Murdered 6 members of the LGTBI community in Uganda

Murdered 6 members of the LGTBI community in Uganda

The repeal of the "anti-gay law" in Uganda has unleashed the fury of the most conservative and homophobic sectors of the Ugandan society.

As expressed in a recent press release two organizations of LGTBI activists, 9 last August 6 individuals, 3 gais, 2 transsexuals and a lesbian, were brutally attacked by a group of fanatics. The victims were besieged and received countless blows and stones that caused them death. Apparently one of them survived the stoning and was burned alive using kerosene-paraffin.

According to the same sources, what would have unleashed the fury of the attackers was the fact that a group of some 200 people celebrated the annulment by the Constitutional Court of the aforementioned anti-gay law on the Entebbe beach.

The international community should react to the atrocity of sectors of the Ugandan people taking justice into their own hands while the local authorities remain silent about it.

Given the serious situation of siege that is being lived, members of LGTBI collectives from Uganda seek refuge in neighboring countries.

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