LGTBIphobic attacks increase by 40% in Asturias this 2023

LGTBIphobic attacks increase by 40% in Asturias this 2023 LGTBIphobic attacks increase by 40% in Asturias this 2023

Asturias has registered 30 cases of attacks on people belonging to the LGTBI group during this year

El Asturian Observatory against LGTBIphobia has noted a notable increase, above the 40 percent, of complaints about manifestations of hate, attacks and acts of discrimination against people LGTBI en Asturias. Specifically, in 2023 he registered 30 complaints, presented by as many people, for some type of aggression or discrimination for homophobic or transphobic reasons, nine more than in 2022.

The counselor of Territorial Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and Citizen Rights, Ovidio Zapico, has expressed concern about theimportant rebound” in the number of attacks that, as he has emphasized, “They are surely encouraged by those hate speeches that, unfortunately, are increasingly carried out by certain political groups.”.

“Unfortunately these hate speeches permeate, even though it is a very minority part of Asturian society. "We have to analyze how to combat this situation from this Ministry and this Government committed to citizen rights.", remarked the counselor, who has advocated trying “reverse this worrying situation”.

He has opted for “work for expansion” of these rights and for the promotion of “a peaceful coexistence within the Asturian society that has always shown itself to be a dialoguing, open and tolerant people", as well as the "commitment of the Government of progressive unity of the region, which has a reformist vocation" is evident..

Futura Asturian LGTBI law

LGTBIphobic attacks increase by 40% in Asturias this 2023In this sense, he has indicated that the budget project multiplies investments by 2,2 with respect to the existing items in this matter in 2023, which “is reflected overwhelmingly in the fight against LGTBIphobia”, has pointed out.

In his opinion, “"It is very important that next Friday, when the amendments to the entirety are going to be voted on, you should know that if you choose to present an amendment to the entirety, you also support a cut in citizen rights and LGTBI policies.".

The CEO of Citizen Participation, Transparency, Sexual Diversity and LGTBI, Nuria Rodríguez, showed his concern about conflictive situations within families, something rare until now. “H.“There are families who are understanding that the sexual orientations of their sons and daughters do not correspond to something healthy and positive.”, he indicated, advancing that the future Asturian LGTBI law, on whose draft the Principality, must consider appropriate policies for its prevention.

LGTBIphobic attacks increase by 40% in Asturias this 2023


Sources: La Nueva EspañaRTPA

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