"We don't know what Marijaia has under her skirt", Bilbao vindicates diversity

Bilbao receives the Aste Nagusia with a recognition of the transsexual children marijaia "We don't know what Marijaia has under her skirt", Bilbao vindicates diversity

Bilbao receives the Aste Nagusia with a recognition of transgender minors

GAYLES.TV.- «We don't know what he has Marijaia under the skirt and we don't care, we want her the same»Said the hawker Beatriz Sever, spokesperson of the Association of Families of Transgender Children of Euskadi and Navarra Naizen, before thousands of people from Bilbao that filled the Plaza del Arriaga Theater. In a big way and without complexes, Bilbao He gave a lesson in visibility and commitment to trans families. And it was shown that society is always one step ahead of politics.

Bilbao receives the Aste Nagusia with a recognition of the transsexual children marijaia«How special is it Bilbao that, while in other places they try to make our daughters and sons invisible, here we are offered this speaker to shout to the world that there are girls with penis and boys with vulva. They're here. And they are Happy«He declared to the applause of all the people of Bilbao. «An open city, prepared to understand and cultivate the richness of human experiences, also of transsexuality" said Sever.

The hawker wished «that no one else suffers because they cannot be who they really are«. Therefore, he had a memory for Ekai Lersundi, the Vizcaino transgender teenager of 16 who committed suicide last year after years of struggle to recognize their true gender identity.

Something is changing. The other highest authority of the Aste Nagusia she was also a woman, the txupinera Itsasne Núñez. The mayor of Bilbao, Juan Maria Aburto, wished parties "without sexist aggressions, in which joy, security, respect and diversity prevail." And it is that the six sexist aggressions in less than 24 hours occurred in Donosti Just a week ago.

Source: eldiario.es, The Basque newspaper

Photographer: The Basque newspaper, Public


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