Amnesty International considers that the Hungarian anti-LGTBI law is "incompatible" with human rights
La NGO Amnesty International has called for the repeal of the anti LGTBI law approved in 2021 by the Government of the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, a regulation that is «incompatible" with the Human rights because it discriminates against people in the group, instills fear in society and restricts fundamental rights, such as freedom of expression or access to information.
The controversial law, approved by the Hungarian Parliament in July 2021, was announced as a reform to strengthen the protection of minors against pedophilia crimes, although it includes measures that discriminate and stigmatize the LGTBI community.
Specifically, it prohibits carrying out activities in schools that "promote homosexuality» or the change of gender and also vetoes the broadcast on television of audiovisual content that addresses the situation of the group. In Hungary there is also another legislation that prevents same-sex couples from adopting.
Anti LGTBI law
The NGO concludes in the report »From freedom to censorship: consequences of the Hungarian propaganda law«, that since the approval of this measure, access to information on thematic LGTBI It's every time "more difficult«, especially for teenagers.
«La propaganda law It has created an environment of fear and limited access to information, especially for young people. The fear of sanctions has had an intimidating effect that is stopping citizens from providing, seeking and receiving information about sexual orientation and gender identity."said the person in charge of the LGTBI area of Amnesty International Hungary, Eszter Mihály.
In that sense Michael has pointed out that this «campaign against rights» of LGTBI people has contributed to «generate negative stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes","pointing out those in society who defend equality«.
For this reason, many media outlets, organizations and advertising companies have stopped disseminating this type of content for fear of facing legal proceedings and smear campaigns in the pro-government press.
«This law has no place in Hungary and is promoting the increase in stigmatization and negative stereotypes of LGTBI people. It must be repealed immediately and steps must be taken to repair the damage it has caused."He reiterated Michael.