling to Riyadh

Tània Verge harshly criticizes Barça for its recommendations in Riyadh: «They are a scandal«

The counselor of Equality and Feminisms, Tania Verge, has criticized the recommendations made by the FC Barcelona to members traveling to Riad (Saudi Arabia) on the occasion of the Spanish Super Cup and that include avoiding demonstrations of affection or even signs of support for the group LGTBI.

Some guidelines of «fullfilment of security requirements«, according to the club, than for the Government «they are a scandal" Y "They go against the values ​​of the club and Catalan society"In the words of Verge.

«It is recommended to have respect and prudence in public behavior and demonstrations of affection. Indecent behavior, including any act of a sexual nature, could have legal consequences«, point out the recommendations to those who travel to Saudi Arabia.

Absolute rejection of the recommendations

And continue: "Relationships between people of the same sex and displays of support for the LGBTI community, including on social networks, may also be grounds for sanctions.«.

For Verge, the decision of the former director Luis rubiales to take this competition to Saudi Arabia, who are "country that does not respect LGBTI rights or those of women, has been, is and will be a shame to reverse«.

Also from the Observatory against LGTBI-phobia They have shown through social networks their «absolute rejection» to the decision of the FC Barcelona to play in Saudi Arabia.

El FC Barcelona reported that he followed the instructions of the Spanish Embassy in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) and limited itself to sharing a series of security recommendations established by local authorities.

The Government criticizes Barça's recommendations to those traveling to Riyadh


Clínica Sanza, aesthetic professionals

La Sanza Clinic 20 brings together professionals of different specialties that, since 10 years ago, offer their services in the field of aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery and repair. Her participation in the Beauty Cult Congress revealed a special sensitivity when it comes to caring for LGTBI patients. We have been able to interview Dr. Ignacio Sanza, aesthetic surgeon with a long professional career and also Erik Putzbach, patient of the Sanza Clinic, which gives us the point of view of who decides to undergo an aesthetic treatment.

A young gay man is burned and murdered in Cancun after revealing he had HIV

A young gay man was killed at a party in a Cancun resort after saying he had HIV

A young gay man was beaten, tortured, burned and killed after revealing that he was HIV. The events occurred last Saturday at a party in the spa of Cancun, Mexico). The victim allegedly had sexual relations with another guest and when she said she lived with HIV he was assassinated in a blacksmith shop near the party.

«He had many stab wounds", said to Edwin reyes, representative of the organization resilient. "This case has generated us a lot of anger because we are in the month that commemorates the pride of our community and in which rights are requested and claimed"He added.

Hate crime

After learning of the case, the holder of the Quintana Roo Human Rights Commission, Marco Antonio Tóh, condemned the hate crime. In addition, he reported that General Office in Cancun will carry out the corresponding procedures to see that justice is done in the case and urged the authorities to investigate with a gender perspective so that the crime does not go unpunished.

According to the organization Letter S, Mexico registry 79 murders against people from the community LGBT + en 2020. Of these, 43 of them were homicides of trans women. A young gay man is burned and murdered in Cancun after revealing he had HIV

How were the "conversion therapies" linked to Bishop Novell?

Witnesses to the "conversion therapies" Bishop Novell attended describe them as aggressive and vexatious

At the beginning of September a succulent news broke: the Bishop of Solsona Xavier Novell he was resigning from office because of his love for a writer of erotic and satanic novels. It was not the first departure of tone of the youngest prelate of Spain, but the most popular. The controversial and media Novell defended the wrong calls «conversion therapies»And had even attended some sessions. In 2017, he linked homosexuality with the absence of a father figure in families. A bead. has had access to the testimonies of several victims of the «reversal therapies»Of sexuality, which ensure that Xavier Novell not only endorsed these practices, but also received «courses" for "normalize»His sexuality until he was reprimanded by the Vatican. Not only that: some witnesses implicate other bishops as promoters of associations such as «'Truth and freedom«, Whose work has been banned in Spain awarded by the Santa Thirst.

Need to reaffirm your heterosexuality

One of the victims of the association, maintains that «at the end of 2018, Novell started the itinerary on a personal level, finishing it at the beginning of 2020«. Some courses promoted by Truth and Freedom, which intended - and intends - «cure" the homosexuality. The prelate would have experienced «the healing path»And proclaimed his experience in different forums, showing the«need to reaffirm his heterosexualityd ».

«Novell was a great pillar in the group»Says the witness. So much so, points out another of those affected, that the Bishop of Solsona came to officiate the wedding of one of the members, who had «abandoned»His homosexuality. A ceremony that would have occurred without the knowledge of the couple's parents.

The therapies you participated in Novell they were "Aggressive, destructive, where you transform into a dependent being, where if they can't with you they take you to the psychiatrist. They destroy families, they make you say that you are gay to everyone and that you are going to be healed, when that is not true, it is a big lie. They apply desert punishments, leave you alone, mock, destroy in the group, they want to make you believe that your inner child is working«, Relates the witness.

Insults and harassment

The asociación It is not Therapy has compiled extensive information on these practices. Testimonies collected by the entity have provided details about the "itineraries" organized by ultra-conservative Catholic groups. In one of them, at least, the bishop emeritus of Solsona would have participated. Among the activities there are sessions, both individual and group, in which the participants are subjected to teasing, insults and humiliation, forcing them to explain details about their sexuality and, on occasions, demanding that they undress and hug each other to «overcome sexual desire«.

One of the highlights of these therapies was what was known as «wall«, In which the victims were placed in the middle of a circle, surrounded by other participants and the organizers of the courses, and had to listen to all kinds of insults and expletives from the rest of those present. The humiliation of the participants was considered necessary to generate doubts about their sexual identity. All very normal and very Catholic.

How were the "conversion therapies" linked to Bishop Novell?


Affective-sexual education

It is published in "Affective-sexual education", a support manual for teachers

GAYLES.TV.- Today we want to talk about a fantastic initiative of This is the publication of a support manual for teachers of all educational stages, from kindergarten to secondary and high school through primary school, on how to address the issues of affective-sexual education in the classroom.

The text bears the title of "Affective-sexual education, a support manual for teachers" and its author is a doctor in Education and a degree in Psychology Melani Penna Tosso. Queer pedagogy specialist, LGBTphobias in the education system, sex education and feminisms. She has worked as a counselor in public centers in the community of Madrid and advises on the design of educational programs. He is currently a professor at various public and private universities in Spain and Latin America.

Affective-sexual education

It is presented with a very clear objective: to inform teachers about the normative foundations that justify the fight against sexism and homophobia. It does so from an integrative perspective and respect for diversity in all aspects related to different sexual orientations and gender identifications. And always within the framework of the affective and sexual binomial, understood as aspects that do not necessarily exclude each other, which is usually common when talking about sex education in the classroom.

But what makes this manual an essential work tool to advance in the field of standardization and the fight against discrimination and bullying in the classroom, is that it is not limited to theorizing about the phenomenon but that it provides practical tasks on how to work with students in each of the educational stages.

The text is therefore divided into four blocks: the normative foundation to which we referred based on international laws, a second block that analyzes affective-sexual diversity, its keys and fundamental concepts. The third introduces the issue of homophobia, emphasizing the way in which violence affects teachers, students and their families. And finally, a fourth block dedicated to practical examples of the system to work the set of contents in the classrooms.

The approach is attractive, dynamic and follows an established pattern for each chapter in order to be able to advance in the different aspects with the students. 

Finally, an extensive bibliography is added and the intention expressed by the author indicates that: “This book has been edited for distribution. The intention of the authors is that it be used as widely as possible, that they be purchased original to allow the edition of new ones and that, if reproducing parts, the title and authorship are recorded ”.

The text is available in PDF following the link of but its acquisition is recommended to the centers to contribute with the benefits to counteract the campaign that aims to eliminate this type of classroom initiatives as we indicated a few days ago in the editorial "The shame pacts PP-C's-Vox ”.

