The draft of the new Catalan trans law enters a public hearing phase

Catalonia wants to grant a guaranteed income to young trans victims of violence The draft of the new Catalan trans law enters a public hearing phase

La Conselleria d'Egualtat i Feminismes The draft of the comprehensive law for the recognition of the right to gender identity and expression has already been prepared

La Conselleria d'Egualtat i Feminismes The preliminary draft of the comprehensive law for the recognition of the right to gender identity and expression has already been prepared, which will enter a public hearing phase in the coming days and whose main articles have been presented this Wednesday. The objective of this law – if it finally goes ahead, an extreme that is not guaranteed by the legislature’s timing – is to complement the state regulation promoted by the former minister. Irene Montero.

Catalan trans law

La state law responds, among other aspects, to sex change registration (which is now done without the need to present a medical report), something for which the autonomies have no competence. Now, the autonomous law Catalan government plans to address other areas (such as health, education or culture, which fall under the autonomy) and, in some way, give the status of law to rights already recognized by the Catalan Administration.

For example, the trans law of Catalonia aims to establish the principle of depathologization of trans people, so that no right recognized in the regulation is conditional on the prior presentation of medical or psychological reports. This is what I've been doing for years. Trànsit, the health care service for trans people, a pioneer in Spain and Europe.

Furthermore, the new text will address the right to recognition of gender identity in a comprehensive manner, and will include the intersex people, will incorporate measures against transphobia and intersexphobia (with, for example, fines of between 300 and 500.000 euros). It will also force administrations to name and treat people with the name and gender identity expressed.

Non-binary gender box

One of the most innovative aspects is that it will require incorporating into the forms and administrative documents a third box with the option of non-binary gender. At the same time, it also recognizes access to public healthcare of trans people in an irregular administrative situation and guarantees the right of access to assisted reproduction techniques for the entire group.

Finally, the law will also include measures in the areas of education, employment, housing, culture and sports, as well as a section on historical and democratic memory of the trans community.

Catalonia wants to grant a guaranteed income to young trans victims of violence

Sources: El Periodico

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