The alleged serial killer of gays in Bilbao declares that he attacked “on impulse”
«I certainly didn't want to hurt him or kill him, as they are accusing me now.”. With these statements he has defended Nelson David MB, accused of trying to suffocate a neighbor Bilbao in december 2021, during the trial that began this Monday in the Provincial Court of Bizkaia. The accused, who has only responded to the questions of his lawyer, has acknowledged that he performed a maneuver with his arms with the aim of stunning the victim and stealing his bank cards. However, the known date killer has denied that his intention was to kill the victim, which he has declared behind closed doors.
Nelson David MB, who faces a request for a sentence of up to almost 18 years, has stated that the December 17th 2021 He went to the victim's house, whom he had met weeks before through the app wapo. While they were on the couch, she hugged him.”with the left arm giving him kisses on the neck”. However, at a moment when she began to press harder, the victim became scared and began to scream: “Help, he wants to kill me!".
In his statement, the accused insisted that he tried to calm the victim, but when he saw that it was not possible he wanted to flee. “What I was doing is not who I am as such”, he stated. For this reason, she has indicated that a quarter of an hour after leaving the victim's home she contacted him through the same application to apologize.
A band in Bilbao
During this first session, the accused admitted that he had a gang with which he regularly operated. It is, supposedly, three other men who met in March 2021 in the living room santana 27 in a festive context. Two of them used to deceive the victims while the other two extracted the money from the cards and carried out the Bizum to divide the loot. In fact, the accused has acknowledged that on the day of the events for which he is being tried, his accomplices were in the vicinity of the victim's home, in Old Town of Bilbao. "You screwed up, we have to open up", they allegedly snapped at him after learning what happened.
Modus Operandi
The existence of a modus operandi It is relevant since the accused's pending legal cases add up to another six, some of them archived. In fact, the objective of the defense lawyer is for the accused to also be tried for the dismissed proceedings. It was precisely the complaint of this victim who managed to escape an attempted strangulation that put the suspect on the trail. Ertzaintza about a possible serial killer in Bilbao, since the investigations they uncovered a pattern –all of his victims were homosexuals–, casting doubt on five deaths that had initially been considered natural.
Likewise, the accused's strategy during his statement, which lasted half an hour, was based on trying to defame the victim. "He liked strong sex, very sadomasochistic”, he explained before explaining that the first of their meetings took place two days before the attempted asphyxiation for which he is being tried. “He asked me to hit him harder, he always wanted more”, he pointed out. Likewise, he has indicated that the victim was a habitual cocaine user and that before their last meeting she offered him “a Colombian coffee with white sugar”. The accused, who has declared himself bisexual, has stated that “In the group, parties are mixed with drugs a lot”, alluding to a practice known as chemsex.