Highly recommended not only for teachers, but also for mothers, fathers and anyone interested in pedagogy and LGBTIphobia.




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Rebel priests disobey the Vatican

Rebel priests will bless gay unions despite Vatican veto

GAYLES.TV.- The movement of rebel priests Austrians, which since 2011 demands the modernization of the Catholic Church, will continue to give its blessing to homosexual couples, thus ignoring the recent dictation of the Vatican, which is denied.

El Vatican published a clarifying note on Monday to remember that the Catholic Church he cannot impart his blessing to same-sex unions, after doubts have arisen on this matter in some ecclesiastical settings.

«Members of the Pastors Initiative We are deeply dismayed by the new Roman decree that seeks to prohibit the blessing of same-sex couples. This is a relapse to times that we hoped to have overcome with the Pope Francisco«The Austrian group said in a statement.

Likewise, through a statement, they affirmed that they “they will not reject any couple who love each other and seek God's blessing". "Reality has shown us that homosexual couples can celebrate God's love in the Church just like everyone else.”, They declared. They call themselves "disobedient”In his attitude of rebellion against the Catholic hierarchy.

Therefore, they expressed their intention to collaborate with the rest of the religious orders that defend the union of same-sex couples. It should be noted that this movement, of which 350 priests and deacons are part, has the support of more than 3.000 laity in various countries. It was released in 2011 with a manifesto in which, and “before the rejection of Roma to a reform long overdue”, Declared themselves obliged to follow their own conscience and disobey the mandate of the Vatican.

Rebel priests will bless gay unions despite Vatican veto

Sources: Public, DW, Espresso

Photographer: EFE

Lesbians divorce more

Lesbian couples are more likely to divorce than gay couples

GAYLES.TV.- Lesbians marry more than gay men ... and they also divorce more. Statistics show that within same-sex marriages, the divorce rate among lesbian couples is significantly higher compared to divorces among gay male couples.

According to ONS «Divorces between same-sex couples were first recorded in 2015 and annual increases have been observed every year since then, reflecting the growth in the size of the same-sex married population in England and Wales.«.

Three factors could explain this trend. Almost the 70% of divorces of heterosexual couples registered in recent years was initiated by women, which shows that men are less likely to consider divorce. Also the tendency to U Hauling (betting very quickly on a relationship and moving to life together very soon) could influence according toLisa Power, one of the cofounders of Stonewall. Finally, Ayesha vardag, president of the divorce firm Vardags, he pointed out that he believes this could be due to the fact that «women may be less tolerant of infidelity«.

Men tend to consider divorce less

Although lesbians marry more than gay men, the difference in divorce rates is much greater than in marriage rates. Marriages between gay men represent 44% of same-sex marriages, but they represent only the 26% of the divorced. This indicates that both in a heterosexual and homosexual relationship, men tend to consider divorce less than women.

In Netherlands, the first country to allow same-sex marriage: in the ten years from 2005, 15% of gay marriages failed, compared with 30% of those formed by a lesbian couple.

En 2018, a study of the university of UCLA who analyzed heterosexual and homosexual couples over 12 years revealed that gays break less frequently (14,5%). Lesbians are the ones that break most frequently (29,3%) and heterosexual couples are between them (18,6%).

Apparently the lesbians live it all with greater intensity, even the orgasms.

Lesbians divorce more than gays

Source: The Economist,, Pink News, Sputnik

Photography: The Economist, Sputnik


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«Carmen and Lola», the tear

"Carmen y Lola", Arantxa Echevarría's first film, arrives on the big screen after collecting accolades at Cannes and a bitter controversy with gypsy associations

GAYLES.TV.- This past Friday came to commercial screens "Carmen and Lola", the first film of Arantxa Echevarría who signs the script and direction. And he does it with the bittersweet taste of who, even before the premiere, collects in equal parts praise and criticism, applause and a bitter controversy with who less could be foreseen, with the Feminist Gypsy Association for Diversity and with Afroféminas. In both cases and even admitting not having seen the film, very hard articles were written against the director accusing her of reinforcing outdated and macho stereotypes. Echevarría was criticized for «Arrogance as a paya and from Bilbao a role of savior of the gypsy community but making its reality invisible from a point of view of white feminism and a cultural stereotype". What spurred such harsh criticism were statements by Echevarría: "A woman tells the situation of a gypsy woman or nobody tells her, and unfortunately she has to be a paya who tells it because they do not have a voice". The recrimination of the association entered into swampy land by saying that "There are hundreds of topics (about the gypsy culture) to talk about and you have to talk about 'that'? " . And it is that "that" is, of course, the lesbianism of its protagonists and in the face of that attack the director came out to defend herself stating that "They (gypsy lesbians) asked me to please tell their story because they can not. And that's what I've done, give them a voice and use movie screens as a speaker. "

The confrontation soured to the point that the"Film and Women Show" that takes place in Pamplona and that he had planned a film pass, ended up deprogramming the film, it is not clear whether by the allegations of the associations or by the will of the director not to pay more confrontations. And the subject, probably and now that is already projected in the public rooms, is not going to stay here. You can follow the chronology of the events in the links that you will find at the bottom of the page, for our part we prefer to enter into other nuances.

First of all it is worth noting that the entire cast of the film, from the main characters (impressive Rosy Rodríguez and Zaira Morales) until the last street vendor, cousin, cousin, father, mother, evangelist pastor or whoever appears in the film are not professional actors or actresses, they are gypsies who transpire authenticity, not costumbrismo and something of truth will be in the film when they have lent their voices, their gestures and their faces to this story. It has cost Echevarría enough to find two gypsy girls who dared to live a lesbian story in front of the cameras. "The girls came to the casting and, first of all, I asked them: Would you mind going out smoking in the movie? You are crazy paya! What are they going to say about me! They answered me. So neither at least I continued with the test. Some who were encouraged at the beginning, the second or third test realized the substance of the subject and were scared".

The film may carry the inks when portraying a community and a culture in excess traditionalist and intolerant. It may be from beginning to end a string of topics about the customs, ways of life, expression, rituals and organization of the gypsies. Or maybe not. The truth is that they live, coexist and share space and society with the payos as if they were parallel universes, fused but distant, everyday and alien. An implacable law of decoherence separates us and keeps us ignorant of the respective realities. How then can we say that the heartrending situation faced by lesbians and gays of some cultures such as the gypsy is not true? Do not resonate not so distant statements in the mouth of payos and payas as "Before you would have been born dead that bollera"? So soon we forget?

We are not going to position ourselves, perhaps because of the humility of recognizing that we lack information about a reality that we do not know in depth and because what matters to us here is to value the seamless authenticity of "Carmen and Lola". Tender, emotional, well narrated from the silences and the looks, with the undeniable strength of a forbidden and overwhelming first love and with the hardness of an environment that like so many other cultural environments justify, in favor of tradition, the submission and sacrifice of the most authentic of the human being to the community.

"Carmen y Lola" is a song of freedom, of uprooting, to the pain of having to choose between being or being accepted. Essential.

Sources: elpaí,,

Photographs: Francis Mascarenhas (Reuters), Aijaz Rahi (Associated Press)


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"Living with you", solidarity housing for older LGTBI

The "Living with you" project provides shelter for LGTBI older people at risk of exclusion

GAYLES.TV.- The solidarity housing initiative "Living with you" of the 26 Foundation of December is unique in Spain. This foundation, chaired by Federico Armenteros has five homes shared by people at risk of exclusion among 50 and 75 years. Four of them were loaned by the Municipal Housing and Land Company of Madrid City Council.

«Living with you»Is one of the many projects in which this foundation is involved, which has been working since 2010«With the intention of providing specialized care to people gays, lesbians, transsexuals and bisexuals«. Coexistence is extremely important in this initiative since people at risk of exclusion share space, experiences and expenses.


