Attack on homosexuals of the new Italian Minister of the Family

lorenzo-fontana- Attack on homosexuals of the new Italian Minister of the Family

Lorenzo Fontana, Italy's new Minister of Family and Disability, said that "gay families do not exist"

GAYLES.TV.- Lately it has become fashionable to use the term Frankenstein to describe certain unions: a Frankenstein government, a Frankenstein budget approval or a Frankenstein coalition. And it seems that the time of the absolute majorities has passed into history and the time has come to sit down, agree and talk. But coalitions are not without their risks and there may be the case of authentic pacts against nature such as that of the recently agreed government in Italy formed by the extreme right-wing Liga and the anti-system Five Star Movement. The jurist Giuseppe Conte he acts as prime minister and the vice-presidencies are shared by the leaders of both formations: Luigi Di Maio and Matteo Salvini.


In the allocation of ministries, the Family and Disability has touched the League and the front has been placed Lorenzo Fontana, an ultra-Catholic graduate in Political Science of 38 years who has managed to outrage homosexuals, feminists and anyone of progressive thinking in Italy. In a recent interview with Corriere della Sera, Fontana said that "Gay families do not exist before the law", this despite the fact that in the last legislature a law was passed recognizing civil unions between people of the same sex. He added that "The family is the natural one, where a child has a mother and a father". Given the avalanche of criticism received, the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini has tried to distance himself by declaring that: "Fontana is free to have his ideas, but they are not a priority and they are not in the government program". Do not forget, anyway, that Salvini himself recently claimed that "The children have a mom and dad and not a 1 parent and 2 parent".

Among the priorities of Fontana is to seek measures to discourage abortion and increase birth rates because, in his opinion, the low birth rate is "a real problem for Italy and Europe" and considers essential to reverse the existing imbalance between young people and the elderly. “Economically the situation is also unsustainable. Europe is said to be aging and in need of immigrants. However, I think that what you have to do is have children. ". Let's see what the Italians think, for example.

In short, that the two-headed hydra that makes up the Italian executive threatens to return its citizens to the Middle Ages unless associations, parties and entities put the batteries to avoid greater evils. Of the infinity of statements collected these days we highlight the one of the deputy of the PD Alessia Rotta who said he expects Fontana "Be a minister to all, also to those who do not think like him". Well, Fontana, you govern for all and for all.

Sources:,, elespañ


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