VOX deputy Alicia Rubio is an LGBTIphobic reef

Alicia Rubio Vox VOX deputy Alicia Rubio is an LGBTIphobic reef

Alicia Rubio: "The LGTBI law is a social shame"

GAYLES.TV.- La deputy of Vox in the Madrid Assembly Alicia Rubio it is coming off. The author of famous phrases such as «feminism is cancerr »charges against el collective LGTBI and the laws that defend your rights. The deputy who encouraged to put a sewing subject because «It empowers a lot to sew a button»Declared last February in the program of Intereconomy The cat in the water that LGTBI law thyenas «Tremendous ideological flaws that violated fundamental rights. That law is a real social shame.

«If you really want to defend children, you should not defend homosexual children, if there is such a thing, or trans children, you must defend all children. That law is not a law that tries to defend children. It is a law that gives a lot of privileges to some groups, invests a lot of public money for those groups and creates client networks in the same way that feminist clientele networks have been created. And that is one of the great embarrassments of the PP.»Argued in the Intereconomía program.

Last week in his speech at the Assembly of Madrid he also lashed out at Comprehensive Gender Violence Law accusing women of creating false complaints encouraged to obtain benefits in the divorce process. And accused of denial who did not think like her.

LGTBI + references

In February of 2018, in a round table on Gender Ideology and Education Blond criticized that «certain models and behaviors are being normalized » when it comes to introducing homosexual characters in film and television. «Many times, in addition, the most sympathetic character, most wonderful, is homosexual, which works with the child's affection for the character«, He added.

«One thing is that they tell us that there are gay people and another thing is that the kids are being induced to consider that as positive as heterosexuality.«, Continued the deputy of Vox. And is that our friend is very much on the subject even knows the request of the fans so that the Elsa be a lesbian. His opinion, but, is that «Si Frozen She's a lesbian, the girl is going to want the little dress and the little friend is going to want«.

Transsexuals are also targets in their speeches: «The child wants to be Superman, and they also believe they can be Superman. That is one of the big problems when they are told that you can choose to be a girl or a boy, and you cannot choose. Another thing is that there are certain situations or pathologies that must be analyzed and studied.«. He had already spoken about transsexuality and gender ideology in a network of evangelical Christian television channels where he went so far as to say: «You can also choose to be chicken, be tall even if you are short, be blonde even if you are brown. After all, you can dye«.

Source: UH News, The cat in the water

Photography: PressDigital


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