The generation of our elders lives a constant discrimination. First for your orientation or identity, then for his edad. They were persecuted for their sexuality during Francoism. And they suffered in the first person the weight of religion and guilt. Many managed to break free and come out of the closet, but now in old age, they fear returning to it. Society has not yet standardized nor has it made our seniors visible LGTBI. That is why the project of the December 26 Foundation It offers these people a safe place to live with freedom and without questioning looks as they often do if they end up in residences where the issue of sexual diversity is a taboo. Avoid this return to the closet and equip care resources to these people is a priority for the foundation.

So far there was no organization in Madrid to be specifically dedicated to this segment of the population. «The name of the foundation responds to a very important date, but that has gone unnoticed by the collective", Explain Federico Armenteros. "ANDs the date on which a law against homosexuality was repealed for the first time. The day that the Francoist law of 1970 of dangerousness and social rehabilitation that Franco put in motion is partially repealed ». The headquarters is located in the neighborhood of Lavapies, In the Aurora street number 27 of Madrid.

Sources: 26 Foundation of December, La Vanguardia


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Transgender children, exemplary parents. The case of Ryland

A picture is worth a thousand words, and a video brings that story to life. This is how these parents have wanted to share with the entire LGTBI community and the whole world the story of Ryland, his transgender son. Here we explain the basic points, but do not stop watching the video: The Whittington Family: Ryland's Story.

Ryland was born in San Diego (California) under the enormous enthusiasm of his parents, Jeff and Hillary, who were prepared with pink room, dresses and headbands for receive your daughter. During the first year of life, they discovered that Ryland was deaf. Quickly the parents and the doctors took measures to operate the small one and Ryland finally began to listen and learned to speak.

What his parents didn't expect is that one of the first things Ryland said was, "I am a boy«. It's a phase, it will pass ... These were the comments parents heard most often, but Ryland was growing up and that "phase" did not end. They finally accept the reality that your daughter really feels boy, who is a transgender child.

This change of reality and of the established idea of ​​parents for their child is a shocking situation that requires action. So Jeff and Hillary investigated the issue and, faced with the terrible fact that the 46% of transgender people try to commit suicide for the non-acceptance of society, they they were not going to let that happen with Ryland.

Haircut, change from "she" to "he", round of explanation of these news to family and friends, new wardrobe ... Ryland is today a happy child and with a family that has accepted him as he is from the first day. The example that both the boy and his parents have given to society is infinite, a visible act against prejudice and labels, the best sample of what we never tire of repeating: after all, this is a matter of love.

Via Setting G

Woman killed by his girlfriend in Barcelona

The death of a lesbian woman at the hands of her partner revives the controversy about what is gender violence and what not

EDITORIAL GAYLES.TV.- Ana, 53, and her partner, Pili, 57, had had a romantic relationship for 15 years that, according to their neighbors, was quite turbulent. The arguments and threats were repeated often and no one was surprised by the fatal outcome of the relationship.

And is that in the early hours of yesterday Sunday, Pili died as a result of a deadly gash in the chest that, presumably, his partner would have nailed him. About two thirty in the evening, Ana began to call with insistence to the bells of her neighbors in the block of the Sant Bernat passage number 8 where she lived with Pili. Antonio, a tenant on the first floor, opened when he heard the cries of â € œI killed her, I killed her! â € . He ran upstairs to the couple's apartment and found Pili "lying face down on the dining room floor." Antonio took her in his arms and sat her on the couch because he was still breathing. At that moment Ana returned to enter the home and told her "Easy, it's sleeping", but Antonio noticed a knife that was on the floor stained with blood. Interpellated by her neighbor, Ana said "Is that I have stabbed her", after which Antonio discovered that the poor woman had a deep wound in the center of the chest just at the heart. When the mossos of squadron and the emergency services appeared in the place of the facts, Pili already had passed away.

lesbian-raval murdered

The victim had filed a complaint with 2012 for mistreatment, but had continued to live with his attacker. According to the neighbors it would be a Announced death"Since the threats of" I'm going to kill you "were heard daily by the neighborhood staircase. Pili, who worked as a cook, was a thin and frail woman, while her aggressor was remarkably corpulent, so it seems unlikely that the fights between them were given in an equal situation. In fact the neighbors had already intervened on some occasion when Ana had threatened Pili with a white weapon and even with an extinguisher.

For all this, the calls of the neighborhood to Mossos, to the administrator of the farm and even to the Síndic de GreugesThey were common, but Pili's calls, complaints or warnings have been of little use to Pili.

All of this has revived the controversy over whether same-sex cases of violence should be considered as "Gender violence" and not as "Domestic violence" which is the consideration they have today. Collectives of gays and lesbians ask that the denomination be changed and "Partner violence" so that the measures and resources allocated in these cases are similar to those applied for gender violence. On the other hand the criminal code itself is more lax when it comes to domestic violence. The situation is more blatant if one considers that the statistics of violence in the treatment between pairs of the same sex seemingly surpasses heterosexuals.

But not everyone shares the same opinion, from some sectors of LGTBI groups, we talk about isolated cases that do not deserve a specific line of work. We would be talking about specific cases that would not have the statistical relevance of cases of violence in couples of different sex where there is an average of 80 annual deaths.
COLLEAGUES-Spanish LGBT Confederation, Along the Spanish Observatory against LGBTfobia (STOPLGBTFOBIA), has issued a press release in which they demand an immediate reaction on the part of the political class to this new death by intragender violence: "How many more do politicians want to get to legislate and protect LGBTI couples?"

It is everyone's responsibility to end this scourge that is already known as "Invisible violence".

Sources: andl,

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5 Books with lesbian protagonists

Exquisite selection of titles featuring lesbian women

GAYLES.TV.- Simone de Beauvoir, Emily Dickinson, Cristina Domenech, María Castrejón, Susanna Martín and Mili Hernández They are the ones chosen to be part of the select constellation of books with lesbian protagonists that he has devised Elizabeth Mark, Director of the Xavier Benguerel Library for this Sant Jordi.

Happy Book Day! Feliç Sant Jordi!

Thanks to the librarians for filling their libraries with books and stories that respect diversity.

They remove the LGTBI flag from the platforms of Chueca

Controversy with the removal of the LGTBI flag from the platforms of the Chueca Metro station in the middle of Pride month

At the station Madrid's Chueca Metro The LGTBI+ flag no longer appears. The colors of the rainbow had become iconic since 2016 when Netflix changed her appearance to promote the series Orange is The New Black. Since this week, the walls of this platform on line 5 have been replaced by an advertising campaign for JCDecaux, a well-known international underwear brand.

The information arrives in the month of Pride. The new advertising also maintains the theme LGTBI + the motto Pride Collection. A spokesperson for the public company has stated on Cadena Ser that «once this campaign ends in the next few days the flag will return«.

This decision comes after June 19, 2021, Isabel Díaz Ayuso ask in the Assembly of Madrid that the laws be annulled LGTBI + for the Community. Furthermore, this same year, Jose Luis Martinez-Almeida assured that the rainbow flag will not be placed in the Palace of Cibeles.

Officially, it is not known when the campaign will be withdrawn, nor how much it enters JCDecaux, the concession company that manages advertising throughout the public transport network, for her. What still remains unchanged is the diamond-shaped signal flag.

"LGTBIphobia of Madrid institutions"

From the Collective of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals of Madrid (COGAM) denounce «LGTBIphobia of Madrid institutions in the middle of Pride month«.

The president of the group, Carmen Garcia de Merlo, sentence "these positions against the rights of the LGTBI+ collective that tend to make us invisible and marginalize us again", noting that "sYour votes will make you pay tolls and those tolls will be women, emigrants and the LGTBI+ collective«.

