Venezuelan lesbian activist Giniveth Soto killed

Venezuelan lesbian activist Giniveth Soto killed

NEWS.- Venezuela has received with indignation the crime of Giniveth Soto, lesbian, fighter for the rights of the LGTBI community and niece of the deputy Fernando Soto Rojas. According to several LGTBI rights organizations, Giniveth's death occurred when he was shot in the head after resisting the theft of his vehicle.

Soto, psychologist of 32 years, she had married in Argentina with her partner Migdelis Miranda in June of the 2013 and I had recently been a mother. Both had a son named Salvador, who was born thanks to the implantation of an egg of Giniveth in the womb of his partner, where gestation developed. The Venezuelan State had rejected the legality of the marriage bond and refused to deliver a birth certificate of Salvador with the surnames of the two mothers.

Giniveth has stood out as a tireless fighter for the rights of lesbians, gays, transsexuals and bisexuals in Venezuela, especially in the campaign for the approval of the equal marriage and the rights of homoparental families.

Unfortunately, the murder of Giniveth is not an isolated incident in a country convulsed by extreme violence. A month and a half ago, the campaign started "For a safe Christmas", but this has not prevented that, in the first 14 days of December, a total of 222 income of corpses in the main morgue of the capital is counted.

From we want to send our deepest condolences to the Giniveth family, especially to his partner Migdelis and his son Salvador. Rest in peace.

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