Something more than «Friends»

friends two mustaches Something more than «Friends»

«Amigas»: the anthology that vindicates three centuries of lesbian love

GAYLES.TV.- Love between women is the common thread of «Amigas»A set of stories written by Anglo-Saxon authors between the centuries XVIII and XX. The publisher specialized in thematic LGTB +, feminism and gender Two mustaches has edited this anthology of several authors translated by Eva Gallud y Gloria Fortun.

In fact they were gallud y Fortun who separately presented similar proposals to the publisher that encouraged them to work together. "They fit perfectly into our catalog: first, because they recovered and valued authors and classic works of literature; and second, because they dealt with love between women”, Explain those responsible for Two mustaches, Alberto Rodriguez y Gonzalo left.

This collection of stories from women who love women are written by Constance Fenimore Woolson, Elizabeth stuart phelps, Sarah Orne Jewett, G, willa kather, Kate chopin, Jane barker, Sui Sinfar y ALice Dunbar-Nelson, among other. In the texts various types of loves are shelled, from adolescent crushes to well-known Bostonian marriages, sexual, passionate, lost or idealized loves.

"In all the stories, a very strong relationship between two women is explicit, and one of them is usually the main person in the life of the other”, Continues Fortun. "We propose a game, that's why we call it Friends, it is about finding those clues that the authors left to be able to publish the stories and that only certain women recognized them". "They are literary and life strategies", Add gallud, emphasizing the importance of subtext.

friends two mustaches

Source:, Two mustaches

Photographer: Two mustaches

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