They remove the LGTBI flag from the platforms of Chueca

LGBT + readings for Book Day and cultural health

Small specialized LGTB + bookstores are a cultural oasis that we must protect

GAYLES.TV.- We will not tire of saying it, we buy in the small bookstores of the neighborhood, in the LGBT + as Partners in crime, Antinous, berkana, A Different Life ... which also sell online. «These bookstores, whose participation in the sale of the book has been decreasing as that of the large chains, department stores, global Amazon giants grew, are the true support, still, of the world of the book. In them everything begins. It depends on their ability to re-sell from the store that they can pay the arrears caused by their sudden closure in mid-March»As the editor of Anaconda Editions Enrique Murillo en

We leave you with our small selection of books!


«Boulder»By Eva Baltasar (Club Editor / Random House Literature, 2020)

The novel by Eva Balthazar, which portrays passion, love, disagreement and heartbreak between two women, has numerous elements that refer to a masculine imaginary. Starting with the maritime environment of the first part. The girl works as a cook on a ship that runs along the Chilean coast. The island of Chiloé has been tattooed on his chest and, when he renounces his freedom, he occasionally looks at the tattoo. He is a character in a novel by Conrad or Querelle à Brest by Jean Genette, transplanted into a lesbian relationship which, as it happened in permafrost, is expressed with a explicit sexuality, although Boulder seems more passionate, more devoted to love than the protagonist of the previous book, who tried at all times to separate love and sex.

The end of the wardrobe

«The end of the wardrobe»By Bruno Bimbi (Anaconda Editions, 2020)

For one to be free, all have to be. So "The end of the wardrobe»Has been written for people of all orientations and identities. Bruno Bimbi integrates individual and collective stories from around the world. It talks about homophobia and transphobia, racism and anti-Semitism, philosophy, history, television series, dating apps, discos and dark rooms. And from Pope Francis, Jair Bolsonaro, Nicolás Maduro, Israel and Iran, and from Vox and Vox and Abascal, but also from Alan Turing, Pedro Zerolo, Rosa Parks and the rebel queers of Stonewall. Eduardo Mendicutti praises in his prologue the agile narration of Bruno Bimbi and the fact that the author knows how to "grab the reader by the head and the heart."


«Junkie testo»By Paul B. Preciado (Anagrama, 2020)

This book is not a normal book. It is, from the outset, a hybrid text, which intersects autobiographical narration and philosophical essay. But it is something else: the chronicle of an experiment with the writer's own body, which applies testosterone in gel form in a personal and political exploration. A bodily and sexual inquiry that transcends, through transgressive writing, the traditional limits of gender, in all its meanings.

It has been said of Junkie testo which is what it was for the new transfeminism The Anti-Oedipus by Deleuze and Guattari for the Generation of '68. This is a book on sexual identity understood as a fluid and non-stagnant condition; on sexuality in capitalism, pornography, feminism, and the sex industry; on techosexuality and pharmacopornography; about arousal and control; about heterodox sexual desires and encounters, about hormones, dildos, body fluids, intersexuality, activism queer ...

Words for a tribe

«Words for a tribe»By Rafael M. Mérida and Jorge Luis Peralta (Egales, 2020)

Words for a Tribe delves into the manifestations of gay slang in Argentina, Spain and Mexico. The reconstruction from very heterogeneous sources -from literature and dictionaries to newspapers or testimonies- of the particular ways in which «fags», «jotos» or «crazy» name themselves and / or were named, bets on giving an account of the uses, versions and perversions of the language as it could circulate within and outside the dissident communities, in a complex dynamic of borrowings and influences.

how to understand your gender

«How to understand your gender»From Alex Iantaffi and Meg-John Barker (Two Whiskers, 2020)

How to understand your gender It is a practical guide for anyone who wants to expand their knowledge of gender from a biological, historical and sociological perspective. Alex Iantaffi and Meg-John Barker They also propose an informative study of the role that gender plays in our relationships and interactions with family, friends, couples and unknown people. The book, which helps us both to analyze the ways in which gender can be expressed and to understand people whose gender could be different from ours, has activities and exercises distributed throughout its pages.


«Biphobia»By Ignacio Elpidio Domínguez Ruiz (Egales, 2017)

Bisexuality is surely the most invisible "acronym" within LGTBI groups and movements, although it is probably the majority quantitative. The fact that their very existence is the subject of debate is the most palpable proof that the different activist organizations have work to do in this regard. This invisibility, along with other forms of physical or symbolic violence, is studied and fought under one name: biphobia, discrimination or biphobia towards bisexual people.

Mothers and sons

«Mothers and sons»By Colm Tóibín (Lumen / Amsterdam, 2019)

For the first time in Spanish, the best stories by the author of «Brooklyn«, Winner of the awards Impact y Forster. Colm Tóibín He has established himself as one of the great contemporary narrators of Anglo-Saxon literature. Often compared to Henry James, one of his great references, in our country he begins to obtain the recognition that he already has in Europe and in the United States. In this volume, which compiles his best stories, Tóibín addresses the great issues of his literary universe: relations between mothers and children, Dublin society, the image of home, exile and immigration, and even offers us a splendid portrait and not at all conventional in Barcelona, ​​a city that he knows very well because he lived in it during the transition years. Owner of a precise and harmonious prose and a great capacity for psychological penetration, Colm Tóibín is already, thanks to both his novels and his stories, a new teacher.

Peri rossi

«Poetry gathered»By Cristina Peri Rossi (Lumen, 2005)

Lumen compilation in one volume the complete poetry of the Uruguayan Cristina Peri Rossi, one of the most relevant voices of contemporary Latin American poetry. In addition to allowing a unitary reading of the poetic corpus of the author of Otra vez Eros, the present work offers the unique opportunity to recover poetry books whose access had been practically impossible for decades

Amors sense house

«Amors sense house»By Sebastià Portell (Angle Editorial, 2018)

«You have in your hands a personal journey in search of non-normative sexual and gender desires and identities in Catalan poetry of the last hundred years. To follow the traces of those ways of wanting, of loving, of desiring and of being that at one time or another, like poetry itself, have not fitted the norm. » Sebastià Portell. "I would like your love to define my sex." Francesc Garriga Barata. "Your sex and mine are two mouths." Maria Mercè Marcal. «Together, we invent new calligraphies that we write with words and embers on the skin»  Nora Albert. "I've pushed my way through more men like me." David vilaseca. "We were clocking time with the stench of a censored perfume." Biel Mesquida. "I sold my breasts and put on men's cologne." Bel Olid.

Alice in a real world isabel franc

«Alice in a real world»By Isabel Franc / Susanna Martín (Egales, new edition 2020)

The Alice we present to you does not live in wonderland. She has been through an experience that, unfortunately, is real and common for many women: breast cancer. However, thanks to his fighting, wild and positive spirit, he has managed to turn the situation around.
Neither the journey of the disease nor aggressive treatments nor the removal of a breast have robbed him of his sense of humor. The protagonist tells us her adventure based on a very clear motto: Life after cancer is never the same ... but it becomes the same.


«Mariquita»By Juan Naranjo (Roca Editorial, 2020)

From the first moment, Juanito discovers that he does not fit in with the others. At school they start calling him a ladybug and he doesn't quite know what it means. This personal work tells a universal story: that of the marginalized, the different, the harassed.

From his childhood to the present day, Juanito Books He tells us about his experiences as a homosexual in Spain in the 90s. The homophobia he suffered in his school years, the search for identity in adolescence and his beginnings in adult life as an openly gay man. Mariquita It is an open window to the life of Juanito Libritos himself, a story of growth and learning in which we see how a child warns from the first minute that he does not fit in his family, his school or society. But it is not only talked about the harassment that he receives for being gay: he also talks about how the Spanish society of the 90s was in relation to sexual diversity, how culture and books can save our lives or how a person LGBT begins to discover the group to which it belongs.


