Argentina, the first country in Latin America to recognize non-binary people
The national identity document in Argentina (DNI) registers the option 'X' since last Wednesday when defining the gender of the person concerned. Non-binary people are identified with that letter, those who do not feel like men or women. This is established by a presidential decree that puts the country at the forefront in this matter within Latin America.
The norm establishes the possibility of incorporating a third option in order to safeguard the right to gender identity, contemplated by law since 2012. «The nomenclature 'X' in the field 'sex' will include the following meanings: non-binary, indeterminate, unspecified, undefined, not reported, self-perceived, not recorded; or another meaning with which the person who does not feel included in the male / female binomial could identify«, Reads the decree published in the official gazette.
DNI for non-binary people
President Alberto Fernández delivered the first three documents with the new nomenclature in a ceremony held in the Bicentennial Museum, next to the Casa Rosada. "The state should not care about the sex of its citizens«, Said the president and celebrated that there is«a thousand ways to love, be loved and be happy«. The standard argues that «The right to identity has a direct and indissoluble link with the right not to suffer discrimination, to health, to privacy and to carry out one's own life plan«.
Decree No. 476/21 was published today to complete the Gender Identity Law. For this, RENAPER will incorporate the nomenclature "X" in National Identity Documents and Passports in the field referred to "sex". Read more on the web
- Official Gazette RA (@boletin_oficial) July 21, 2021
«There are other identities besides that of man and woman and they must be respected«, Maintained the president. The Argentine LGBT Federation he applauded what he defined as a «historic advance in rights" thanks to "organizational activism«.
«Although the use of the 'X' is not totally inclusive in the recognition of the wide range of identities that exist, it is an important step on the path towards real equality of laws », points out the Federation. In this sense, it considers that «it is the best way to be able to recognize a right and not to lose others«.
For his part, the president Fernandez considered that approval of equal marriage «it was the beginning of this whole journey towards diversity«, Remembering the law that has been in force since 2010. Recently Argentina also passed a law that established a trans job vacancy in the national public administration. The nomenclature 'x' in the field corresponding to sex will appear on the national identity document and in the passport. With this change Argentina joins other countries like Canada, Australia y New Zealand.