«Dunes (Diary of another summer)»By Muriel Villanueva (Babulinka Books, 2019)

Two years have passed since Duna began to write his diary. He is now 14 years old. Now she understands herself better, and perhaps the world as well. Her friendship with Max has matured and the feelings of love between them begin to complicate. There is no one to take her mother from Manuel, who also has a young son who will live at home with Duna. And grandfather Ignacio has fallen in love. As if all this were not enough, the authentic spirit of the town is in danger: a promoter company wants to seriously change the beautiful landscape of Dunas. The gang, however, will have a lot to say. And a lot to do!


«Sirens»By Jessica Love (Kókinos, 2018)

Julián loves mermaids so much… He imagines himself becoming one of them, swimming and playing with fish. So while his grandmother takes a bath, he manages to disguise himself as a beautiful mermaid. Julián places the leaves of a plant in the form of lush hair. Add some flowers. She paints her lips in front of the mirror and, finally, with a curtain she makes an elegant mermaid tail. When her grandmother comes out of the bathroom she is stunned. Julian is scared. He thinks that she is angry, that she might scold him, that it is not okay to look like a mermaid… But his grandmother surprises him by giving him a necklace to complete his outfit. Then he takes you to a traditional Carnival party. There he parades alongside octopuses, jellyfish, fish of different colors and, of course, mermaids, many mermaids like him.

The New Yorker

Sources:, Berkana, Accomplices, Antinous


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Homophobic and fascist threats against the illustrator Carles Ponsí

The cartoonist of 'El Jueves' Carles Ponsí cancels the signing of his book in Sant Jordi after receiving homophobic threats

Carles Ponsi, author of «bad sex» (Editorial Fandogamy), has decided suspend signatures What was planned for this day? Sant Jordi after receiving death threats and homophobic comments throught social media.

«Attention: due to the extremely serious threats that I am receiving, I am sorry to inform you that I am canceling the signatures of this Sant Jordi for security«, He has expressed through his account Twitter, in which it shows some screenshots of received messages. «Let it be clear to you, you piece of fagot, that when God and country are offended, there is no more admissible dialectic than fists and pistols. get ready«, is one of the messages that the author has received.

At Easter he wrote a couple of satirical articles on religion and the Catholic Church. This is content that «they annoyed some people" and according Ponsi He began to receive many messages through social networks, most of them because of the articles and some others because of his sexual condition. In the first moments she did not pay much attention, but this Monday bullying through social networks intensified. "I started receiving messages warning me not to mess with God, they collected articles of mine and pointed me out", he recounts.

With the Catholic religion you don't joke

«You have little left for the Holy Inquisition to burn you alive” or “The fury of God will burn you, dirty heretic«, are some of the messages he has received. One in particular exclaims:Long live Christ, Franco and José Antonio Primo de Rivera, cunt«. He has also received messages from users posing as admirers and proposing to meet him, which has made him suspect that they were the same people. The author himself has compiled it in a thread on Twitter:

The highest point occurred this Wednesday afternoon, when a user with a public profile and linked to the extreme right made an appeal to attack him, as he explains. This has been the trigger that has motivated him to suspend the signing of his book that he had planned in a library in Barcelona this Saturday.

Take threats seriously

Although he is not afraid, Ponsi recently made an inquiry to Mossos regarding the threats received and the response by the police has been that «it is to be taken seriously» . That is why he prefers to act with prudence for the time being and not expose himself in public on the day of Sant Jordi. The cartoonist admits that «obviously it sucks» not being able to go to sign books for the day, but from there to do it with police protection -as they have suggested from the Observatory against Homophobia- «it is excessive" And it is "wrap the skein".

«I prefer to be healthy and not risk being screwed over by a madman. I will not stop making jokes about religion, sex or whatever I want«, Has settled.

Homophobic and fascist threats against the illustrator Carles Ponsí

Julio del Valle, new general director for the Equality of LGTBI+ people

«The deadline is extended for companies with more than fifty workers to adopt measures and resources to achieve real and effective equality for LGTBI people»

GAYLES.TV.- July of the Iscar Valley, the new General Director for Real and Effective Equality of LGTBI+ People of the Ministry of Equality, takes a tour of the different aspects of Law 4/2023, clarifies doubts about the regulations of said law that worries companies with more than fifty working people. Julio del Valle has also mentioned public policies in relation to LGTBI+ older people, education, sexile and democratic memory.

We thank the LGTBI Center of Barcelona for providing the space and the technical staff for the facilities and affection.

The hottest calendar

Australia's firefighters calendar heats the 2018

GAYLES.TV.- That the calendar of Australian firefighters be beneficial we found an excuse enough to publish this news. The income from their sales will go to the children's foundation The Children's Hospital Foundation, to provide funding for research on burns in children. If you want to collaborate you can buy it here Australian Fire Fighters Calendar. During the 25 years who have been carrying out this initiative have already collected 2.300.000 dollars.

This year and on the occasion of 25 anniversary of this publication have been edited three versions different for the consumer to choose the one that attracts him most. One of firefighters with animals from the zoo, another with puppies and another of attractive hats. We notice that the choice is complicated since the photographs are inciendiarias. For the fans of these calendars here some initiatives that also heated the networks;

Beware that 2018 is on fire!














Sources: Australian FIre FIghters CalendarBored Panda


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Pilar Lima to Pablo Motos: "The deaf and dyke invites you to the XNUMXst century"

Pilar Lima, the United Podemos candidate in Valencia, will denounce El Hormiguero for making fun of her being deaf and lesbian

"Dear colleagues, especially dear Pillar. You are the mayor that needs Valencia: a deaf woman, dyke, feminist, brave... that he is not going to put himself in profile ». This is how the minister praised Irene Montero to the candidate of United We can to the mayor's office Valencia, the former senator Pilar Lima, at the rally that he held last Tuesday in Valencia. Just a few hours later, that comment was referred to on the show. The Anthill with a vexatious tone.

The program led by Pablo motos mocked the Valencian candidate for her deafness and her sexual orientation, using the presentation she made of her Irene Montero. As a result of this speech, a collaborator of the program, Miguel Lago, said: "As everything goes, start missing: here is lame...”, between laughs on the set.

Lima responds

Deaf, dyke, feminist and stubborn, that's how I am, no matter how much the cave dislikes”. The candidate of United Podem-United Esquerra to the mayor's office Valencia, Pilar Lima, defends himself from the ridicule of The Anthill. Lima has responded to the presenter in a video on his social networks: “Unides Podem was born with the aim of breaking down barriers and also making courageous policies that turn the nose of the powerful. Nothing hurts the patriarchy more than seeing a woman who has had to overcome all kinds of obstacles to reach the top like this". Lima The video ends with a call to attention to the communicator: “Pablo motos, from here, from Valencia, the deaf and the dyke invites you to the XNUMXst century; open your mind dear".

From the purple formation they have charged against the mockery of the program of Antena 3, which they consider a “contempt” towards his candidate: “They laugh at the possibility that a deaf and dyke woman may be mayor”, Has stated Angela Rodriguez, Secretary of State for Equality. Lima He has indicated today that his training is studying legal measures against the program, in addition to measures through the supervisory bodies of the media.

Homophobic and vexatious comments

Through a statement, he points out that "It is worrying that programs in prime time that are watched by millions of families and young people laughingly discriminate against us LGTBIQ + and people with disabilityWe are not the subject of jokes, we are people with all political rights and we can be mayors, of course we can”. The candidate and former parliamentary spokesperson considers that “due to behaviors such as those of these poisoners, there is the bullying and discrimination and we must fight them with all the tools, due to attitudes like this, we must apply the LGBTI law to the maximum and from Valencia ".

Pilar Lima to Pablo Motos: "The deaf and dyke invites you to the XNUMXst century"

Strasbourg declares it illegal to discriminate against a children's book for having LGTBI content

Strasbourg condemns Lithuania for stopping the publication of a children's storybook with LGTBI characters and labeling it harmful

El European Court of Human Rights has considered that labeling a children's book as harmful just because it contains content LGTBI violates freedom of expression, in an unprecedented sentence that responds to a lawsuit opened in Lithuania but that sets a precedent for all the countries integrated under the umbrella of the aforementioned court.

The facts date back to the end of 2013, when a university published a book by the author Neringa Dangvyde Macate, now deceased. The work, which was partially financed by the Ministry of Culture Aimed at children aged nine to ten, it adapted traditional fairy tales to include characters from different ethnic groups or intellectual disabilities with the aim of addressing issues such as stigma, bullying, divorced families or emigration. In addition, two of the six stories recounted same-sex relationships and marriages.

The publication led to complaints to the Ministry and the University, alleging for example that the book “encouraged perversion". The ethics inspection concluded that the text could be “harmful" for children under 14, so when distribution of the book resumed, it was done with a label warning of the content.

After a series of internal lawsuits, the controversy was raised in 2019 to the Strasbourg ECtHR, which finally concluded that the Lithuanian authorities contravened the article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, related to freedom of expression, and limited the access of minors to some stories that were limited to putting marriage between people of the same sex as “equivalent" to heterosexual union.

Preference for certain types of families

For the judges, the restrictions that were applied against the book, which limited its distribution, sought "limit children's access to information that describes same-sex relationships as essentially equivalent to relationships between different-sex couples”. And it "has broad social implications”, they warn in their ruling. In this, they also say "firmly" convinced that restrictive measures such as those adopted by Lithuania with the book of Macate "demonstrate that the authorities have a preference for certain types of relationships and families over others, and that they see relationships between different sexes as more socially acceptable and valuable than those of the same sex, thus contributing to the continued stigmatization of the latter".

The judges do not consider that the text was "sexually explicit” nor that, as he argued Government, a certain type of marriages was being promoted. “On the contrary, the stories advocated for the respect and acceptance of all members of society in a fundamental aspect of their lives., reads the final opinion.

Therefore, lithuanian state has been sentenced to pay $12.000 to the plaintiff's mother for damages, as well as to pay other 5.000 euros for the costs of the process. Bill ECHR, based in Strasbourg, is independent of the European Union and is responsible for providing a judicial response to violations of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Strasbourg declares it illegal to discriminate against a children's book for having LGTBI content


John Lewis: clothes without labels

John Lewis removes the distinction between boys and girls and launches a line of unisex clothing

GAYLES.TV.- J launches a gender non-specific clothing line and removes the boy and girl sections to 'not enhance gender stereotypes«. It is one of the most important department store chains in Europe with more than 150 years of history. The decision is a statement of principles and an example of business diversity. And most importantly, it will mark future generations of creatures and above all it will re-educate buyers, who in many cases are the ones with the most prejudices.

The distinction between children y girls in the exhibition of the products, ie the consumer will decide whether or not it is pleasing regardless of gender. All clothing will be labeled in a neutral fashion with a sign that puts Boys & Girls o Girls & Boys.

JOHN LEWIS CLOTHING WITHOUT LABELS GENDER GAYLES.TVIn addition, has launched a new collection with designs designed for all, breaking the imaginary that differentiated by genres so far. So says in a statement the director of children's clothing company Caroline Bettis: "We do not want to reinforce gender stereotypes in our collections. Instead, we want to offer a greater variety to our customers so that the parent or child can choose what they would like to wear. ".

Will this practice be extended?

The initiative J is clairvoyant. Now it remains to see if it becomes a trend and other brands are added. It seems a small step, but it can be a very important advance considering that it is the third largest department stores of Europe.

Here we go a little behind ... In 2015 Zara threw bodysuits with messages that said «the boys are smart, the girls are pretty ». After several complaints and accusations of child sexism, the pieces were removed. There is much to do.



Sources: Independent, The telegraphEl País


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Climb the summits for LGTBI rights to celebrate the milestones achieved.

GAYLES.TV.- To commemorate the International Pride Day 2021 the entities of the National LGTBI Council has proposed the campaign #ElsCimsPelsDretsLGTBI (#LasCramosPorLosDerechosLGTBI). The purpose of hanging the rainbow flag in the most emblematic places of the territory is to make the collective visible in Catalonia and celebrate the milestones achieved.

HazteOír recovers the hate bus to attack the Trans Law

HazteOír walks the transphobic bus through the streets of Madrid to collect signatures against the Trans Law

GAYLES.TV.- The far-right organization Do you hear he returns to the load with his famous transphobic bus. This time he has walked the streets of Madrid the hashtag #stopTrans Law and his now famous slogan “Boys have a penis. Girls have a vulva. Do not be fooled. If you are born a man, you are a man. If you are a woman, it will continue to be so”. A statement that could constitute a hate crime.

In addition, they have added a pullita for the PP and another for him PSOE in the back of the orange bus. For those of Sanchez «PSOE: Welcome to Biology»And for those who leave Genoa «PP: Are you in favor of Biology or the lobby LGTBI?«. Darts that should sting because of Carmen Calvo and her transexclusive feminism there is no one who can justify it.

HazteOir recovers the hate bus to attack the Trans Law"There is good news and it is that PSOE has assumed the thesis of the bus from and officially declared that boys have a penis and girls have a vulva. That is why we ask you to stop the crazy law that prepares Irene Montero. And by the way we ask the Party if it is next to biology or ideology”, They underline from Being aligned with the ultraconservatives should shock those who call themselves socialists.

Let us remember that this extreme right-wing pressure group has large amounts of money for its campaigns. The hate bus has been the most notorious. Do you hear It has managed to establish itself as a true fundamentalist pressure group, and it does so with a not inconsiderable economic cushion. As recorded in the report corresponding to 2015, that year they received 1.625.257 euros in concept of "membership fees"And another 997.760 euros as"donations".

Sources: Public

Photographer: Twitter

Carla Antonelli withdraws from the PSOE due to delays in the Trans Law

Carla Antonelli: "Socialism, if it is not brave, is not socialism"

The former deputy of the Assembly of Madrid Carla Antonelli, the first transsexual to occupy this position in Spain, has requested this Tuesday the withdrawal of militancy from the PSOE as a protest against themaneuver to extend deadlines” which, according to the activist, is planned by the PSOE in the processing of Trans Law in the Congress with "threat of more cuts” in the norm.

This is the full text in which Antonelli explains the reasons for his withdrawal from the party:

Carla Antonelli withdraws from the PSOE due to delays in the Trans Law«Today I have requested my withdrawal from membership in the PSOE: Not in my name.
But, even so, what I will never be able to take down is my socialist nature that goes in the vein, I was, am and will be a socialist, wherever I am and whatever the field of life.
Today, I have requested that my membership be processed in the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party, with immense and profound pain, from a political formation for which I have asked for the vote for 45 years, since that August 13, 1977 that I appeared in the written press of the time and they described me as a “politicized transvestite”, just two months after the first democratic elections, where since then I have militated in one way or another.
There will be people who will wonder why today and not when this delirium and hatred unleashed against the rights of trans people began two and a half years ago? And the answer is simple, because there are drops that fill glasses full and about to overflow, at the same time that, not for lack of desire, I put the -conscious self- and even, I affirm, even my own dignity, for a supreme interest and older. Which are the same ones that have always accompanied me, the fundamental rights of the group of people of which I am a part: girls, boys, children, adolescents and trans adults. Because it had to be fought for until it became law, just as I did in 2007 with the original Gender Identity norm, where a hunger strike had to be announced in protest against the indolence that they did not want to process it despite being a election pledge.
Today, for the same reasons that break my spirit, and in the face of the new maneuver of extending the deadlines for amendments until December with the threat of more cuts in the Law, which takes it to next year already immersed in the regional elections and municipal, which will be another of the possible arguments for new delays and in a sigh towards the end of the legislature.
And I want to say, that in my name and my militancy that is not going to happen, although the pain and uneasiness invade me, because there are many and many colleagues for whom I have memories of overwhelming empathy throughout all these years, of friendship, complicity, camaraderie and moments full of pride when regulations came forward that put Spain at the forefront of human rights towards the LGTBIQ+ collective, other people I don't even recognize them for what they once were and the current metamorphosis that only instills fear Also, there is a large number who are fathers, mothers, grandmothers, relatives or friends of trans people, who are now immersed in a terrible unease, as well as those who observe from silence and stupor. But, even so, what I will never be able to take down is my socialist nature that goes in the vein, I was, am and will be a socialist, wherever I am and whatever the field of life.
All these reasons are what lead me to deep disappointment and emptiness with the proceeding in the "Comprehensive Trans and LGTBIQ + Law", where the sirens' songs want to break the popular will, because a 40th Congress of the party has not been enough to reaffirm what the 39th had already endorsed, which both enshrined the commitment to comprehensive legislation towards the collective, from self-determination and depathologization, yes, that's right, without further ado. Something that we ourselves took to the Congress of Deputies in 2017, being even more progressive than the current text regarding the registration change of name and sex, which included non-binary people and did not exclude minors in any age group. ages, in addition to the guarantee in the residence cards of foreigners.
It has not been enough either to have included it in the electoral program, nor that said commitment was reflected in the investiture speech of the Coalition Government by the President of the Government himself in December 2019. In what has been going on since then until today, It has become a Dantesque nightmare, of transphobia, exclusions, internal and external humiliations that I keep for myself. As a button shows, that a lady member of the Council of State, Amelia Valcárcel de Quirós, called me “sir sixties” or that another well-known militant, Alicia Millares, directly told us “I call them uncles, because they are uncles” in a Congress from Gijon. Notes that are not, but the tips of the iceberg of the quarrelsome attitudes toward a few thousand people in this country that we have become their rag dolls, on which they spit and tear apart, unloading all their hatred and deep miseries -because sincerely - we have felt orphaned before these attitudes without any consequences where they should be taken. And everything, I will always say, because of an absurd war of quotas of space and power of people with names and surnames, to the point of denying and unsaying what we ourselves had drafted and written, or even taken to the autonomous communities like Madrid . Where we also defended and approved the most advanced Comprehensive Trans Law known to Spain, a mirror where other regions later looked at their regulations.
What was something external was made official with a transphobic pamphlet on the night of June 9, 2020, anniversary of the death of comrade Pedro Zerolo, for more fury and collective shame, which was sent to all the groups in Spain who was at that time Secretary of Equality of the Party, at the same time as First Vice President of the Government, Carmen Calvo. From then on, the nightmare acquired gigantic dimensions, not spending 24 hours in which I pronounced on the aberration of the argument, making it public on my personal accounts on social networks, and bearing in mind that at that time I was still a deputy in the Assembly of Madrid, which, as is well known, left me out in the following elections, for raising my voice in the face of unreason and defending what my political formation reflected in the statutes. The rest are only spurious arguments in favor of personal interests and histrionic egos, something that at the present date is already public and notorious, since if it was good in 2019 the same cannot be aberrant in 2022, as brief in the contradiction as that .
Sincerely, I hope that whoever has been my party until today reconsiders, because the battles against the human rights of a sector of the social fabric have always been called to be lost. Although the screaming overwhelms and scares, the satisfaction of doing, acting and being on the right side of history will always be more than recognized. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero himself, at present, says that the Equal Marriage Law is the one for which he is most congratulated on the street, although at the time he got half a million people against him. Here, the most they have achieved is 60 people in single file in front of Congress, so we must reflect on the scarcity of numbers and the inherited power they have in the media speakers. But, mainly, because after a year everything will have dissolved like a handful of soot in the middle of the sea.
I exhort and call on the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, to put the Law back in its place, as he did at the time, to close the deadlines for amendments and to continue the urgent procedure, for the word given and the commitment acquired. . Because socialism if it is not brave is not socialism, as Pedro Zerolo said, and so that the "Comprehensive Trans and LGTBIQ+ Law" is Law.
Prolonging it will only cause more pain and suffering to people who have definitely been marked with a -Star of David- on their foreheads in the XNUMXst century, something that will be remembered from the ignominy and deep shame of a country that he looked the other way when part of his community was persecuted and humiliated in an inhuman and gang-like manner.
For all that, not in my name and that of my militancy, today, I say the same as 16 years ago, I prefer to go down the street and look my trans colleagues in the face than bow my head in shame for having betrayed, and what is worse, having betrayed myself, which is when nothing is left and life loses its meaning. It didn't happen then and it won't happen now."
Carla Antonelli, LGTBIQ+ activist and first trans woman deputy in Spain.

Carla Antonelli withdraws from the PSOE due to delays in the Trans Law

Homophobia in a Barcelona market during confinement

«The dog has detected that you are a fagot«, Said the guard to the victim

GAYLES.TV.- A young gay man has reported that a security worker from the Clot Market de Barcelona He has uttered homophobic and racist insults while queuing to enter. The events occurred last Friday, and have already been reported to the Mossos d'Esquadra and Barcelona's town hall.

The victim, an Ecuadorian man, was waiting to go shopping at the municipal market, but the security guard let a woman in before him. «Us first«, Has snapped. Minutes later he added: «you know that the dog has detected that you are a fagot«.

«It has been a racist and homophobic act«, Details the president of l 'Observatory Against Homophobia, Eugeni Rodríguez. "The security company must terminate the contract to this person«, Has claimed.

During the confinement, the entity has registered 13 discriminatory acts against the LGTB + group. «The majority of cases are insults, humiliations and harassment through social networks«, Explains Rodríguez. For example, the case of a boy who was insulted by saying that he was gay on an Instagram live. Another of the most prominent discriminations was a police action in which the agents addressed a trans man without respecting his felt identity.



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This is the fifth time this 20 year old girl is attacked for being a lesbian

A 20-year-old girl was savagely beaten by two men for being a lesbian in England

GAYLES.TV.- Not the first time Charlie graham He suffers an assault because of his sexual orientation. Last week when I walked alone down the street to meet a friend in Sunderland (United Kingdom) Two men attacked her for being a lesbian. The young woman was shocked and covered in blood after being beaten and screaming and insulting LGBTIphobes.

“I was hit from the back with a fist on the back of my head, then I hit the ground, hurting my legs and face. I tried to get up again, but they pushed me to the ground and the two boys ran off. They left me bleeding and scared » remember with terror Graham. The police are investigating the case as a hate crime. On this occasion, in addition to the obvious physical consequences, the psychological ones have been very hard: “I'm not going anywhere alone anymore. I just feel comfortable in my mother's house. I have panic and anxiety attacks just thinking about going home in case they find out where I live and decide to go through the door, or they attack me in my own home », explains the young woman.

Five attacks

And it is that with just 20 years Graham know what is the lesbophobia because he has suffered it in his own meats on several occasions. Previously they had to put points because they opened one eye and in another attack she had a black eye when a subject hit her and insulted her when she was accompanied by his girlfriend. "I had people threatening to come through my door and break the windows," commented. He also added that it is the fifth time he has been the target of his homosexuality and is tragically resigned to the fact that he can be attacked again.

Despite the fear, Graham He wants to show the world his wounds so that people become aware of the brutality of hatred against diversity. That is why he has posted photographs of the aggression on social networks and has told the media about his terrible experience. Recently the attacks have happened LGBTIphobes en United Kingdom: from the millionaire rapist who assaulted 196 gays, to the attack of a 22 year old in Preston or the couple of lesbian assaulted on a bus London.

Charlie Graham lesbian blood beating

Source: Crónica, dddd



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Dulceida la lía in Africa

Controversial images of Dulceida and his wife in Africa set fire to social networks

GAYLES.TV.- A Dulceida (Aida Domenech) and his wife, Alba Paul, you can not accuse them of bad intentions, much less insidiously when sharing in Instagram some snapshots of your visit to Cape, but they have sinned of a certain naivety since the photographs lent themselves to all kinds of interpretations.

Let's recap The an influencer most popular in Spain and his partner traveled at Easter to South Africa, but his was not exactly a leisure trip or merely for educational purposes. The route served to advertise scholarships sponsored by Education First (EF), a company known for its language courses abroad. The known as Dulceida Scholarships they are helps to study English.

Up to here everything more or less correct. The problem is the fine line that separates the professional and personal life of Dulceida, fine not to say nonexistent, since as good an influencer it is just his life that he exhibits in the social network showcase to promote all kinds of fashion products. In fact, it is currently the image of Venus Gillete and of some own brands of different products, from perfumes to sunglasses.

And the sunglasses gave him the first headaches to Dulceida. In one of the photographs uploaded to the networks appear three African children wearing sunglasses that Dulceida presumes to have given them making them "very happy". The an influencer write at the bottom of the photo: "An hour with them has not been enough! Happy to have made you smile ". But not everyone has valued it as a gesture of generosity precisely. Many netizens have questioned the blatant use of minors to advertise their products, in this case the glasses, with an image that they describe as disgusting. The lack of empathy with the situation in the country has been criticized. "They don't have water, they don't have food, they don't have education, they don't have access to sanitation or medicine (…) but nothing happens because they already have Dulceida's glasses!"   This is an example of the alluvium of texts questioning Dulceida that have been published in Twitter and Instagram.

But the image that unleashed the anger on the Internet was one in which Alba, his partner, takes a bath in the hotel, all very normal if it were not because the country is suffering the worst drought in its history. And it is that Cape Town has run out of water. Since the 1 in February, restrictive measures have been adopted to mitigate the catastrophe: the maximum consumption per inhabitant is 50 liters per day. To give you an idea, a shower of 2 minutes and pull the chain once is an expense of 30 liters. They have restricted tasks like washing the car, or even washing their hair and If the situation does not improve, it is foreseen that the water in the city will end in mid-May.


But apparently Dulceida and her partner were unaware of the situation and the ordeal that the citizens of Cape Town are going through. The criticisms received have been very hard, as an example of a couple of comments on social networks: "Look how smart, they go to South Africa in the middle of a drought and take pictures in the full bathtub, it is hard for the whole country to be with water restrictions" or "Are they going to run out of water and you take a bath? Where is your ethics or morals »

Of course, Dulceida has already come out to defend her good intentions and she has even mentioned that she collaborates in aid of all kinds but that she does not have to make them public. Okay, but maybe girls would do well to advise them in the ways, because the bottom is not always enough.

Sources: elpaí,


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Lesbophobia in the Barcelona metro: «It disgusts me to see how you kiss»

Second case of lesbophobia in Barcelona in a few days

GAYLES.TV.- Last Wednesday on the L2 line of the metro Barcelona it happened again. Another LGTBIphobic aggression in the city. The second in two days. Last Monday, 1, in July, a man attacked a couple of women who drank something in a bar The Verneda with his son. The individual assaulted them shouting "I will kill you, bolleras"And twisted his arm to one of them. Now the aggressor is a woman. Bring a stroller.

It ensures that it has a «fagot brother»And that out of respect these things are not done in public. Although she does not respect anything and for ten minutes she insults and harasses women for having kissed. «It makes me sick to see you kissing", repeat. One of the victims takes out the mobile and records. He replies that she «he eats his mouth with who he wants«.

"The only person who interceded was a person who, in her head, was more likely to be attacked more than us, an elderly, Muslim, veiled womanqwho physically intervened when the woman tried to grab my cell phone and hurt my partner's arm”Added one of the threatened girls. «In the middle of a car full of people. Nobody moved a finger. It is very easy to put a badge on the day of pride, but LGBTQ + people continue to suffer daily violence by connivance with this type of aggression", Write on Twitter.

The aggressor insists and stands as a representative of society: «It is not that to shut up you do not see uncle, we will have to give the reason to all these people. And to feminists. What happens is that everyone is silent«. Realizing that the girls spoke Catalan, he added: “In addition, Catalan".

"Homophobia is not fixed with racism"

The couple filed a complaint with the Mossos d'Esquadra and has opened a thread on Twitter to thank for the support received:

«Clara and I want to thank you for all the support we are receiving and the dissemination that you are doing. We did not imagine that all this would have such an impact. Sorry if we are not able to respond to all the messages and answers. We try to read them all and we are deeply grateful. You make us very accompanied and strong. We also want to make it very clear that homophobia is not a matter of race, ethnicity or language. We would not like this aggression to be instrumentalized to criminalize a collective. We meet every day with similar situations. And yes, unfortunately also (especially) with men, whites, (also) Catalan speakers. In no case we want to remove responsibility from the aggressor, but to blame a specific group for a generalized problem is not wanting to review ourselves as a society. Homophobia is not fixed with racism. Once again we want to thank all who share and support the struggle. Junt * s we are more strong * s«.

Source: The vanguard, Global Chronicle, Twitter Carla Gallén

Photographer:Twitter Carla Gallén


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Antonio Muñoz, the new mayor of Seville, is openly gay

Antonio Muñoz: "I don't think it will harm me to recognize my homosexuality"

The new mayor of Sevilla, Antonio Muñoz (PSOE), has shown his hope that it does not harm him to admit his homosexuality in public, as he did in his inauguration speech before the representatives of the entire city.

It has a great trajectory within the Socialist Party and for his work in the City of Seville, has also been recognized on more than one occasion as one of the public figures openly LGTBI most influential of Spain.

The mayor has declared: «I don't think that could harm me. I can tell you that it was not something I had in mind, it did not appear in my speech, but I don't know, it came out spontaneously. I said it with all the naturalness, that I believe that is how we should approach these types of questions«.

He was referring to the phrase in which he explained that when he walked to the Town hall for the full investiture, «I have felt again how lucky I am because I was accompanied by my partner, Fernando, and for living in this city, for having found my place in the world«, As he confessed with emotion.

Seville, a benchmark for sexual diversity

Muñoz He maintains that this statement will not harm him because «SevillaIn recent years, it has walked the path of a tolerant city, a city of reference for sexual diversity and of all kinds«. «I have to admit that I was surprised by the positive reaction of some people»When he alluded to his partner, to the point that some have told him that it was what they liked the most of the whole speech because it addressed a«very personal statement«.

«Of course, I do not think it harms me, and I would not worry if that harms me, because they would not be people who are aligned with the times.«, Has concluded the recently released Sevillian mayor. Asked if there is still a way to admit sexual diversity, he replied that «What I see above all are dark clouds in the political panorama in view of the advance that the extreme right is predicted to have in some European countries and in the case of Spain«.

Advancement of the far right

«I am concerned that advances in sexual diversity and equality, in the achievements that women have made in recent years, with the denial of these issues and with the advancement of the extreme right, could this permeate among younger people, in some layers of the population" and that "that could be a setback«, Has affirmed.

After underlining that «That is not what I would like to see happen in Seville«, Has emphasized that«I will certainly fight, I will raise my voice, my voice will not shake in vindicating a feminist Seville and that it continues to be a benchmark of diversity«.

This challenge for the future is based on four axes: a city that works, is inclusive, green and that is the engine of economic transformation, for which Muñoz Has offered "management, management and management"And"claim, claim and claim" for what Sevilla have "the level you deserve"As the fourth city of Spain.

Antonio Muñoz, new gay mayor of Seville